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Hope College


Holland, Michigan

A student-run nonprofit publication

February 2000 Minnesota, or Bust

Serving the H o p e College C o m m u n i t y for I I 3 years

Greeks sentenced

Court Issues


and Delphi

•>4 CAARE-sponsored mock trial will simulate a real court case.

investigations end with no contest pleas.

CARRIE A R N O L D campusbeat editor

A N D R E W LOTZ: spotlight editor

Drinking. Dale rape. Allorneys. Trials. In rcccnl monlhs, Hope College has had lo deal wilh all of these iss u e s , a n d i h e s e i s s u e s will be brought to life in People vs. Stevens, a mock trial sponsored by C a m p u s Assault and Awareness Response Education (CAARE), tonight from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Maas Auditorium. " S o many people have experienced something like this," said Natalia Vander Hoek ('02). "A lot of people don't realize they've even been in a situation." The mock trial was designed to give Hope students a realistic look at a sexual assault case. Christa Collins, director of C A A R E , believes that the circumstances of the assault in the trial shadow the experiences of many victims of sexual assault. "It's very difficult to prove a case w h e r e d r i n k i n g is i n v o l v e d , " Collins said. "It comes down to he said, she said." The trial will include members of Hope's campus, as well as various community members. It will feature real judges and attorneys, a nurse examiner from the Grand Rapids Y W C A . and an o f f i c e r from the Holland Police Departmerll. Each of them will testify during the trial. Hope students will play the victim. d e f e n d a n t , and various witnesses. The participants have all been given scripts, although they are allowed to personalize them as lhey see fit. "It's being prepared as a normal more TRIAL on 8



by Jamie Shiparski

F I L T R A T I O M D E B A T E D : Andrew Mulder, Holland City Attorney, explains the effect of the proposed ballot. If the ballot passes, the library could lose nearly $1.2 million in city funding. The vote will be Tuesday, Feb. 22.

H o l l a n d faces f i l t e r issues JANE BAST infocus e d i t o r

When the safety of children collides wilh freedom of speech, the result is an emotional debate. Residents of the City of Holland will vote on an o r d i n a n c e that could decide the future of Herrick District Library. If passed, the ordinance, which is on the Feb. 22 ballot, would make it possible for Holland lo withhold funding for

the library until il installs Internet fillers on its computers. Hope College currently does not employ filtering technology. "The ballot proposition will be one of a financial position," said city A t t o r n e y A n d r e w M u l d e r . Mulder, who is a Hope College graduate, stressed that the debate centers on two levels of legal issues. "The first issue is whether or not a public library has the right to restrict Internet access due to the first

amendment," Mulder said. The second issue is a matter of finance and contract. If passed, the city could withhold s o m e $1.2 million of funding which could make it nearly impossible for the library to pay its bills. Although the ballot proposition is fiscally oriented, much of the debate has centered around the ethics of Internet filters. "Minors at the Herrick library m o r e FILTERS

on 3

A Feb. 9 Allegan court ruling ended the investigation of a Frater/ Delphi Halloween parly with the sentencing of two Hope students and the two Greek organizations. The sentencing, which comes nearly four months after the incident, punished those involved with the party and a hit-and-run accident that alerted the police. Benjamin Damstra ('00) pleaded no contest to careless driving and furnishing alcohol to a minor. For . the alcohol violation, he was fined $1,000 and was given one year of probation. He was also fined $105 for careless driving. Jeremy Nickels ('01) pleaded no contest to furnishing alcohol lo a minor. He was also fined $1,000 and given one year of probation. Phillip Haan ('00), president of the Frater Fraternity, and Laura Parsons ('00), president of the Delphi Sorority, entered no-contest pleas on behalf of their organizations. E a c h of the o r g a n i z a t i o n s w e r e fined $600 and ordered lo perform college-assigned community service while on one year's probation. The court did not elaborate on the m o r e GREEK on 8

C o m m i t t e e defines "religious KATE V A N K R I M P E N ad representative

After a year-long debate, the Religious Life Committee (RLC) of Hope College has finally agreed on a definition of "religious." At the December 14, 1999 meet-

ing of the Administrative Affairs board, a s u b s t i t u t e motion was unanimously approved. The motion states that the term "broad religious objectives" is to be interpreted lo mean "objectives lhal support the Christian faith." "I think il was a very satisfactory

decision," said Peter Schakel, professor of English. " T h e role of the committee is to enhance the Christian dimension of the college, and in doing so, assess the climate of religious life on campus." As stated in the faculty handbook, one of the functions of the commit-

tee is "to promote the broad religious objectives of the College." Student committee member Amy Avery ('02) said, "I think (the definition) is kind of vague in some aspects — they are trying to enhance the Christian dimension at Hope, more RELIGIOUS on 2

RISE starts c u r r e n t issues of faith speaker series MELISSA R O O P copy e d i t o r

Members of the Hope College community will soon be able to discuss controversial ethical issues in a new series "sponsored by R e f u g e in Spiritual Expression (RISE.). For the three weeks following Winter Break. RISE will be hosting various speakers, including professors and community members. The purpose of the "Current Is-

sues of Faith" series, created by the RISE leadership team, is to engage the college in reflection on difficult issues. This series will begin on Feb. 21 with a discussion on abortion. Speakers will include Dr. Jane Dickie, Director of Women's Studies, and Dr. Leigh O'Connor, professor of psychology. The following week the social aspects of homosexuality will be addressed. Several community members with varying opinions will be

presenting their views. The series will culminate with Dr. Lynn Japinga of the religion department speaking about the gender of God. The focus will be to try to reconcile faith and feminism. RISE has held forums on the topics of homosexuality and feminism in the past. " R I S E handles hot topics well," said Katie Paarlberg ( 4 02), vicepresident of RISE. She believes that some college

students have not come to their own conclusions on such issues. Her hope for this series is that inter- ^ ested people can go, listen to ^ others' beliefs, and form their ^ i*r own opinions. "These are important top- £ ics to deal with that people think a b o u t , but d o n ' t talk about because they cause arguments," Paarlberg said. She stressed the respectful setting m o r e RISE on 2



check •

it out. •


Anchor@Hope.Edu (616) 395-7877

Hemenway earns award Campusbeat, p a g e 2.

Distances affect relationships Spotlight, pages 6 - 7 .

Concert celebrates director's work Intermission, p a g e 9.

Coach takes high school job Sports, p a g e 12.


C a m p u s Beat



I 6,2000

Staff and faculty t o join students on missions PAUL L O O D E E N production editor

In jusi a few short w e e k s collcgc siudenis all over the country will be packing their bags to go on Spring Break. Some Hope students, however. leave c a m p u s to do something more meaningful with their time. Mission trips are planned by the students, led by the students, and designed f o r students. This year President Bultman is trying to generate interest a m o n g the faculty and staff so that o n e m e m b e r of the staff and faculty would go on each mission trip. T h i s will let the faculty and staff

get involved with the ministry side of the c o l l e g e , " said S t e p h a n i e Velander COO), a mission trip leader to Dungannon. Va. T o a c c o m p l i s h t h i s g o a l of Bultman would mean asking students to switch from existing trips to a n o t h e r mission trip that was added to offset the students needing to leave their present trip. "To the extent that is possible this year I hope that we have faculty and staff as part of the trip," said President James Bultman, "It may not be possible to implement it fully this year." If this is not successful than it would mean bumping students.

Bultman stressed that the intent of this new addition to the program is not to send chaperons but to insure safety for the students. " W e ' r e interested in providing the kind of care to the students invested in us to be responsible and prudent," said Bultman. "Accidents do happen, and we pray about the trips and trust, but accidents hap-

"It feels like we are broken u p as team," said trip leader Kara Burk COO). Selections for spots on the mission trips were held at the end of fall semester. T h e vans hold only 15 people, and for most trips all spots are already filled. "We are not forcing anyone to be bumped from the trips." Bultman said. "We do not have enough adults

pen." The student leaders have come to u n d e r s t a n d this and s e e m to approve of B u l t m a n ' s intentions. "I understand where he is c o m ing f r o m , " said Velander. "I think he is just trying to cover his bases." Not all leaders agree with these

yet." Currently, this is not a problem with students going on trips. "They have just asked for volunt e e r s to s w i t c h if n e c e s s a r y , " Velander said. "I d o n ' t know of any problems so far."

campus briefs

ment F u n d " award. On Jan. 27, H e m e n w a y received this award, w h i c h is given to Hope faculty and s t a f f w h o h a v e made great contributions to the personal lives of students. O v e r his y e a r s at Hope. Hemenway, who started in 1972. has won other awards. In 1 9 9 9 , at t h e "Tenth International C o n f e r e n c e on C o l lege T e a c h i n g and Learning," H e m e n w a y w a s o n e of 64 educators to be given an award f o r " I n n o v a t i v e E x c e l l e n c e in Teaching, Learning and Technology." Hemenway was named "Professor of the Year" in 1992, and in 1990 he received the "Sears-Roe-

buck Foundation Teaching Excell e n c e and C a m p u s L e a d e r s h i p " award. In 1977. the graduating class awarded him the " H o p e Outstanding P r o f e s s o r E d u c a t o r " award. H e m e n w a y is also the founder and faculty advisor of the Environmental Issues G r o u p , and has led the college's Vienna S u m m e r School since 1976. T h e S Hemenway " VanderbushWeller Development F u n d " was named in honor of Alvin V a n d e r b u s h ( ' 2 9 ) by Ken Weller ('48), w h o created this fund. V a n d e r b u s h w a s a p r o f e s s o r at Hope and a football coach. Weller was one of Vanderbush's players, and later also taught and coached football at Hope.


RISE f r o m

• V-

Anchor pfroXo b y Carrie Arnold


RISE meetings. One reason that RISE is sponsoring this series is to allow for the c o n t i n u a t i o n of important topics that are often pushed aside. "By bringing these topics to the forefront in a respectful setting, it will help people to d i s c u s s their perspectives and learn from others about these issues while not allowing these issues to f a d e into the background or expand into a c a m -

Film focuses on Black history


Hope College will present two f i l m s on T u e s d a y , F e b . 2 2 a n d Wednesday. Feb. 23 in conjunction with national Black History Month. The film "Ethnic Notions" will

rium in Graves Hall. The series is designed to enhance understanding of issues that hinder race relations in the United States. A u d i e n c e discussion will follow

yet it's okay for m e m b e r s to not be Christian. 1 guess they're just trying to give a broad base. I wish it w o u l d ' v e been a little more c o n -

be featured on Feb. 22, and "Oh F r e e d o m A f t e r W h i l e " w i l l be shown on Feb. 23. Both films will begin at 7 p.m. in Winants Audito-

each film. Additional information about the film series may be obtained by calling 395-7867.



R I S I N G U P : Religion professor Boyd Wilson talks with members of RISE after a recent meeting. RISE will be beginning a speaker series soon, which will look to discuss controversial and diverse religious ideas.

H e m e n w a y wins award English Professor Stephan H e m e n w a y received the first annual "Vanderbush-Weller Develop-

new changes, however. " I ' m not happy about it because I don't know why it's happening," said Burk. The biggest concern for these students seems to be the communication between Bultman and the leaders, and to see how it all comes off in the end. " T h e c o m m u n i c a t i o n has been bad with the leaders," said Burk. "Lori Fair has acted as a middleman trying to communicate h o w it will all work and it is not fair to her because she has a enough other responsibilities. I would like to just ask B u l t m a n q u e s t i o n s about the

pus-wide controversy," said Laura G r i t ( ' 0 1 ) , p r e s i d e n t of R I S E . " T h r o u g h this series, R I S E is trying to help people to continue discussion instead of avoiding the topics altogether." R I S E a t t e m p t s to i n c o r p o r a t e faith and intellect through their discussions. "Part of G o d ' s c o m m a n d m e n t is to worship Christ with our m i n d , " said Dr. David Myers, professor of

psychology. 4 By offering this forum, they are doing just that. (RISE) is a place where thinking people of faith and thinking seekers and doubters can c o m e together." T h e leadership team encourages anyone who is interested in having respectful discussions on these topics to attend, r e g a r d l e s s of their viewpoints. R I S E meets M o n d a y nights from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the C o o k Lounge.


crete." O n e of the main reasons for the debate was to establish a criteria on which to base the membership of the committee. "It was never clear how people g o t on t h e c o m m i t t e e , " s a i d G e o f f r e y R e y n o l d s , head of the Religious Life C o m m i t t e e . " W e want a standardized process that can be looked back on next year." The motion provided by the Administrative Affairs board also stated that the current description regarding membership on the com-

mittee "does not preclude the selection of any Hope student." "You don't have to be Christian to be on the board," said Reynolds. Schakel hopes the committee will take all students into account. "The committee is not to be limited to just Christians or the life of Christians on c a m p u s , " Schakel said. Reynolds also intends to create an inclusive agenda for the committee. "We hope to establish a 'cosmop o l i t a n f e e l ' to the c o m m i t t e e , w h e t h e r it be r e l i g i o u s o r n o n religious," said Reynolds. "We h o p e to g e l s o m e r e a l l y b r o a d views." While there is not a lot of time

remaining in the school year, the c o m m i t t e e w i l l h a v e an a c t i v e schedule planned for next year. T h e R L C just finished taking applications for student membership. There were six openings, and selections will be m a d e with attention given to "representation by sex, religious affiliation, ethnic background, and living area." T h e application also slates that "any m e m b e r of the student body, regardless of religious position or affiliation, is eligible for membership on the committee." " I ' m hoping to have serious applicants, not just people who are trying to create controversy," Avery said.


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*•- v -• 5 4 , 0 0 0 has already b e e n raised t o m e e t H o p e College's S 5 0 0 0 g o a l In efforts to help underprivileged families all over t h e w o r l d ! Lefs m e e t t h e g o a l together!



I 6,2000


In F o c u s

FILTERS f r o m #



The middle road n rccenl months, there has been a loi of discussion aboul placing Inlernel filters on ihe computers in the Herrick District Library. One side of the argument holds that the filters iclp protect children from pornography. The other maintains that the filters would serve -as a limit on the first amendment rights of adults who wish to utilize the library's Internet connection to visit sites of an \dult content. While these two camps are engaged in fierce debate with one another. 1 have come up with a solution, a compromise that should be attractive to both groups. Instead of a filter being installed, there should be another program device, called a "trigger," loaded onto the library computers. This trigger program would be constituted along similar lines with the filter devices, in that it would evaluate which sites contain adult content. But different from the filter devices, the trigger would not block pornography sites. Everyone who wants to access graphic depictions of sex acts via the World Wide Web will be allowed to do so. The trigger instead notes that a pornography site is being visited, and transmits an electrical signal from a special port in the back of the computer. This electrical impulse would run from the computer to a large neon sign that reads " P O R N O G R A P H Y " and has outline depictions of naked women placed directly above the computer user's head. When stimulated by the electrical current, this bright red sign will Hash, alerting nearby librarians that the user of the computer is looking up porn. If the librarians see a child, they can intervene and remove the child from the library. The librarians can also ask teenage individuals for valid identification to prove that they are indeed 18 years of age. That way. children can be prevented from going to pornography sites, while adults are free to peruse the wealjlh of female-degrading imagery available on the Internet. Along with the sign, a loud prerecorded voice will be

activated by the trigger program. This voice will be of a stern female, who continually repeats the phrase: "This person is examining porn in order to gratify their sexual urges in an abnormal and objectifying way, something which is perfectly normal for them to do." In order to belter scan for children using the computers for this purpose, the library should establish a circulation desk directly across from the computers, so that anyone using the computers can be stared at by an elderly and matronly female librarian. Some people may criticize even this compromised solution as a violation of the first amendment rights of those people who wish to drool over the artificial sex that is prevalent in our society. This is hardly the case. Because pornography is such a natural and inalienable right protected by the Constitution, no one should feel the slightest bit of shame for viewing pornography in a more publicized manner. People who wish to osle naked bodies should do it with the same public comfort as they look up recipes for green bean casserole on the Web. If it is protected by the Bill of Rights, pornography must be a natural thing; for surely everyone knows that one of the inspiring ideas of our founding fathers was that there were natural rights. And no one should feel the least bit embarrassed about something so natural. A person should feel just as comfortable standing in the middle of a busy library, tongue hanging over photographs of women and men engaging in self-defiling acts of bestiality and defecation, as they would petitioning their city government to lower properly taxes for residential communities. In short. I think that my solution of triggering neon signs and broadcast voices would eliminate the need to worry about placing the filters on computers. Children would be protected, and anyone who was comfortable with an elderly librarian staring at them while they look up pornography in a public place would be allowed that natural right.

Listen to the Hazzard County All Stars Mondays from 2-4 PM/89.9 WTHS So funny

it's illegal in six stales, including

this one.

are allowed to go on the Internet and may be accessing pornography. which is illegal," said LoriJo Schepers, co-chair of Holland Area Citizens Voting Yes. Schepers a n d Kimberley F r a s e r of the Family Research Council debated with Michael Noordijk and Ken Anchor photo by Jamie Shiparski Freestone of Families A H E A T " E D D E B A T E : LoriJo Schepers of Holland Area Citizens for Internet Voting Yes speaks in favor of filters while Michael Noorjik and Ken Freestone of A c c e s s at Families for Internet Access listen. the library to the problem of pornography on on Feb. 7. the Internet," said Carl B u s s m a Although Ihe result of ihe vole Schepers and Fraser retold testi( 4 01), a computer science major. "If over Herrick will only mildly affect m o n i e s of parents w h o c l a i m e d their children had unwittingly been Hope, students and faculty still de- a student really w a n t s to access e x p o s e d to p o r n o g r a p h y on the bale the practical and elhical issues porn, a filler won'l slop them because no filler stops everything. surrounding Internet fillers. Internet. Also, many filters would block leHope currently does not have any "The things we are asking to have filtered are for the protection of filtering system in place on any of gitimate cites, such as materials the computers in the library or in aboul breast cancer." minors," Schepers said. Calvin student Lori Engbers ('03) Noordijk warned that fillers may residence halls, something C o m not be best way to protect minors puter Science p r o f e s s o r A n d r e w ran into this problem. W h i l e researching the Internet for a report Van Pernis approves. from salacious material. on b r e a s t c a n c e r , E n g b e r s w a s " T h e y "Fillers blocked from important cites by d o n ' a r e not a ,, magical so- When it comes down Jo it, you're work,' Van Calvin's Internet filler. "I couldn't gel onto ciles on camf . / :• , i , Pernis said. lulion to this asking a computer to make an ,The basic pus, so I had to go to the library," problem," ethical decision and it can't i Engbers said. d e a \ s that Noordijk Despite difficulty with her paper, t4 — A n d r e w V a n P e r n i s in o r d e r to s a i d . The Engbers still feels that fillers are a C o m p u t e r S c i e n c e p r o f e s s o r filter porn, library has computers good idea. an effective h a v e to "I ihink especially at a school, it's Inlernel not the school's j o b to make porn make a human decision aboul the policy in place. I would much rather accessible to students," Engbers content of the site. It's impossible have a librarian and ihe citizens of said. "With filters, that's not an isto make an effective program. We Holland decide what's appropriate sue. I d o n ' t think they cause big cannot solve that problem right lhan a for-profit company." problems here." now. We can make good attempts, Freestone later showed websites Hope student Noel Snyder (*03) that were blocked by filler technol- but w h e n it c o m e s d o w n to it, feels that Hope could benefit from you're asking a computer to make ogy, including an anti-filler technolInternet filters too. an ethical decision and it can't." ogy website. "I think they're a good thing," Since a computer can't make an " T h i s d e b a t e is r e a l l y a b o u l Snyder said. "There's so much stuff policy, process and p r o c e d u r e , " ethical decision, it can make mison the Internet. There really is no takes when reading a website Freestone said. 440ur decision way to justify porn. It really has no through a filter. should be based on facts and not merit no matter how you look at it." " T h e y ' r e an ineffective solution emotion."

Top Ten Reasons t o

1. It's chock-full of II essential vitamins and minerals. 2. Sports Center doesn't hold a candle to our sports page. 3. Jane tastes like cookies. 4. Learn to be bitter. 5. The only one not reading the Anchor is that ugly kid in the cafeteria. Don't be that guy. 6 . W h o a r e we k i d d i n g : the classifieds. 7. Sociopathic Leanings. 8. Do you really want to read the Big Brother stuff the administration puts out? 9. Catch the mustakes. 10. T h e Internet is Satan's work. Catch us every Wednesday, at locations allover campus.


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Senior weighs in on Anchor, Frisbee golf issues

Filtering things out T h e I n t e r n e t f i l t e r i s s u e t h a t is f a c i n g H e r r i c k D i s t r i c t

control. T h e large signs c l a i m i n g that filters protect children should not s w a y voters during the Feb. 2 2 vote. T h e issue has far too m a n y faults to be taken seriously. Filter s u p p o r t e r s h o p e to force the library to install technology to prevent Internet users f r o m accessing p o r n o g r a p h y . T h e s e v i e w s s e e m a little s h o r t - s i g h t e d . T h e ballot s u p p o r t e r s ' m a i n c o n c e r n s e e m s to be with pornography, not with children's safety. S u p p o r t e r s c l a i m that children will s t u m b l e u p o n p o r n o g r a p h i c sites w h i l e d o i n g school research. B u t it's not the l i b r a r y ' s j o b to p r o t e c t c h i l d r e n , it's their j o b t o provide i n f o r m a t i o n for research. It's u p to parents and t e a c h e r s t o g u i d e y o u n g s t u d e n t s in t h e r i g h t d i r e c t i o n . Installing c o m p u t e r filters would not even protect from pornography



y o u n g s t e r s w i l l a l w a y s find a w a y i n t o t h e t h i n g s t h a t parents are constantly trying to protect t h e m f r o m . Internet filters could block students f r o m finding information and research on topics such as breast cancer, while not b l o c k i n g hate g r o u p sites s u c h as the K u K l u x Klan's. Even the idea that s o m e o n e w o u l d c h o o s e the library o f all p l a c e s t o d o w n l o a d p o r n o g r a p h y is n o t a f e a s i b l e t h o u g h t . P e o p l e u s e the library to learn, not to f e e d perverted habits. T h e filter decision will also be m a d e by H o l l a n d city residents only. R e s i d e n t s of Park T o w n s h i p , H o l l a n d T o w n s h i p and L a k e t o w n Township, heavy library users, will h a v e n o say on the issue. T h e decision s h o u l d b e

O n e c a n only a s s u m e that H o p e C o l l e g e w o u l d n e v e r consider such education-inhibiting technology. Calvin currently uses filters, and w h i l e t e r m p a p e r s are p r o b a b l y still w r i t t e n , t h e i s s u e o f f r e e s p e e c h at a n i n s t i t u t i o n o f learning cannot be ignored. A " N o " v o t e o n F e b . 2 2 is n o t a v o t e f o r p o r n o g r a p h y . It's a v o t e f o r f r e e s p e e c h a n d the r i g h t s o f o t h e r s . T h e r e are far m o r e pressing issues to be w o r r i e d about.

m e e t the! press production editor campusbeat editors sports e d i t o r intermission e d i t o r spotlight e d i t o r infocus e d i t o r photo editor ad representative ad designer copy e d i t o r distribution m g r . p r o d u c t i o n assistant graphic a r t i s t faculty advisor

Michael Zuidema Paul Loodeen Carrie Arnold Julie Green Andrew Kleczek Matt Cook Andrew Lotz Jane Bast Jennifer Bodine Kate Van Krimpen Dana iMtners Melissa Roop Doug Sweetser Christine Trinh Chad Sampson Tim Boudreau

Beth Bailey • Jamie Shiparski

staff r e p o r t e r s Meredith Care • Dawn Dodge • Ben Downie • Meghan Goerge Sara E. Lamers • Melanie Lofqnist

The Anchor is <i pivtlud i j smdaii effort and is fiimleJ ihrough the Hope College Simlenl Congress Appropriaiions Conmiiuee. toners io the editor are encouraged, though due to space Iimitations the Anchor reserves the right to edit. The opinions addressed in the editorial are solely those of the editor-in-chief. Stories from the Hope College News Sen ice arc a pnulnct of the I'nhln Relations Office One-year suhsc rip tions to the Anchor are availal'lc lor Sl< Jl«' teserx e the right to accept or reject any advertising.



I want to join the protest against unrestricted Frisbee golf on campus. I have not been hit (though there have been some near misses), but a Frisbee rammed a tree just inches from my husband and me some years back as we were coming out of the north door of the DeWitt Center. Since his stroke, my husband walks with difficulty and loses his balance easily: the shot


I was shocked to read some of the responses to the Feb. 2 "Seen & Heard." Where is the concern ? Where is the outrage? I honestly can't understand how an individual, a f t e r reading last w e e k ' s article of sexual assault, could be so utterly apathetic. I. for one, am outraged that an event like this would take place on a c a m p u s that prides itself in a Christian faith, and it disturbs me that so few students have compas-

would surely have knocked him down (all the more worrying because after his last fall he developed a near-fatal blood clot). My complaints at the time were laughed off, so I was gratified to see my colleagues call attention to this danger. I would like to see Frisbee golf banned from campus: this is probably unlikely, but it seems to me that a no-fly zone between the north face of DeWitt and the south side of Lubbers is not too much to

sion. Are these opinions felt campuswide? Or was it just a fluke that almost everyone who was asked for his or her reaction to the recent allegations of sexual assault on camp u s d i d n ' t s e e m p h a s e d by t h e event? True, maybe the article was kind of " o n e - s i d e d , " and m a y b e w e should hear the other side of the story. But where is the other side? Has anyone volunteered to step forward and present his view? And to brush aside such an atrocious act as a "conspiracy started

objects to use of word, "faggot

I want to address the male who yelled "Faggot!" at me from a red, student-registered car while I was removing snow at Lubbers Hall last Thursday afternoon. 1 apologize for holding up traffic. A D o m i n o ' s d e l i v e r y m a n in front of you did not signal his turn into the driveway, where a snow-


l y i e r J a n s e n ('00)

ask. I urge players to remember that our c a m p u s is traversed daily by people who are disabled, or pregnant, or aged - or who simply might not hear (or even understand) the word "fore." Meanwhile, keep watching the skies.

K a t h l e e n Verduin P r o f e s s o r of English

to alleged sexual assault "troublesome

To the Editor:


tired of being pissed-off all the lime. Or maybe it is (as I know is the case for several students) that some students don't feel a public display of outrage is the most successful way of dealing with things they see a problem with. I know of a few potentially heated issues recently that have been resolved by the parties involved as opposed to on a public stage w h e r e h u n d r e d s of people ( w h o a r e n ' t involved) all have their opinions. Although gossip is fun, and going to the person/ organization you have a problem with first, as opposed to the media, is kind of an old fashioned way of doing things, I still kind of like it. So, in closing, lay off the students. Coming from a person carrying 19 credit hours while working 30 hours a week and helping with a community youth group, the time I just spent writing you could have been spent in a much wiser fashion - like by sleeping. But for your sake, I hope the whole campus gets in an outrage over my aud a c i o u s , John Rocker-like comments and floods you with letters of campus disapproval and requests to have me expelled. That way the campus is involved, you have something to write about, and everyone is happy. Right?

Frisbee golf should end

To the Editor:

staff p h o t o g r a p h e r s


Unrestricted To the Editor:

m a d e b y all w h o s e f a c i l i t i e s a r e a f f e c t e d .


too busy failing to get a date than to notice the heat seeking disc closFirst off, let me say that I like the ing in on my cranium. And even Anchor, I read it just about every with that said. I think it would be week, and I think the "your voice" safe to say that there have been far section is a useful tool for students more freak injuries d u e to flying to use who feel their voice isn't be- carrots in Phelps or people falling ing heard, or as you stated, 44as a off the roof of Nykerk than have resulted f r o m m a l i c i o u s u s e of constructive outlet for ideas." That being said. I must say that Frisbees. Still, if "any activity that injures students should be a conthe Feb. 2 issue of the Anchor, and the blank "voice" page was some- c e r n , " as Jenny P o w e r s so elothing 1 found strangely ironic. You q u e n t l y put it, then m a y b e we should enforce new legislation. I look to the students and ask why they aren't writing to the Anchor to know I don't want a BUI (bee-ing complain about the injustices of the under the influence) on my permaH o p e hierarchy, to discuss how nent record. So what is it exactly that the AnHolland is a poor example of the chor wants us, the Hope student real world, in the same issue where body, to be enthralled with? Should one of the cover stories is on freak frisbee golf accidents and the dan- I be up in arms about how cruel gers of the sport. Don't you find that Hope is for not letting me park on if you can't think of something bet- the 12th Street sidewalk, or outter than frisbee golf to write about raged at the audacity of Student then maybe their just isn't much to Congress bringing in the first female climber to conquer Everest as say? On a side note, everybody knows opposed to the neo-fascist former that if its a nice day then some se- d i c t a t o r o f U z b e k i s t a n like I lect f e w individuals will f o r e g o wanted? Could it be that there really isn't class and spend the day tossing the "bee", and quite frankly, if a stu- m u c h going on here on c a m p u s dent is so out of it that they can't right now? Heaven forbid that we hear the screams of " F O R E " and g o an e n t i r e w e e k w i t h i n t h e don't see the incoming projectile friendly confines without some sort then they deserve to get hit. I for of drama rearing its ugly head. In one have been popped once and af- the w a k e o f t h e s e x u a l a s s a u l t terward 1 felt pretty upset...not be- charges, the Greek crackdown, etc., cause I got hit but because I was m a y b e the c a m p u s is just a little To ihe Editor:

Library and the H o l l a n d c o m m u n i t y has gotten out of


I 6,2000





p l o w was b a c k i n g out, so I instructed the snowplow to yield. I could not prevent the traffic interruption. I do not like being called a faggot. That language is consistent with a system that has inspired countless executions and suicides, a reality with which I'm sure you're familiar. That you choose this language is a s y m p t o m of a deeper


by the college to make Greek organ i z a t i o n s look even m o r e b a d " seems absolutely ridiculous to me. I think, " M y god, is she serious?" The fact that it disturbs another woman a "little bit" is a troublesome idea for me to swallow. If these things had happened to her, would she h a v e something a bit m o r e i n t e l l i g e n t to s a y ? E v e r y woman makes some bad choices; not every woman is raped.

A. B a k e r ('03) 99

struggle. I caution you against trying to e x a m i n e it on y o u r o w n . You'll find yourself in a wailing room next to Atlanta Brave's pitcher John Rocker if I catch you. And if talking to someone about the stuff in your head scares you, try asking yourself why.

responds to blank Feb. 2 editorial

J e d e d i a h L e a c h m a n ('00)


I I 3, Issue I 7





Ben Wing ('01)



I 6,2000





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Hope College Milestone


f ^ A n c i j

Valentine's Pay

They're g



• Hope students and faculty cope with the pressures of long distance relationships on Valentine's Day. MEGAN GOERGE staff r e p o r t e r

OS hor Graphic by Chad Sampson

A t i m e to love S o m e o n e should lell Cupid lhal he's not w e l c o m e a n y m o r e . think 1 can trace the date w h e n Valentine's Day j o i n e d the elite "Most Hated Holiday" list to sometime around entering college. N o longer w a s Feb. 14 considered a lime to show loved o n e s how much you love them. Instead it became a time to piss and moan about how commercial the day has b e c o m e , or about h o w they can't find a date. O r they waste time eomplaining about how a f o r m e r significant other eloped with best friend's a u n t ' s neighbor. Give m e a red rose loving, chocolate heart eating, sappy poem writing break. Valentine's Day is. and always should be, a fun holiday. So let's set the record straight. Because Hallmark and Willy Wonka have m a d e a living out of a couple dates on the American calendar, w e should b e i ) i t t e r ? So the paganest of all pagan holidays, Halloween, should be outlawed because the only people who enjoy it is the Hershey corporation? So Thanksgiving should be reprimanded for its shameless promotion of Butterball Turkeys? And the holiest of days, Christmas, should be reexamined because Jesus would have never wanted a G.l. Joe as a present? The idea that Valentine's D a y has b e c o m e a commercial holiday is society's fault, not the holiday's. In reality there are three kinds of people w h o dislike Valentine's Day. First, there are the c h e a p people whose idea of romance is swiping their loved o n e ' s ID card in Phelps. Then there are the bitter people, w h o never s e e m to have a date and always complain about h o w they never have a date, even though you don't care and you don't want to date them. • And finally there are the people w h o thinks it's cool to bash Feb. 14. These are the people w h o think they are non-conformists because they trash a day that they perceive as overly capitalistic. If you want to show your significant other that you love them by purchasing a box of M & M s , a stuffed animal and a couple flowers, then go right ahead. Because spending S25

w o u l d make m e feel like a loved soul. Let's think of some originality here. Does spending a little dough on some candy and flowers, with s o m e trash card, honestly illustrate h o w much you love someone? By that logic, the girls in fifth grade all wanted me, based on their "I choo-choo-choose y o u " train valentines. S o m e h o w , I doubt that was the case. Valentine's Day in elementary school meant two hours of doing nothing. We ate candy, traded forced valentines, and then got an extended recc >. T h e only people w h o got a holiday were our teachers. But as w e grow older, w e should realize that Valentine's Day is a day when w e can take the time to express our love to our spouses, girlfriends, and if . • y o u ' r e not too h u n g up on sexual innuendo, your friends. The concept of Valentine's Day should run throughout the year. Individuals should not need a specific date to demonstrate this love. But Feb. 14 gives masses of people an excuse to go overboard. Take your significant other out to an expensive dinner, or even better, make something just for the two of you. I may prepare a mean bowl of cereal, but it usually means more to others w h e n 1 .ry to cook pasta, with chicken and broccoli. Try writing your loved one a poem or short story, illustrating h o w you feel about them. If Hallmark can make millions writing crappy anecdotes, then yours can't be that awful. And finally, don't be bitter. If you aren't seeing someone, or don't like the connotations that are associated with Valentine's Day, d o n ' t spoil it for everyone else. You're the loser w h o couldn't find a date.

T h e heart contest 1 don't like Valentine's Day. I ' m not bitter, I ' m merely realistic. T h e commercial onslaught which accompanies Valentine's Day tells us that if you love, you will buy and if you are loved, you will be spent on. Every long s t e m m e d rose, box of chocolates and sawdust stuffed teddy bear fuels the myth that true love c o m e s from the wallet, not the heart. Women feel this myth acutely, perhaps more so than men. There is solid reasoning behind this assertion. Women are card-senders, teddy bear lovers and lingerie wearers. This indoctrination into the social roles o f Valentine's Day began as early as grade school. From pouring over the cryptic messages boys wrote on my valentines to making the hand-crafted labors • • of love I g a v e to my secret crushes, — Valentine's Day was building up to a letdown. What nailed the coffin shut on Valentine's D a y was Heart Day in sixth grade. In my middle school, the Powers that Be designed a fun game for all the kids to play. T h e girls would make a heart with their n a m e on it and pin it to their chests. T h e boys tried to win the hearts by m a k i n g a girl talk to them throughout the course of the day. N o physical contact was allowed, a girl simply had to speak to a boy unprovoked. T h e girl with the best looking heart, w h o didn't lose it to a boy during the course of the day, won a prize. So did the boy w h o captured the most hearts. 1 slaved over my heart for a week. It was covered with small white roses and surrounded by a lace boarder. I wanted to win the prize for Best Heart so badly I could taste it. When Valentine's Day arrived, I pinned the heart to my chest and

prepared to spend my day in cloister-like silence. Not that this w a s too difficult. In sixth grade, my teeth were sheathed in metal braces, I had hot-dog roll bangs and I always w o r e my horse-like hair in a p o n y tail. Plus, I w a s fat. Boys w e r e n ' t lined up outside my

T h e reality for many people at Hope is a long distance relationship, something which takes sacrifices in order to make it all work. A number of students, and even some faculty m e m b e r s in H o p e ' s c o m m u n i t y faced a difficult geographical problem this Valentine's Day. English professor Theresa Gilliams w a s married over Christm a s Break to a professional track runner. Immediately after their h o n e y m o o n he returned to Tampa, Fla., for O l y m p i c training. "I am going to fly d o w n to be with him on Valentine's Day,"

.j j






T ib


locker door. But they noticed my stellar heart that day. It w a s the C o u p e du Monde, the Holy Grail, the Heisman Trophy of male conquest and they talked to m e like never before. I w a s flattered, but 1 held my ground. O n e boy, a popular boy f r o m my h o m e r o o m , paid special attention to m e that day. H e had dimples, a quiet smile and a c h a r m i n g sixth grade sense of humor. I ' d had a small crush on him all year and was pleased that he w a s paying so much attention to me. At lunch break, w e girls milled about the hall as usual, moving in whispering and giggling herds. Flirty girls quickly relinquished their hearts to their crushes while nerdy girls sat in the bathroom, avoiding contact with equally nerdy boys. I was a girl caught s o m e w h e r e in the middle between social outcast and socialite. 1 w a s socially acceptable. A s break finished, my secret crush approached me, goaded by his louder friends. He looked at me, stammered and said, "Will you go out with m e ? 1, the a w k w a r d and ugly eleven year old, caught my breath. S o m e o n e liked me, and not just someone, the someone. I prepared to answer, but b e f o r e 1 could, the bell rang and I was ushered into class by the crowd. T h e next period w a s geography.

Love Me: The Dr. Sammy Lo columnist for the Las Vegas a special column as a Valent D e a r Dr. L o v e : I h a v e n ' t h a d mi lately, a n d I t h i n k I ' m g o i n g to en a l o n e . D o you h a v e a n y l a s t - m i n u d e s p e r a t e f o r love?

Dear Roger: N o problem, because w o o to the w o m e n like no other. Th good vocabulary for talking with th that h a v e always worked f o r the Do d o e s n ' t matter what y o u ' r e talking your English paper, but if you say t all night," you'll turn heads. Believ w o m a n loves to see the m a n who k: mine, but 1 d o n ' t want anybody on I mean.

i need my space

He w a s n ' t in my class. 1 could breathe and blush and think. But as I sat in private reverie, my best friend dropped a note on my desk. T h e note said. " H e just asked so he could get your heart. I know. He's trying to win. I heard him talking about it. D o n ' t answer him." I folded the note, put it in my desk and blushed harder. I didn't answer him, nor did 1 talk to any b o y s that day. That afternoon, I won the award f o r the most beautifully decorated heart. M y prize? A chocolate bar and a sawdust stuffed teddy bear. But I ' m not bitter.

nice s h o e s



joing t h e long distance separated from her significant other. Her boyfriend attended Hope last semester but transferred back to a school near his home town in Minnesota. For Valentine's Day, she and a friend drove to Minnesota to see him. For Koelje this is the firsl lime she has seen him this semester. But she's nol too worried about the

iams said."There is no question I will be wilh him for m i n e ' s Day, no mailer whal ihe e."

ui Gilliams is nol alone in ng wilh ihe difficullies of graphical separation. There are ly other people on H o p e ' s ipus w h o are adjusting to )lvement in a long distance lionship. arah Koelje ( ' 0 2 ) is also

long distance. "We were friends before we even started dating," Koelje said. 44So if it doesn't work out, I know the friendship will still be there." Cathy Wemette's ( ' 0 2 ) boyfriend lives in her home town of St. Paul, Minn. They met through mutual friends five months ago and the relationship has worked out ever since, despite their geographical separation. Wemetle and her boyfriend have found ways to make the relationship work. In fact they take turns every other weekend flying to see each other and then split the flight

on a couple. Seth Ellsworth of Traverse City, boyfriend of Hope student Jodi DeHaan ('02), feels that their relatively short distance apart is still something that they have to


my Love graduated from i 1974, and has his Ph.D. hology from Stanford. He ^published his first hook, Story. He is a syndicated rrier who offered to write ''s Day treat. i s u c c e s s in t h e d a t i n g r e a l m ip s p e n d i n g V a l e n t i n e ' s D a y idvice f o r s o m e o n e w h o ' s R o g e r in Kollen H a l l

eard What is your most memorable Valentine's Day?

deal wilh. "It is very hard," said Ellsworth. "Especially when it comes to times of trouble and you have to work things out over the phone. I t ' s so impersonable."

D e a r Dr. L o v e : M y b o y f r i e n d c a n c e l l e d o u r d a t e last F r i d a y b e c a u s e he said h e n e e d e d to s t u d y w i t h a f r i e n d - a f e m a l e f r i e n d . I c h e c k e d his daily p l a n n e r , a n d it h a d t h e e n t r y " S t u d y C a l c u l u s w/ L a u r a " w r i t t e n o n t h e s p a c e f o r F r i d a y . I k n o w h e h a d a big c a l c u l u s test t h e f o l l o w i n g M o n d a y , b u t I c a n ' t h e l p t h i n k i n g h e ' s c h e a t i n g on m e . W h a t s h o u l d I d o t o b e s u r e ? A n n a in V o o r h e e s Hall


een &

costs. "It's a lot harder than I thought." said Wemetle. " T h e r e ' s more work involved and more issues to deal wilh than in a normal relationship." The two are glad that they were able to see each other over the Valentine's holiday. "I jusl want to spend time together and do the normal Valentine's thing," said Wemetle. W h e t h e r it's 2 hours or 12 hours, a long distance relationship is hard to maintain. S o m e t i m e s only a small distance can make life hard

I 6.2000

" W e visited a nursing home for Valentine's

e b r a t e V a l e n t i n e ' s Day.

Day, a n d t h e y g a v e us

I ' m a m i s s i o n a r y kid

H e r s h e y bars. Mine had

f r o m West A f r i c a , a n d it's

a n t s o n it."

not too big there. T h i s is

—Jennie Alexander Dear Anna: Forget ihe f i n d i n ' out, because Dr. Love already knows. His sorry bull is cheatin' on you. I know it hurts baby, bul it's true. If you need someone to talk to on Valentine's Day, you j u s l c o m e to my house and I'll lake care of you. I have m o r e than enough shoulder to cry on. Dr. Love k n o w s y o u ' r e at a vulnerable time in your life, and he w o u l d n ' t want you to gel hurt. Just check

"I d o n ' t u s u a l l y cel-


m y first real o n e . " — D . J . Slater ('03)

my picture, baby. I don't have no sharp edges. D e a r Dr. L o v e : F o r s o m e t i m e n o w , I h a v e felt s o m e w h a t , shall w e say, i n a d e q u a t e . I k n o w I s h o u l d n ' t c o m p a r e , b u t I k n o w I a m s h o r t e r t h a n o t h e r m e n . I w o r r y t h a t t h i s is a f f e c t ing m y r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h w o m e n . S h o u l d I c o n s i d e r special exercises o r m e c h a n i c a l a u g m e n t a t i o n of m y b o d y to be m o r e attractive? Ted in C o l l e g e E a s t

r. Love knows h o w to pilch the lumber one thing to get is the adies. Here are a few phrases )r: " w o r k i n ' it" and "all night." It DUI. You could be referring to y o u ' r e going to be "workin' it ne. Also, work on your walk. A svs the right strut. I ' d show you ; D o c t o r ' s turf, if you know what

"I've spent every Dear Ted: We are livin' in the age of miracle science, and you should definitely get on that train. C h e c k out either the traditional platform shoe, or the new insole "lifter." Either one will m a k e you a few inches taller, giving you the heighlh and confidence that draws the women right to you. Studies have overwhelmingly shown that women are more attracted to taller m e n — 1 myself am 7-fool-4 with platforms on. But groovin' platforms will only gel you so far. Add a pair of flared bell bottoms and a great personality. and your attractiveness problems w o n ' t haunl you no more.

" T h e best o n e will b e

Valentine's Day with my

the upcoming one. I

b e s t g u y f r i e n d at an

k n o w it h a s n ' t h a p p e n e d

Italian r e s t a u r a n t . N e i t h e r

yet, b u t it will b e the first

of us h a v e e v e r h a d d a t e s ,

t i m e I will be w i l h a girl I

b u t it w a s f u n . "

truly l o v e . " — R o b Bradford ('02)

—Sarah Howard ('02)

let's just b e friends

on't call e, I II call you

Candy hearts t h a t just didn't make it

" M y boyfriend blind-


"I d o n ' t h a v e a n y t h i n g

folded me and we ended

memorable, but my

u p at his c o t t a g e . H e led m e d o w n to the b e a c h ,

f r i e n d got d u m p e d on V a l e n t i n e ' s Day, a n d the

w h e r e he h a d set u p a

dumper didn't even know

tent a n d m a d e l a s a g n a . " —Kelly Komray ('02)

it w a s a s p e c i a l d a y . " —Josh Rumpse ('03)

^Anchor strictly classified. GO DIRECT! We're the A m a / o n . c o m of Spring Break! #1 internel-based c o m p a n y offering W H O L E S A L E pricing by eliminating middlemen! Come see whal has olher c o m p a n i e s begging for mercy! Servicing ALL destinations. Guaranteed Lowest Price! 1-8003 6 7 - 1 2 5 2 : www.springbreakdirect.com —Act now! Last chance to reserve your spot for SPRING B R E A K ! Discounts for 6 people or more! South Padre. Cancun. Jamaica. Bahamas. Acapulco, Florida & Mardi Gras. Reps needed. . . Travel free. 8 0 0 - 8 3 8 - 8 2 0 3 wwvv.lcisurctours.com Nanny wanted— a Christian woman for full-time care of two girls, ages 2 & 6. Live in position optional, may have own child. Zeeland area, salary negotionable. Call 616-772-4834. S E N I O R S : Our senior banquet is c o m i n g soon. Please go through your pictures and submit photos to the Public Relations Office, Attn: Senior Banquet Committee, to be included in the slide show. Put your names on the photos and they will be returned. Babysitter needed 3 days a week. 2:30-6 pm. Call 335-5316. M - No lime for love, Dr. Jones. Thanks for helping me research for my trip. -A Julie: Thanks for the gift and a great weekend. Now. if I could just get you to die my hair.... - Mike. D r y f a r t : You carry us in bowling, I carry us in basketball. Sounds fair to me. And how about d r o p p i n g Odom or Dirk, eh? - Z. Everyone is out to get you. B r e n n a n - The Master does not aa-approve. Torgo has the best theme music, no? A j a - "First you want to kill me. now you want to kiss me. Blow." Guess that quote. Public Service Advisory- Don't lick poisonous loads. I know y o u ' v e heard the rumors and tales whispered in back alleys. Trust us. just say no to toads. They lied. No one is out to get you. Sincerely- Everyone. S P E N D YOUR SPRING B R E A K IN T H E B E A U T I F U L C O R N FIELDS O F IOWA. For minimal cost, you can spend your spring vacation at the wildest party in America. Includes round-trip travel to McPherson's Hog Confinement, r o o m , and b o a r d . C a l l 1 - 8 0 0 G02I0WA

GREEK f r o m

Greek organizations. Damslra and Nickels are subject to further punishment from the college. "These individuals will also go through the student judicial process on campus," Frost said. Sanctions h a v e also been imposed on the organizations. They include community service hours for members and the provision of educational programs on alcohol and substance abuse. In addition, the groups will work with the college to generate a strategic plan to prevent a recurrence of this sort of activity in the future. Gary Stewart, Allegan County District Court Judge, allowed the defendants no-contest pleas for the purposes of potential civil suits. The

Those watching the trial will be debriefed after the jury delivers its verdict. "I definitely want people to see whal a trial consists of," Collins said. "The main purpose is to educate p e o p l e on the d y n a m i c s of sexual assault and the services lhal are available." People vs. Stevens is based on a real case, and a similar mock rape trial was presented on Hope's campus in 1996. "It's about how both men and women can prevent sexual assault," Collins said. "It's not just women who need to avoid risky situations so they're not assaulted. Men also need to avoid them so that they're not at risk of assaulting." T h e court d a l e for People vs. Stevens is set for tonight in Maas Auditorium. Jury selection begins at 5:30 p.m., and the opening arguments will be presented at 7 p.m.

f o ra»sc W h e y e a f

students injured by the truck and UHaul trailer have hired attorneys for possible civil action, and the noconlesl plea does not admit guilt for purposes of civil law, while counting as guilty for the criminal case. As far as the district prosecutor is concerned, the investigation is concluded. One possible loose end to the case, the involvement of the owner of the land on w h i c h the party was held, is nol being pursued by the court.

"Prosecution of the owner of the land was looked at as a part of the investigation," Anderson said. "But there was no evidence to establish criminal involvement." H o p e o f f i c i a l s expressed their relief in knowing lhal the process has taken one step closer to being finished. "It has been a long process for all involved," said Frost. "It's important that this be brought to a conclusion."



said. "People need to protect themselves." In order to make the trial more realistic, letters were sent out at random to Hope students informing them that they had been selected for jury duty. Collins hopes that about 25 students will show up so that ihe students will be able to participate in a jury selection. "We thought it would be educational for those in the jury where lough decisions have to be made in acquaintance rape," Collins said. After the defense and prosecution present their cases and the witnesses testify, the jury will adjourn to del i b e r a t e for 4 5 m i n u t e s , w h i l e people who work with sexual assault victims will host a panel discussion. Staff from ihe Counseling Center will also be there. "Usually, there's a lot of emotion stirred up," Collins said. "It's pretty intense."

a n 4

I 6,2000


nature and number of community service projects included in the sentencing. Instead it look the punishment already levied by the college and included it as part of the probation. "The court looked at college's sanctions and incorporated them into t h e r u l i n g , " said F r e d r i c k Anderson. Allegan County Prosecutor. Hope College issued a statement regarding the punishment of the organizations, saying that "the organizations are now on a multi-year probation that while stopping short of a permanent suspension is substantive and burdensome." Although the college has already d e c i d e d t h e p u n i s h m e n t of the

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I 6,2000



Musical t h e a t e r salutes S t e p h e n S o n d h e i m MAT T C O O K intermission editor

Many familiar songs, and some lesser known ones, will be heard in ihe lalesl production from ihe Hope ihealer deparlmenl. "Side by Side by Sondheim," will be presented on Saturday, Feb. 18, and Sunday, Feb. 19, and f r o m Tuesday, Feb. 22 to Friday, Feb. 25, in ihe DeWin main ihealer. Tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for Hope faculty and staff, and $4 for students and senior citizens. "Side by Side" is not a musical with a plot, instead it is a review: a collection of songs. The only thing that holds them together is that they were all written by the American s o n g w r i t e r and lyricist S t e p h e n

Sondheim. "He is considered to be one of the greatest musical theater dramatists. H i s is a g r e a t l y r i c i s t a n d songwriter, arguably the greatest of the last 50 years," said John Tammi, professor of theater and director of the musical. Included in the review are wellknown songs from such musicals as "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the F o r u m , " "Company," "Gypsy," ^nd "West Side Story." "We wanted to do a small musical and we chose this one because it is just the kind we wanted. He is so theatrical. His songs are great for actors," Tammi said. "It will be ent e r t a i n i n g b e c a u s e its theatrical value is high. Each song is really like a little play."

The review also got some outside In researching for the production, help as guest artist Tammi found out Tito Hernandez, of that t h i s y e a r is Grand Rapids, S o n d h e i m ' s 70th choreographed the birthday. He feels production. that the production Sarah Anders will also be a trib( ' 0 0 ) is h e l p i n g ute to that. Hernandez. WorkAll the performing with e r s in " S i d e by H e r n a n d e z has S i d e " are Hope been a learning exC o l l e g e students. perience for her. T a m m i h a s been " I ' v e learned a pleased with their lot by w a t c h i n g performance. how he comes up " T h e y ' r e doing S. Sondheim with things," great. It will be a Anders said. "It's s u c c e s s f u l play. There's no point to putting some- been interesting because sometimes thing out there if you don't feel it he'll call on me and ask me what would you do here, even though I will be a success," Tammi said.

K n i c k plans season o f lesser k n o w n m o v i e s


DAWN DODGE staff r e p o r t e r


To C h a r l e s , w i t h love Dear Mr. Schulz, First of all, let me express my sincerest gratitude for all the work you have done in these past 50 years. For most of my literate life, it has been a morning ritual of mine to stare at the comics page of my local newspaper through half-asleep eyes and under a bowl o f c e f e a l . One thing that always managed to cut through the blur was Peanuts. It's difficult to put my finger on what exactly was the appeal of Peanuts. I could say something about its philosophy- it's not just about cartoon characters. it's about life. But, I don't think you ever meant to have such lofty ideals in your drawings. They just came naturally. I could say it was how everyone can identify with the character of that earnest failure Charlie Brown. This is true, but I think the main reason your comic strip was so enjoyable was because it was sincerely funny. Often what many people mistake for humor is usually cynicism or vulgarity. You have always held yourself to a higher standard. When you started Peanuts, most people probably called the comics page "the funnies." You took that seriously. Believe me, it takes a lot to make me laugh at 7:30 in the morning.

My favorite character was always Snoopy. Snoopy never seemed to care that he was a dog. He wanted to be a World War I flying ace, and darn it, he was going to be one. Only you could make the absurd idea of a dog that thinks he's a pilot seem normal. Thai's what made Peanuts so funny. On second glance, the whole thing's just bizarre. That was your little secret, wasn't it? Your recent passing (Sunday, Feb. 13, also the last appearance of an original Peanuts) has left a gaping hole in the world of art; a hole that may never be filled. Turning out a meaningful, quality comic strip every day for fifty years is not an easy thing to do. I know: I've tried. My long and prestigious cartooning career started, when I was 11 years old. Inspired by men like you who had gone before us in their art, a friend and I set up a fort in his attic, and decided we wanted to be cartoonists. I don't think any comics of my early "attic era" are still around anywhere, but take my word for it, they were hilarious. Unfortunately, much like your early work, our comic never caught on (it may have had something to do with our illegible handwriting). Unlike you, we grew impatient and quit.

h a v e n ' t had a lot of preparation time. It's been a good experience." Anders, who is also performing in the show, feels that the cast has gotten a lot out of the play because it h a s g i v e n t h e m a c h a n c e to broaden their musical experience. "It is really passionate music. Some of it is funny, some of it is very serious. There are some very adult themes in it. There are all different kinds of styles," Anders said. Tammi thinks "Side by Side by S o n d h e i m " has much to offer to those who attend. "They can come if they want entertainment. They can come if they want to learn about S o n d h e i m , " Tammi said. " T h e subject matter is fairly mature, and you can see what college students can do."

For the next several years, my work only appeared in the margins of notebooks and worksheets, and after a brief stint in the pages of this newspaper (we truly great artists are never understood, are we Chuck?), that is where I have remained. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, even pathetically unsuccessful imitation by doodlers like me. Hundreds of better cartoonists than myself have earnestly tried and failed to do what you did so well. Your consistancy was a sign of your greatness. Mr. Schulz, not only were you good at what you did, but you were a true visionary. You did something radical so well, that it didn't seem like it was different at all. W h o knew that a bunch of kids and a dog could change the world. Sometimes it seems like the visionaries are becoming fewer and far between, not because they're not there, but because they don't care. Whether the hole you left is filled or not, your work will always stand as a testament that anything, when done with love and perseverance, can become truly great, and can inspire beyond generations. Sincerely, Matthew Cook

With the cold weather outside, some students may be hard pressed to f i n d s o m e t h i n g t o d o . T h e Knickerbocker Theater may offer a solution. This year's winter film series at the H o p e College o w n e d theater began last Thursday with the foreign film " W i n d h o r s e , " a movie based on the troubles going on in Chinese-occupied Tibet. Its last two showings are tonight and Thursday night. In addition to "Windhorse," three other films will be shown at the Knickerbocker this season. " T h e m o v i e s are chosen by a committee of people who have a strong interest in movies," committee member Eric Alberg said. "We also go by suggestions from customers and make a decision based on what would make the best season and would offer something to the community." From Friday Feb. 18 to Thursday, F e b . 2 4 , you can s e e " H a p p y , Texas," a comedy that tells the story of a pair of escaped convicts who, through a series of coincidences, take on the identities of professional beauty pageant coaches in the small town of Happy, Texas. The trouble comes when they are expected to prepare the town's contestant for a children's beauty pageant.

"Happy, T e x a s " is directed by M a r k Illsley and written by Ed Stone. It is rated PG-13. " E a r t h , " d i r e c t e d by D e e p a Mehta, will be showing from Friday, Feb. 25 to Thursday, March 2. ."Earth" is based on India's 1947 struggle for independence, and the fighting between Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims. The film looks at the action through the eyes of 11 year old Sethna. This film is not rated. The last film of the series will be " T h e Straight Story" directed by David Lynch. It tells the story of an older man who, when he discovers that his health is failing, sets out on an adventure of freedom by taking a journey to find his estranged brother. "A profoundly spiritual film that can hold an audience in absolute thrall," said the New York Times. "The Straight Story" is rated G and will b e s h o w i n g at t h e Knickerbocker from Friday, March 3 to Friday, March 10. "These are movies you are not otherwise going to get to see in West M i c h i g a n , so we are giving the community a chance to watch them. Besides, we have a nice atmosphere at the Knickerbocker. It's cheaper and more casual than a normal theater," said Alberg. All showings are at 7 and 9 p.m. There are no showings on Sundays. Tickets are $5 for adults and $4 for students and senior citizens.

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intermission brief Inspired Poets Series c o n t i n u e s t o be a success The Inspired Poets Series, which held its first installment two weeks ago. has turned out to be a success. The series feature poets f r o m Hope and the area reading from their work. "Things have been going good," said Crais Tommola ('00), the se-

ries organizer. "We've had 20 to 25 people show up for the readings." The poets have also enjoyed the readings. Tommola attributes this to the comfortable atmosphere which makes the poets feel more relaxed. The readings are from 7 to 9 p.m on Friday nights, at the Gourmet

G a r d e n , on 3 2 2 C u l v e r St. in Saugatuck. Last week's featured poets were Laura Donnelly ('01), Noah Tucker ('01), and Olga Motorna ('01). "We're all just a bunch of friends t h a t a r e into the s a m e t h i n g , " Tommola said.

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I 6.2000

Symphonette welcomes back conductor MAT T C O O K intermission editor

h will be a meeting of ihe past and ihe present as ihe Hope College S y m p h o n e t t e p e r f o r m s a concert under the batons of two dilTerent conductors. The S y m p h o n e t t e will perform a concert on Tuesday, Feb. 22, at 8 p.m. Admission is Tree. The t w o different conductors are Richard Piippo, professor of music and conductor of the Symphonette, and Robert Ritsema, retired professor of music and former Symphonette conductor. "We're just welcoming him back as a faculty member that has been here for many years," Piippo said. T h e S y m p h o n e t t e will be performing four pieces. "I thought it was a wide variety of music that the students needed to address, or to have as a repertoire," Piippo said. Dmitri Shostakovich's "Festive O v e r t u r e " will be c o n d u c t e d by Ritsema.

Beethoven's "Symphony No. 8 in F major. Op. 9 3 " is the longest piece in ihe concert, comprising the entire second hall. His sketches, for the first three m o v e m e n t s , are extensive and continuous," Piippo said. "As might be expected of a work so full of relaxed j o y in creation." "Petite Suite for Orchestra," by Claude Debussy, a piece which was originally written for piano, will also be p e r f o r m e d . A c c o r d i n g to Piipo, it represents a modern use of antique forms. "The traditional characteristics are c l e a r , " P i i p p o said, "but the subtle harmonies and syncopation lend a particularly personal flavor that is Debussy." T h e first half of the concert will conclude with " A d a g i o for String Orchestra" by Samuel Barber. According to Piippo, it is o n e of the most popular and beautiful American works for a string ensemble. This is Piippo's first year as conductor of the Symphonette. S o far, he is very satisfied with the work


p\-\QXo courtesy Public Relations

A M I G H T A X T H E S Y M P H O N Y : The Hope College Symphonette will give a concert next Tuesday, in Dimnent Chapel. The Symphonette is preparing to go on a tour of the East Coast of the United States this spring. the students have been doing. " W e ' v e been doing very well," said Piippo. "I think both the Or-

chestra and the S y m p h o n e t t e have been playing very well." The Symphonette is going on a

tour of the East Coast this spring. T h e y p l a n on p l a y i n g b o t h t h e Beethoven and the Barber on tour.

Music students prepare for senior recitals

looo senior Rearteis

MAT T C O O K intermission editor

Pulling together a senior recital can be a difficult but rewarding task for Hope senior music students. As part of the requirement for a bachelor of music p e r f o r m a n c e degree, 13 music students will give iheir senior recital this semester. These recitals are meant to be a s um m a t i o n of their f o u r y e a r s of music education in college. " I t ' s to s h o w off w h a t y o u ' v e learned for the past four years; everything you've gained thus far. You can c o m m u n i c a t e it in a practical situation." said double bassist Nick Kncbl ( 00). The path to a recital is a long one, involving much preparation. Often, the performer begins preparing as early as ihe year before iheir recital. "You prepare for up to a year, and you get one hour and it's over," said viola player Jessica L o o m i s ('00). The first step in the process is deciding which pieces to play. This can be a h a r d d e c i s i o n b e c a u s e music students have learned a lot of music over their four years. T h e decision usually involves the help

2/18: Seth Gardner, fenor 2/26: Josh Rasdall, Trumpet 3 / 4 : Jessica Loomis, viola 3 / 8 : David Schout, organ 3/13: Nick Knebl, double bass 4/1: Joy Eisenga, soprano 4 / 3 : Sandra Kops, mezzo-soprano

of the student's private instructor. " I ' v e chosen challenging pieces that I ' v e managed to learn. T h e y ' r e generally pieces that demonstrate a higher technical ability," Knebl said. " I ' v e also chosen s o m e pieces for variety's sake." After the pieces are chosen, the real work begins. " A f t e r you get a program nailed down, you apply for a recital. If you are accepted then you reserve the Chapel. Then you work like crazy," said trumpeter Josh Rasdall ('00).

4 / 8 : Renee Meyer, mezzo-soprano 4/12: Jill Bennink, soprano 4/14: Greg Frens, bass-baritone 4/15: Meredith Arwady, mezzo soprano 4/15: Patricia Rhiew, soprano 4/29: Joni Norwood, soprano

Practicing is the biggest part of the preparation. Rasdall has worked on his recital music between one and two hours a day. But besides practicing, there is a lot of organizational work involved. Rasdall has had to reserve a caterer for the post-recital reception, make sure the Chapel is ready, and work with everyone involved in his recital to make sure they know what they are doing. S o m e students also do some extra work to personalize their recital.

" I ' m a r r a n g i n g a piece f o r the recital as well, so I have that extra w o r k . " Rasdall said. After all the work, it is time for the recital itself. T h e p e r f o r m e r s have mixed feelings about it. "It's the last big hurdle I have to go before I graduate. S o it'll feel good to be done with it," L o o m i s said. T h e y are also proud of their acc o m p l i s h m e n t s and h o w their recital reflects their musical skill. " I t ' s an e x c i t i n g thing to d o , "

Rasdall said. "It's very invigorating to be able to play that length of a program. Getting d o n e with it is a great feeling." For music students who have learned and played together for the past four years, it is rewarding for them to see h o w their peers have grown. Knebl said it will be interesting to see this improvement. All the performers feel that there is m u c h to be gotten out of attending a senior recital because of its quality music. Also, it is a way to gain an a p p r e c i a t i o n of the hard work that m u s i c m a j o r s put into their music. " Y o u ' d get an idea of how much music means to us," L o o m i s said. "We live in Nykerk, we d o n ' t live in a dorm. It is a celebration of a student's music; a celebration of a student's hard work. We want to show everybody what w e ' v e done, and that's h o w we do it." T h e senior recitals will start off this Friday, Feb. 18, with tenor Seth Gardner ( ' 0 0 ) in Wichers Auditorium of Nykerk Hall of Music, at 7 p.m. Admission to all senior recitals is free.


Up an<l Coming \b

1 p.m.

Mock Rape Trial Maas Center

fc p.m.

Junior Recital Doug Mulder ('01) trombone Dimnent Chapel

events f o r t h i s week. . . 1 p.m.

Sports Medicine Lecture Dr. Diane Bjornstal "The Psychological Impact of Athletic Injury" Maas Center 10

4 p.m.

Faculty Recital Series Wichers Auditorium

\ V ^

7 a n d 1 p.m.

^Happy Texas" Knickerbocker Film Series Knickerbocker Theater


t l

1 p.m.

Black History Month Film xxEthnic Notions" Winants Auditorium Graves Hall

The People vs. Stevens Mock-Rape Trial Wednesday, Feb. 16 7-10 p.m. in Maas Auditorium •sponsored by CAARE

February U

I 6,2000




Miracle on 8 t h S t " r e m e m b e r e d a f t e r 10 years A N D R E W KLECZEK sports e d i t o r

Trailing by 20. less than 10 minulcs left in ihc game, and the homelown learn pulls off ihc upscllo capture it's school's first ever national





p\-\oXo courtesy of Public Relations

V I C X O RY: Dina Disney ('90) is lifted high in celebration of Hope's 1990 national championship win.

Ten years ago, that was the story of Hope's w o m e n ' s basketball as they defeated top-ranked St. John Fisher. 65-63. Saturday, Feb. 19 the team will reunite to celebrate the anniversary of that championship season. H o p e ' s team, characterized by unselfish play, was brought back into t h e g a m e p a r t l y by D i n a Disney's ('90) three point shooting as she'scored 14 of the team's final 23 points. Disney's most important shots however, were the two free throws •she hit after regulation had expired to win the game. Flash forward 10 years and the game is still a special moment in the lives of those who played in and coached in it. "It was one of those moments in your life that you never forget." said Michelle Sterk ('91), a forward on the team. "It's one of the most incredible things I've ever done. It's hard to believe it actually happened to us."

The run surprised coaches and That game and its outcome was players, but one thing that didn't certainly the furthest thing from the surprise them was Disney's free team's mind when its season started throw shots to win the game. several months earlier. "We looked at each other and "I was surprised," said Sue Wise, knew it was over," Sterk said. "We head coach of the 1990 squad. "We never even set that as a goal. A Hope had a lot of confidence in her." Just prior to the shots, St. John team had never won the league championship before and that was Fisher called a timeout in an atthe goal for us at the beginning of tempt to put pressure on Disney. Pressure, however, isn't something the season." Hope won the league champion- that bothered Disney according to Wise. s h i p by "If there is defeatanyone who ing rival I think the chemistry was one is g o i n g to Calvin of the reasons why we won be calm and 50-43. that game. We brought about s t e a d y H o p e through that had dethe essence of what it means it would be feated to play aid team. B e c a u s e o f Dina." Wise Calvin the team we were all great. said. twice —Robin Schout ('91) Disney earl ier F o r w a r d o n t h e 1990 t e a m was Hope's that season, 615 5 and 69-64. After d e f e a t i n g Calvin for the third and final time that season, Hope played host to the N C A A t o u r n a m e n t . On their run to the championship game they defeated St. Benedict, Minn., 73-50, Wisconsin-Oshkosh 68-67, Buena Vista, Iowa, 85-79, and Centre, Ky., 7562.



c e s s f u l free throw shooter, having hit 37 consecutive shots. Her record is still unbroken. Other team records coming out of the 89-90 season include: most consecutive victories ( I I ) and most points in a game (107 against Madonna). Individual records set were most field goals ( 1 7 2 by Holly VandenBerg).

Freshmen fab five m a k i n g t h e i r m a r k f o r H o p e "The key to our success in the future is our younger players' willingness to get better," he said. While the team as a whole shares One has already scored the game some attributes, each player has winning buzzer beater, another is qualities of their own that they bring shooting 57 percent from the floor, to the game. and one other once hit four 3 pointMorehouse points to Baltmanis' ers in one game. They are the freshshooting, improved defense and man of the Hope w o m e n ' s basketturnover ratio as some of her stronball team. ger skills. Five freshman see regular action "Probably the best j u m p shooter on the varsity squad: they are. Amy I've ever coached," Morehouse said Baltmanis ( ' 0 3 ) , Colleen C o r e y in reference to Baltmanis. ( ' 0 3 ) . Kathi G r o t e n h u i s ( ' 0 3 ) , A good example of Baltmanis' Amanda Kerkstra ('03), and Beth s h o o t i n g w o u l d h a v e been t h e Wool ley ('03). Spring Arbor game where she hit Some factors in their playing the game winner at the buzzer. She time has been the lack of upperscored 11 points, had two rebounds classmcn depth, and Hope's sysand 12 steals. tem. Corey is a player that Morehouse "When 5 of your ten players are characterizes by her hustle and defreshman, in our system where we termination. He also points to her play a lot of people, they're going attitude as important to team sucto get opportunities," said women's cess. head b a s k e t b a l l c o a c h B r i a n "We've played her out of posiM o r e h o u s e . He a l s o p o i n t s to tion this year," M o r e h o u s e said. Becky Sutton's injury as a reason "But she's never complained once." some of the freshman are seeing M o r e h o u s e feels that C o r e y ' s more playing time. best game so far this season was It was evident early on in the seaagainst Kalamazoo. In that game son that this group was going to be Corey played nine minutes and had a little d i f f e r e n t , a c c o r d i n g to one steal, one assist and two reMorehouse. "Once we started to have pracbounds. Grotenhuis has also had a season tice with these players and coach in transition as she made the change them, it became evident they were f r o m a s h o o t i n g g u a r d in high pretty good players," Morehouse school, to a point guard in college. said. "Then nil they needed was It's a change that Morehouse points some experience." out as a difficult. Besides being talented the group "She goes from being strictly a also has a strong work ethic and shooter in high school, to bringing willingness to learn. the ball up and getting the team into " T h e y a r e very c o a c h a b l e , " an offense," Morehouse said. "It's Morehouse said. "They don't mind a lot tougher than running to the hard work. In fact, they relish it." other end, coming off a screen and It's their work ethic and willingshooting." ness to learn that Morehouse feels Grotenhuis showed off some of will eventually pay off for the team her shooting skills earlier this seain the future.

A N D R E W KLECZIEK sports e d i t o r




Y 1



photo by Jamie Shiparski

F A B FIVE: (X-fl) Kathi Grotenhuis ('03), Amy Baltmanis ('03), Amanda Kerkstra ('03), Colleen Corey ('03) and Beth Woolley ('03) are making marks on Hope's varsity roster. son against Kalamazoo where she went four- for- four in three pointers. She also had two steals, one rebound and an assist in that game. If one of the freshman players can be counted on to put on a consistent p e r f o r m a n c e , it's p r o b a b l y Kerkstra. She can point to a number of g a m e s this season where she's put up impressive numbers. Against Adrian she scored 15 points and had 5 rebounds. Earlier in the season, against Spring Arbor, she scored 14 points and had 12 rebounds. " S h e ' s the best p a s s i n g post player I've ever had," he said. The freshman have helped the Flying Dutch to a first place 11-2 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association record. They are currently a half-game ahead of Calvin.

sports brief H o p e beats C a l v i n , clinches M I A A t i t l e Head women's basketball coach Brian Morehouse knew that Jodi Boom's ('02) 30-foot shot would go in. "Yip. Thai's good. Swish," Morehouse said, describing Boom's gameopening three-pointer. The shot gave Hope the lead for good, as the team topped Calvin Tuesday night in the Dow Center, 59-36, and gave the Flying Dutch its first conference title since 1995. "League champions was the our goal at the start of the season and it's good when you start the season with goals and then you go out an acheive them," Morehouse said.

Hope, which holds a 14-2 record in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association, set the tone for the game by controlling rebounds and holding Calvin to 23 percent shooting. The Flying Dutch jumped out to an early 13-4 lead, and finished the first half leading, 27-18. Calvin was able to get no closer than 27-20 early in the second half. Amanda Kerkstra ('03) led Hope with 15 points and 10 rebounds, while Lisa Hoekstra ('00) added nine points and Kristin Koenigsknecht ( ' 0 1 ) had 13 rebounds.




I 6, 2 0 0 0

Stuursma and Kloster bound for East Grand Rapids 4



sports e d i t o r

With rccruiiing season ncaring ils peak. Hope head football coach Dean Kreps has al leasl one more position lo fill, its defensive coordinator. Defensive coordinator Peter Stuursma ('93) resigned recently to accept (he head coaching position at East Grand Rapids. Stuursma, an East Grand Rapids alumnus, just finished his first year as a Hope coach. Also leaving the team is defensive line coach Todd Kloster ('98) who will join Stuursma on the East Grand Rapids staff. Kloster had just f i n i s h e d his second season as a coach at Hope. Both coaches are Hope alumni.

T m happy with Stuursma's also f e e l s the team will remain my decision, but it a n d was a very difficult Kloster's s u c c e s s f u l in opportunione to make," s p i t e of t h e ties, the vaStuursma said. changes. "There are a lot of c a n c ie s "They'll both g r e a t p l a y e r s and could raise be m i s s e d , but the first time it c o a c h e s and great some quespeople at Hope. The tions as to happened we won a c h a m p i opportunity to be a t h e head coach was very program's onship," Branch said. "Like anya p p e a l i n g , and I stability. " T h i s thing, if it think this is best for Kloster P.Stuursma win be the doesn't kill you my family." it m a k e s y o u Kreps and players third time understand Stuursma's reasons for in five years that I've had to try and stronger, and this won't kill us." find a defensive coordinator," Last year Kreps had lo replace leaving. " T h e y ' r e (players) sad to see him Kreps said. "That's not good for any f o r m e r d e f e n s i v e c o o r d i n a t o r Michael Rickells, who left lo coach go," Kreps said. "But they're happy program." Defensive lineman Eric Branch at his alma mater, Auguslana, II. for him, it's a good career move for ( ' 0 1 ) f e e l s the loss of the t w o The loss of Stuursma, one of the him." main r e c r u i t e r s for the f o o t b a l l W h i l e K r e p s is h a p p y f o r coaches will hurl the team, but he

Flying D u t c h m e n fall t o Calvin

sports briefs Flying D u t c h w i n M I A A s w i m m i n g t i t l e Hope's w o m e n ' s swim team extended its streak of c o n s e c u t i v e Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association championships to nine in a row. The Flying Dutch outraced the runner-up Calvin Knights 574-503. Kalamazoo came in third, followed by Alma and Saint Mary's. Helping the Flying Dutch to the win were Erin Vandenberg ('03), Erinn Van Auken ('00), and Betsy Vandenberg ('01). Each member of the trio also earned a spot at the N C A A national championships. Erin Vandenberg won the 1,650yard freestyle and the 5 0 0 - y a r d freestyle. She placed second in the 200-yard freestyle.

Van A u k e n w o n the 5 0 - y a r d freestyle, the 200-yard freestyle and the 100-yard freestyle. It was her third year winning ihe 100-yard freestyle. Betsy Vandenberg won the 200yard breaststroke, and the 100-yard breaststroke. She was runnerup in the 200-yard individual medley. Several m e m b e r s of the team were also named to the all-MIAA team, including Van Auken, who was named league most valuable s w i m m e r . O t h e r s n a m e d to the t e a m w e r e : Erinn Vandenberg," Llena Durante ( ' 0 0 ) , Sara Gray ('03), Kari Jackson ('99) and Laura Smith ( 02). They travel to nationals March 16-18.

MIKE Z U I D E M A editor-in-chief

An improbable, off-balance threepointer by Calvin senior star Aaron Winkle swayed another HopeCalvin classic in the Knights favor. Calvin gained momentum in the series' 144th meeting with Winkle's shot, forcing overtime after Hope led 68-65 with eight seconds remaining. The Knights jumped ahead in the extra session, and ended with an 8280 victory, Feb. 9. Calvin had controlled much of the g a m e , leading by as many as 14 points, just five minutes into the second half. Bui Hope continued to chip away at that lead and a Ryan Klingler('Ol) three-pointer cut C a l v i n ' s lead lo 63-61 with two minutes left. Mark M e n fall t o K a l a m a z o o a t league m e e t Bray ('00) nailed a three-point shot The Hope College Flying Dutch100 and 200-yard backstroke. In of his own, and after a Calvin basmen finished second to Kalamazoo the 200-yard backstroke, Dattels ket, scored a layup with 15 seconds in the M I A A league meet for the had an N C A A qualifying time of remaining to give Hope the advan1:54.69. He a l s o set an M I A A fifth consecutive yeiir. tage, 66-65. J o s h B o s s ( ' 0 2 ) , d e f e n d i n g record in the 100-yard event. Kyle Vanderwall ('01) was fouled Bouwens was the runner-up in N C A A national champion in the afler rebounding a Calvin miss, and 100-yard and 2 0 0 - y a r d b r e a s t the 200-yard butterfly with a time Hope led 68-65 afler the ensuing free stroke, defended his lille at the meet of 1:57.47. throws. All of which set up Winkle's Also adding to the Flying Dutchw i n n i n g both e v e n t s . B o s s h a s heroics. men point total was the 400-yard qualified for this y e a r ' s national The overtime session was a back relay, which Hope won for the 11 th championship. Bos was also named and forth affair until Calvin scored league co-most valuble swimmer/ consecutive year. T h e relay team five straight points midway through, of Dattels, Jarod Lippert ( ' 0 0 ) , diver. and a late Hope rally proved loo late. Brian Slagh ('03), and Scott Also placing for the Flying "We're down by 14, but we're reVroegindewey ('01) had an N C A A Dulchmen were Chris Dattels ('01) silient enough at that point where we and Tom Bouwens (*00). qualifying time of 3:03.30. Nationget going on a mission," said head Daltels won gold medals in the als lake place March 16-18.

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c o a c h G l e n n Van W i e r e n . " W e score and we defend and we rebound and we cut it down and it e n d s up going i n t o 0 v e rtime. We hit great shots d o w n t h e stretch, but they hit an e v e n Abor greater shot. O hvet "That Adrian s h o t at K-Zoo the end of reguAlmar 1 at io n was just an unreal shot. Our plan was to foul as soon as he got Ihe ball, but Aaron shot the ball so quickly we couldn't execute ihe plan. "We were in a pretty good position at thai time and we had il in position lo win the g a m e , " Van Wieren said. " W e ' r e heartbroken we didn't." The loss gave Calvin the advantage in the all-lime series, 73-71. Calvin also leads in all-lime points scored, 9,475 to 9,470. Klingler led Hope with 18 points, while Craig Veldman ('01) added

17 and Bray had 13 points. The Flying Dulchmen followed that game with a 77-63 win over A l m a on Feb. 12. T h e w i n moved Hope into a tie with D e f i a n c e for second place in the Michigan Inlercollegiate Athletic Association.. Hope has a 8 4 conference mark, and is 139 overall. C a l v i n , ranked second in the nation, has already clinched the M I A A title w i t h a 12-0 record. Hope will face Adrian, tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Civic Center, hoping to hold on the second place spot. The Flying D u t c h m e n will then travel lo Defiance, Saturday, in a game that may determine where ihe teams are ranked heading into the M I A A Tournament, Feb. 23-26. "(Calvin) was ranked second in the nation and we come on to their c o u r t and w e ' r e in p o s i t i o n lo win...lhat says something prelly good about our team," Van Wieren said.

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team, may affect this year's recruiting class. However, Kreps feels il can only be an advantage to have someone familiar with Hope's program coaching at a school with Easl Grand Rapids' reputation. "He's going to be head coach at one of the best high school programs in the stale," Kreps said. "We expect him lo send recruits this way every year. We've gotten some good players oul of there and I expect that tradition to continue." Last season the Flying Dutchmen went 5-1 in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic A sso c i a t i o n and won a share of the league title with Albion and Alma. The team also gave up a league low 163 points. Hope will start a national search for a new defensive coordinator soon, according to Kreps.

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