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n c h o r

Oh, my achy breaky heart! February 1996

H o p e C o l l e g e • H o l l a n d . M i c h i g a n • A n i n d e p e n d e n t n o n p r o f i t p u b l i c a t i o n • S e r v i n g t h e H o p e C o l l e g e C o m m u n i t y f o r 109 y e a r s

check it o u t .

What's love g o t t o g o with

it? C u p i d knows. Spotlight, p a g e 7.

Pledging in limbo for H o p e frats JULIE BLAIR editor-in-chief

Three of Hope's six fraternities may not be allowed to run their p l e d g i n g p r o g r a m s a s planned this spring after being charged by the administration with Rush violations, c o n s e quences that could alter their systems of sacred traditions further. If appeals are not granted by the Ad-Hoc Appeals Board this week, the Cosmopolitian Fraternity will not run a pledging program and the Arcadian Fraternity will be allowed only six days of pledging versus the standard three and a half weeks, members of the organizations said. T h e F r a t e r s d e c l i n e d to r e l e a s e t h e administration's punishment. The Cosmopolitan and Fraternal fraternities,' Hope's oldest fraternities, and the Arcadian Fraternity, were mailed letters the week of Feb. 2 by the administration citing specific allegations.

According to Frater President Joe Novak, the Fraternal Society was charged with providing alcohol to underage drinkers and holding a party after an event. Sources within the Greek system confirmed the Arcadians were written up for the hiring of a stripper. The Cosmos declined to release their charges, but reported they met with the Appeals Board Feb. 8. "We gave our appeal and we felt good about it," said an officer of the Fraternity. M i k e S p r a d l i n g ( ' 9 8 ) , P r e s i d e n t of t h e Arcadian Fraternity, said the Arcadians were not sure if they would appeal. "We've got bids turned in and we are planning on having pledging and a new pledge class this year," Spradling said. "We know that the Arcadians are in a good position. We are working with the administration." Novak said the Fraters are planning to make an appeal but as of last Wednesday had not yet

done so. T h e deadline for appeals was Feb. 9. Activities deemed unacceptable include: servr ing alcohol at events, holding parties directly after a Rush event, talking to rushees regarding Greek life during the Silent Period after bids are given out and speaking negatively about other Greek organizations. All violations are outlined in the constitutions of the Interfraternity Council and PanHellenic Board, the governing panels for all Hope fraternities and sororities. The constitutions are available to each organization through their committee representatives. T h e rules for Rush were also published in the 1996 Rush Guide. "Decisions have been made and appeals are up to each group," said Dean of Students Richard Frost. "They have five days from receiving the letters to respond." Frost declined to c o m m e n t f u r t h e r on the m o r e F R A T S on 5

Intern samples corpses' fumes JULIE BLAIR editor-in-chief

an adoption agency, for assistance. Their search for a child began in May of 1995. This fall, they were informed of a unparented infant. Unfortunately, this effort fell through. On January 17th Deb was notified that a single mother had just given birth to a baby girl, and the infant needed a home right away. Once again, the Swanson couple jumped at the news. They had been selected as one of three couples to potentially adopt the infant. It was up to the biological mother to choose who would be the parents of her newborn baby. After meeting with the Swansons for only a few minutes, she knew that they were the ones who should raise her child. The next day, the two went to work as the always did. At 9:30 a.m., Deb received a phone call which would change her and Todd's life forever. It was only four hours after the birth that a

T h e bloated body laid face down in the muck, maggots burrowing into the pasty, raw flesh. The buttocks of the forty-seven-year-old woman had split to the middle of her back, leaving a flap of skin to cover the muscle. The stench of death rose from the soil like steam from a hot bath. Bryce Bergethon ( ' 9 6 ) wished he was fetching coffee or making copies for a yuppie in pinstripes. Instead he was interning in forensics, searching for a method to determine the fatty acid content emitted from decomposing bodies. His research would help detectives track down c r i m e s c e n e s and d e t e r m i n e t h e t i m e s of deaths—an essential component in putting together all the pieces of a murder or suicide. Bergethon bent to his knees and slowly rolled the body to the side. Thousands of maggots fell off the corpse. Using a spatula, he dug out a core of earth and placed it in a vile. He moved onto the next body—ten in all—of fifty some decaying corpses and amputated parts placed in the name of scientific research out in the elements at a lot affectionately called "The Body Farm." T h e bodies were leftover f r o m medical schools or organ donors whose use had passed. T h e site, located d e e p in the mountains of Tennessee at Oak Ridge National Laboratories and run in conjunction with the University of Tennessee, provides a hands-on workshop for scientists working to solve crimes and analyze chemical components. Hope College got hooked into the lab in 1977, finding the center to be the perfect forum for biology and chemistry interns to garner experience doing research for a semester. That's exactly what Bergethon expected when he left Michigan in August. A research component. Maybe a few articles in academic journals. But no dead bodies. "I had no idea," Bergethon said. "I was supposed to be doing development for drug screening methods. They didn't tell me what was down there." Bergethon went on two runs to the Body Farm

m o r e B A B Y on 2

m o r e D E A D B O D I E S o n 11

Art show, speaker spark

sisterhood spirit. Campusbeat, p a g e 2.

/Anc/7or p h o t o by Z a c h J o h n s o n y

OH BABY: Todd and Deb Swanson s world was happily turned upside-down when baby Emma came into their lives three weeks ago. S u r v i v o r tells of a d a t e you'll never forget.

Baby makes three Profs called from class to adopt girl

Spotlight, p a g e 6.

LAURA MIHAILOFF staff r e p o r t e r

C o s is back, wishing all a

happy V-day. Sports, p a g e 11.

W h o would have thought that one phone call could change someone's life so much? But that's all that it took to change the Swansons from a couple to a family. Deb and Todd Swanson are professors here at Hope. They have been anxious to adopt a child for over three years. Now their wait is over. Just three w e e k s ago, every room in the Swanson's home was silent. The only movement that could be seen was the shadow of the pastel mobile strung carefully from the freshly painted ceiling. But something was missing. Deb, w h o teaches Sociology, and Todd, who is a professor of Mathematics, had been married for about five years and had been wishing to have children. After three years of trying, they decided UCV>1U^U to IVJ look to Bethany Christian • — •Services, •

Seniors feel t h e c r u n c h as Veal w o r l d ' nears JENN D O R N campusbeat editor



bend: c a n d i d a t e s make last lap for

W h i t e House. InFocus, p a g e 3.

They may be smiling in those senior pictures taken a mere few weeks ago when things were a little less stressful, but they're not smiling anymore. Though it may seem like this semester only just began. May will be here soon enough, and for some Hope students that means graduation and heading out into the real world. For others, it means complete and total uncertainty. "I have no idea what I am going to be doing after graduation," said Amy Stillwell ('96). "I hope to find a job either in this area or back in my hometown. I am feeling a lot of pressure, though, because it is my senior year and I do not know what I am going to be doing or where

I am going to be going." "It's a scary j u m p going out into the real world,"—iStillwell 5 NOW WHAT DO WE DO" said. is a lot to There / X w h e n consider up to find gearing and it can c a r e e r a l i t t l e get a whelmo v e r That' s i nn g . reer Serwhat Cahere for; v i c e s is students to help path that find a fit them. very unIt's derstandable that seniors are feeling anxious at

W o Austin, Auctin nirArtr\rnf this point," said rDale Director of Career S e r v i c e s . " F o r their w h o l e lives, they have known their next step and had a sense of their destination. Now there is no real destination and they have to adjust to new horizons." Career Services is available to students to help them both f o c u s in on their skills and career choices and to assist them in mapping out a plan for their future. "This anxiety can be used in several different ways," Austin said. "It can be a motivator to pressure the students into taking concrete steps to planning their future. It can also lead to a sense of evasiveness and be a paralyzer for the student; they just don't want to think about their future because it produces that unsettling anxiety. m o r e STRESS on 5


C a m p u s Beat

campus briefs

Hope students have been spending their M o n d a y nights pounding the p a v e m e n t , or m o r e a p p r o p r i ately, the carpet. T h e y have been g o i n g door-to-door in both Kollen and Dykstra Hall as career advisors to let the halls' residents know what all is available to them at Career Services. T h e advisors, f o u r in total, are trying for n o w to build a relationship with the students and to get the word out about the new program. E v e n t u a l l y , the s t u d e n t a d v i s o r s hope to be able to set a specific time and place that students can c o m e to them for o n e - o n - o n e consultation.

" W e ' r e just testing the program this semester to see how it goes," said Dinean Runyan, Assistant Director at Career Services. "If it goes well, w e may expand it in the upc o m i n g years. So far, w e have met with the RA's in the dorms and they feel like it will meet the needs of their r e s i d e n t s . T h e y a p p r e c i a t e s o m e o n e c o m i n g in w h o is more knowledgeable about w h a t ' s available." Assessment tests for careers, majors, skills, and values are also available to s t u d e n t s through the career advisors.

Tickets a sellout for W i n t e r Fantasia folly JENN D O R N c a m pus b e a t e d i t o r

A line snaked around the DeWitt lobby last T u e s d a y , j a m - p a c k e d with students w a i t i n g to buy tickets to S A C ' s annual Winter Fantasia. Tickets w e r e allotted f o r only 200 couples, and^by the end of the day those tickets w e r e gone. " T h e tickets went on sale at 8 a.m. and within an hour, only 2 0 pairs w e r e l e f t , " s a i d E l i z a b e t h Freeman ( ' 9 8 ) , w h o w o r k s at the S t u d e n t U n i o n D e s k , w h e r e the tickets w e r e sold. S t u d e n t s can o n c e again get decked out in their finest and strap on their d a n c i n g s h o e s for Fantasia, which will be held from 8 p.m. to midnight on Feb. 16 at the A m w a y Grand Plaza Hotel, in G r a n d Rapids. T h e d a n c e has been held at the A m w a y f o r the past several years. " I t ' s a n i c e p l a c e to h a v e the dance, w h i c h is w h y w e have kept g o i n g b a c k , " said Karen Paradis, S A C coordinator of Winter Fantasia. "There will be a room for d a n c ing as well as a separate r o o m for deserts and beverages. It's very elegant, but there is a c o m f o r t a b l e a t m o s p h e r e too. It's just nice f o r students to be able get dressed up

in their formal wear and go out." A new feature to this year's dance is the DJ. Spinning the tunes will be DJ Video. In addition to the regular montage of dance hits, DJ Video also captures on video those w h o are ripping u p the dance floor. " H e will project the images onto screens around the r o o m , " Paradis said. "That w a y people will be able to see themselves and their friends while they are d a n c i n g . " A caricaturist will also be roaming around to capture those attending in cartoon f o r m . A security guard will be roaming about the dance floor to ensure that nothing gets too out of hand, " b u t last y e a r , t h i n g s w e n t so smoothly that the security guards said that they w e r e bored," Paradis said. Despite the fact the the night of the d a n c e falls on the s a m e day that Greek pledging starts, Paradis is not afraid that it will affect ticket sales. In fact, s o m e Greeks were seen in line, waiting to buy tickets— they're not g o i n g to miss out on •his Hope tradition. "Last year, tickets sold out in two hours, and it fell around the same time," Paradis said. "The only problem that I can see is people being upset that they w o n ' t be able to go to Fantasia, but that's their choice."

I 4, I 9 9 6

NEH funds search for authors JENN D O R N

C a r e e r advice offered to freshman


c a m pus b e a t e d i t o r

Anne Larsen, a French professor, has received a fellowship f r o m the National E n d o w m e n t for the Humanities (NEH). Larsen received the m a x i m u m amount, $30,000, for her new edition of the collected works of the Dames des Roches, m o t h e r - d a u g h t e r 16th c e n t u r y French authors. "What I am doing is a critical edition," Larsen said. "Essentially, I am bringing out of the s h a d o w s the complete works of the mother-daughter writing team, the D a m e s des Roches. T h e original tests w e r e published in the 1600's, and they have not been re-published since then, not in 4 0 0 years." Only 8 7 of the 9 1 4 applicants received f u n d i n g f r o m the " 1 9 9 6 - 9 7 Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars" c o m p e tition. Larsen is planning on prod u c i n g the second and third volu m e s w h i c h of the w o r k s of the mother-daughter t w o s o m e . "I will be making these works ac-

the writings of this mother-pair has cessible for a large audience, both graduate and undegraduate for the begun in the absence of the availability of their work," she said. "The first time," Larsen said. , Larsen's first volume in the edi- D a m e s des Roches allow us to examine the challenges that women tion, "Les O e u v r e s " ("The Works"), was published in 1993 and she an- faced in the early modern period as ticipates that the second and third, they sought to d e f i n e themselves as writers and scholars. "Les Secfondres T h e y w e r e d e v o t e d to O e u v r e s " ("The Sec1 w o m e n ' s education and ond Works") and " L e s to f e m a l e independence Missives" ("The Letin an age deeply ambivaters"), to be published lent t o w a r d erudite in 1999. women." "I will be re-establishing the enLarsen plans to c o m plete her research on tire texts, c o r r e c t i n g sabbatical leave starting the e r r o r s , a n d a l s o in January of 1997. w r i t i n g an i n t r o d u c Anne Larsen " T h a n k s to the grant, t i o n to t h e w o r k s " Larsen said. "It is interesting to note, also, that the third edition, their letters, is the first time that w o m e n have ever p u b l i s h e d their letters, which entail what their lives were like, what they saw and how they lived." Since academic and popular interest in the D a m e s des Roches has been growing, Larsen feels an additional responsibility in her efforts. "Remarkably, this rediscovery of

I will be able to take off an additional term," Larsen said. Larsen will spend the first year of sabbatical on the east coast, at the libraries of Harvard and Columbia University, which are the only facilities in the country that have the texts a v a i l a b l e to read. S h e also p l a n s to make at least o n e trip to Paris so that she m a y c o m p a r e her transcripts with the original volu m e s of the D a m e s des Roches.

Swansons. Before the semester began. Deb and Todd arranged their schedules so that they would never be in class at the s a m e time so one parent could always be with their baby if they w e r e so lucky as to b e c o m e parents

leave. For now the College is faced with D e b ' s request for a few w e e k s off. S h e plans to tend to E m m a at h o m e for six weeks. In the meantime, professors have agreed to take over her courses. T h e College has d o n e everything possible to help her. T h e average cost f o r prenatal care and child birth f e e s is $ 5 , 0 0 0 . T h i s is a p p r o x i m a t e l y how m u c h help the S w a n s o n s will receive f o r the care of their adopted daughter. "Back when the faculty was mostly male, the f e m a l e would stop w o r k i n g and the m a n would continue working," Nemeth said. " I t ' s just not like that anymore." W h e n Deb returns to the classroom on March 11th, Emma will acc o m p a n y her father. A n d while Todd is teaching, E m m a m a y be found sleeping in her m o t h e r ' s of-

BABY from I ever. It w a s only four hours after the birth that a voice from Bethany said, " W e have a baby girl waiting for you to take home." At t h a t . D e b b o l t e d t o f i n d T o d d — he was in class. To fill the time, she walked downtown to buy a baby sleeper. After the class, she grabbed Todd by the arm and hurried him to the car. In minutes, they w e r e peering through a w i n d o w at their new daughter. Her name is E m m a Harvey. And in the eyes of her parents, she is perfect in every way. T h r e e weeks prem a t u r e , she w e i g h e d six p o u n d s and t w o ounces, and w a s l 8 inches long with brown hair and eyes. No threat of second thoughts from her biological mother existed. The a d o p t i o n w a s c l o s e d and E m m a was welcomed into the S w a n s o n ' s home a few days later. When Todd first saw her, he was in awe. " I r e a l i z e d t h a t s h e w a s my daughter, just as any father would react to the birth of his own child," Tood said. A newborn requires much attention. With both parents working full lime, c h i l d c a r e m a y s e e m like a m a j o r o b s t a c l e . But not to t h e

mid-semester. Hope has never been faced with a case of literal "over-night adoption." T h e Swanson's situtation sent Roger Nemeth, Chairman of the Sociology Department, into a p h o n e frenzy, calling seven academic departments and c o m p a r i n g policies. Several faculty m e m b e r s joined to develop a proposal that would allow for an adoptive mother to receive maternity leave benefits. " T h e unexpectedness of a child born and put in their hands the next day is extraordinary," Nemeth said. T h e school has a policy for mothe r s d u r i n g and a f t e r p r e g n a n c y . Abiding by federal legislation Hope offers up to 12 w e e k s unpaid m a ternity leave. H o p e p r i d e s itself on b e i n g a "pro-family" institution. T h e Professional Interest C o m m i t t e e (PIC) signed a proposal which would allow an adopting parent three w e e k s paid and up to nine months unpaid

fice. T h e family, w h o intends to adopt again, plans to break the stereotype of the average parents. Next year, Todd will teach only part-time so that he m a y spend more time caring for his new daughter. D e b will resume a full load of classes in the fall.

W o m e n ' s W e e k activities help celebrate w o m a n h o o d JENN D O R N campusbeat editor

W o m e n ' s Week is a l m o s t here and the c a m p u s will soon be bustling with a c t i v i t i e s to c e l e b r a t e womanhood. W o m e n ' s Week runs f r o m Feb. 19 to March 2. T h e featured s p e a k e r this y e a r will be Susan Komives, a professor from the University of Maryland. She will speak on Feb. 22. Her keynote a d d r e s s is entitled " W o m e n Shaping the Future" and will deal with future issues for w o m e n , their challenges and their implications. In a d d i t i o n to t h e K e y n o t e , Komives will speak t w o other times during the day. At 4:30 p.m. she will speak in the Otte R o o m about lead-

ership for w o m e n . T h i s seminar, held in the Otte room, will also inc l u d e s o m e interactive leadership training on w o m e n and leadership. K o m i v e s ' final speech will be at 7:30 p.m., also in the Otte Room, and is a w o r k s h o p that tackles the issue of " T h e S u p e r w o m a n S y n drome." " T h e Superwoman Syndrome' is about w o m e n who do too m u c h , " said Mary Walter, co-president of W o m e n ' s Issues Organization. W I O is c o - s p o n s o r i n g t h i s s p e c i f i c speech. "The women who work and raise a family or go to school fulltime, and are expected to have an active social life and w e i g h 120 pounds and look beautiful all the time," Walter said. W o m e n ' s Week is sponsored by

the Special Programs department. They plan a majority of the events, though any student group on campus can sponsor an event. " W e send ouj^entry f o r m s to every student organization on c a m pus," s a i d F o n d a G r e e n , Special Activities Coordinator, "and they have the opportunity to sponsor any event that they want as long as it pertains to W o m e n ' s Week. " In addition to the s p e a k e r this year, there will also be an art and folk art s h o w in M a a s auditorium from Feb. 27 to Feb. 29. T h e exh i b i t is e n t i t l e d " C e l e b r a t i n g W o m e n ' s Creative Works." "Any woman affiliated with Hope can enter work in the show," Green said, "a student, a faculity member, a spouse, a n y o n e . "

Featured w o r k s will include anything f r o m paintings to jewelry to needlepoint. Entries will be taken until Feb. 26. There will be a reception following the opening of the art s h o w on the 27th that will include w o m e n reading f r o m their own w r i t i n g s . T h i s artist reception is sponsored by Opus. O p u s is a l s o s p o n s o r i n g t h e Meyer lecture on March 1, w h i c h is an endowment set up to bring in women from the arts and the fine a r t s . S c h e d u l e d to s p e a k at t h e Meyer lecture, as part of the Visiting Writer's Series, are Chase Twichell and her husband Russel Banks. T h e Clothesline Project, s p o n sored by both W I O and Amnesty

International, will re-appear in the DeWitt lobby on Feb. 27. The Clothesline Project is a memorial to battered w o m e n and their constant, o n g o i n g struggle. Also, throughout the entire course of W o m e n ' s Week, professors will have the o p p o r t u n i t y to open up their lectures to the entire campus. " T h e professors can bring in a speaker o r present a lecture topic that f a l l s within their c o u r s e description that relates to w o m a n , " Green said. A c o m p l e t e d e s c r i p t i o n of the W o m e n ' s Week schedule is available in the Student D e v e l o p m e n t office as well as in academic and administrative o f f i c e s around campus.


In F o c u s



it: i s . . .

The Preiidential preylew '9f» Campus Pulse

^ e s , H o p e College, it's b a b y k i s s i n g s e a s o n again. B u t b e f o r e y o u m a k e t h a t m a d d a s h to t h e polls, p l o w i n g d o w n r o o m m a t e s , c u s t o d i a l staff, a n d a s s o r t e d little o l d l a d i e s i n t h e p r o c e s s , b e s u r e t o r e a d this—a q u i c k g l a n c e at t h e major p l a y e r s i n t h e r a c e for t h e p r e s i d e n c y .

by H e a t h e r Bosch InFocus Editor

If the P r e s i d e n t i a l election was held today, whom would you vote, for and why?


He's t a n . toned, a n d one tough cookie. And at 72 y e a r s old. Bob Dole, t h e c u r r e n t S e n a t e Majority Leader, certainly doesn't lack experience— he's been in t n e U.S. S e n a t e since 1968. Though m a n y see him as a rabid conservative, Dole h a s had his m o m e n t s of bipartisan glory. H e p u s h e d t h e SALT II arms-control t r e a t y extension to passage and also supported s e n d i n g troops to Bosnia. While not exactly known as t h e c h u m m i e s t guy on the planet, Dole is one of t h e front runners for t h e Republican candidacy.

•'CIin!on, becausc I ' m a die-hard Dcmocral." —Pete Poel ('97)

Lamar Alexander Party: Republican

"I would vote for Newl Gingrich, because I'm a die-hard sadist." —Jared Buono ( ' % )

A Dole White House; In favor of shifting government power to s t a t e s H a r s h e r criminal sentencing Opposes affirmative action Pro-Flat tax (see Steve Forbes) Abstinence education and welfare reform Opposes late term abortions Opposes gays in t h e military Opposes gun control For voluntary p r a y e r in public schools

Roaming the Midwest in his t r a d e m a r k red and black plaid shirt, t h i s governor of Tennesse h a s been runn i n g a n all-and-out "man of t h e people" campaign. T a k i n g t h e role of the political outsider, Alexander m a y be t h e fresh-blooded d a r k h o r s e t h a t t h i s race needs. However, h i s low-key a p p r o a c h may lead people to a s k , ' W h o - is t h i s g u y anyway? W h a t is so special about him? f A n d is t h a t t h e / s a m e shirt he's wearing every day or w h a t ? ' An Alexander White House: Crime a n d Medicaid in s t a t e control Welfare f u n d s in t h e h a n d s of nonprofit organizations Elimination of the D e p a r t m e n t of Education M o m e n t of s i l e n c e in p u b l i c schools Balanced budget Opposes gun control

I would vote for Mike Hargrove, the manager of the Cleveland Indians, because he's the only person who got any work done last year." —Todd Hoyer ( ' % )

Pat Buchanan Party: Republican/Independent So you're a citizen of a n o t h e r country? You're ailing, in turmoil, in pain? Well, forget you. Pat Buchanan, a journalist a n d writer who h a s been a senior advisor for p r e s i d e n t s Nixon, Ford, a n d Reagan, h a s definitely m a d e a m a r k with his "America F i r s t ' platform. B u c h a n a n is a n avid f a n of t h e C h r i s t i a n Coalition a n d religious values. Called "the it bull of t h e American right," e s l a m s Dole a n d G r a m m as "Big G o v e r n m e n t Republicans.' Grrrr.


"Anybody but Dole, because if he wins I'm leaving the country." —Jaime Weidner ('98)

Bill C l i n t o n Party: D e m o c r a t

Bob Dole Party: Republican


Often accused of straddling t h e issues and h o r s i n g a r o u n d with his promises, Clinton, t h e Democratic i n c u m b e n t , m a y be in b e t t e r political s h a p e t h a n one would think. T h i s m a n is a m a r v e l o u s campaigner—able to skirt s c a n d a l s and win t h e public emotionally. And with his somewhat dour Republican competition in 1996, he m i g h t j u s t pull it off again. O n e m a j o r problem: W h i t e w a t e r . Hillary is already knee-deep, a n d Bill might not be far behind. But for now, he's on dry land, a n d h a s been postitioning himself to t h e center. In fact, m a n y of t h e words from his S t a t e of t h e Union Address s e e m to be s t r a i g h t from t h e Republican p a r t y platform, including t h e reduction of "Big Government." House: Health care reform Affirmative action S u p p o r t s troops in Bosnia S u p p o r t s gun control a n d a r m s reduction E n v i r o n m e n t a l regulation S u p p o r t s lobby reform, H e a d S t a r t , a n d college loans


Phil Gramm Party: Republican He is w h a t liberals would call a gun-toting wacko a n d w h a t conservatives would call a savior of t h e hallowed second a m e n d m e n t . Once a Democrat, G r a m m ditched t h e m for t h e GOP, whom he said fit his conservative/libertarian idebetter. An economics specialist a n d Texas senator, he lis speeches in a s o u t h e r n accent, f r e q u e n t l y mentioning T h e c a n d i d a t e h a s definite consistency a n d stability. O n e t h i n g you can say about Phil G r a m m : he w a s conservative before conservative w a s hi]

Steve Forbes Party: R e p u b l i c a n

g of federal g o v e r n m e n t Ambivalent t o w a r d s abortion Pro F l a t T a x - a m o r e complex version t h a n Forbes Prison reform and capital p u n i s h m e n t S t r o n g defense, opposes troops in H a i t i a n d Bosnia Opposes a f f i r m a t i v e action

You know how everyone s a y s t h a t t h e n e r d s will inherit t h e e a r t h ? Some m a y say t h a t Steve Forbes is a case in point. Worth a n e s t i m a t e d $439 million, t h i s 48-year-old publisher has literally t u r n e d his campaign around^posing a serious t h r e a t to former Republican shoo-in Dole. His secret? Geek t u r n s chic with Forbes' flat tax. a n idea t h a t h a s caught on like wildfire and h a s been copied by his Republican competitors. Considered fiscal wizardry by many, t h e flat tax would pretty much eliminate t h e I R S and would tax incomes at 17 percent. And t h a t ' s it. T h e simplicity is beauti...... i -gjg o r lealthy for f u l - b u t some question if it's plausible t h e country A Forbes White House: Supports flat t a x S u p p o r t s t e r m limits Gays in t h e miltary (don't ask, don't tell) M o d e r a t e views on abortion Privatizing Social Security

A B u c h a n a n White House; "America First --economically and militarily Opposes gun control S u p p o r t s tax cuts Opposes abortion a n d gays in the military Opposes a f f i r m a t i v e action Elimination of D e p a r t m e n t of Education S u p p o r t s freedom of religion in public scnools

"I would vote for Clinton, because I think he's done a good job." —Abby Pochert ('98)

S o r r y to d i s a p p o i n t y'all, but, as of now, Ross is n o t in t h e r u n n i n g . But, as w e all know, t h i s little m a n w i t h t h e b i g p l a n f r o m t h e l a n d of Texas h a s a tendency to change his mind about such things. So we'll see... G e t o u t t h e Vote

The c a n d i d a t e s t h a t n e v e r w e r e Colin Powell Party: Republican By declining to r u n for president, Powell d e m o n s t r a t e d the integrity and honesty t h a t would have m a d e him sucn a popular candidate. Powell lacked e x p e r i e n c e - b u t t h a t w a s n ' t even issue. W h a t people w a n t e d w a s c h a r a c t e r a n d they seemed to see t h a t in Colin Powell.

Ross Perot Party: Reform Party

Newt Gingrich Party: Republican With shadows of ethical accusations haunting him. Newt, t h e combative S p e a k e r of t h e House, h a s h a d enough to worry about in t h e recent past witnout r u n n i n g for president. To p u t it in his own words, ' T a l k i n g is m o r e t i r i n g t h a n I thought."

You b r u s h r e•gularly. ^ larlv. So You f l u s h regularly, bo also s h o u l d you vote regularly. Even if you are out of your county or s t a t e , you can reouest an a b s e n t e e ballot. Mailing your ballot back to your governm e n t a s s u r e s t h e big g u n s h a v e h e a r d your brilliant opinion. It's t h i s e a s y : • In order to become a fiaming political activist, all you h a v e to do is call y o u r city or t o w n s h i p clerk. Their n u m b e r s are available through general information in your a r e a code—555-1212. photo credits: Nousweek, George, for P r e s i d e n t




our voice.


your voice. Student to Patterson

Lasting Love The snow tumbled down around them, the thick puffs gently caressing the ski slopes. Rodneli lifted his Armani goggles from his deeply tanned face and pulled Renae close. Pressing his hungry lips to hers he murmured, "Be my Valentine, Renae,/orever." Surely somewhere out there—Lake Tahoe possibly— somebody is living the ultimate Valentine fantasy. The lights dim automatically and everything i s — s i g h — perfect. But back here in the Real World dating is a little different. He spends an entire paycheck on roses, she is allergic to flowers. She plans a weekend escape, he has five exams Monday morning. There is communication, miscommunication, hurt and, yes, unhappy endings. Just ask Katie Koestner. During her freshman year in college she was brutally raped. Not by an anonymous attacker, not by a lecherous stalker, but by Peter, the guy she was dating. He had taken her to dinner, impressed her with his knowledge of French, gotten her to trust him. Katie is not alone. Here at Hope there are also women who have been raped and fear speaking out, or who do tell someone then never get the help they need. Fortunately, the Hope College Counseling Center is here to listen. They provide free, confidential services that assists women in the process of healing and advocate victim's rights. They understand Michigan State law and aid t h o s e w h o wish to p r e s s c h a r g e s against their attackers. This Valentine's Day, forget the fantasy. Help the one you love, or help yourself, by contacting the Counseling Center at 395-7945. After the snow melts and the flowers wither, your gift will still be around.

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The Anchor Is a p r o d u c t o f s t u d e n t e f f o r t and is f u n d e d t h r o u g h t h e H o p e C o l l e g e S t u d e n t C o n g r e s s A p p r o p r i a t i o n s C o m m i t t e e . L e t t e r s t o t h e e d i t o r are e n c o u r a g e d , t h o u g h d u e t o s p a c e l i m i t a t i o n s the Anchor r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o e d i t . T h e opinions addressed in t h e editorial are solely those of the editor-inchief. Stories f r o m t h e H o p e C o l l e g e N e w s Service a r e a p r o d u c t o f t h e Public R e l a t i o n s O f f i c e . O n e - y e a r s u b s c r i p t i o n s t o the Anchor a r e available f o r $ 1 1 . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o a c c e p t o r r e j e c t any a d v e r t i s i n g .

^ A n c h o r


Sunday, January 2 8 , 1 9 9 6 at T h e Gathering, Hope's student chaplain, Ben Patterson told the church that God is Father and not Mother. He also stated that God is not a man or a w o m a n . His sermon really confused me. If God is not a man or w o m a n , like Ben Patterson said, then where is the basis to referring to God only as Father? If we are going to refer to God as Father, why c a n ' t w e a l s o r e f e r to G o d a s Mother? Ben Patterson said that this is because Jesus said that God is our Father. Jesus calls God Father, but w e know that God is above male or female, so why do w e continue to call God Father? All fathers, last time 1 checked, were male. So why did J e s u s call God Father? J e s u s said, "Believe in G o d , the Father, as revealed in me, the body and soul incarnate." If anybody is the father, it is Jesus, w h o took this human f o r m . S o " y e s " Jesus is father to Christianity. But despite everything that Jesus is, God is still more. Jesus didn't have to be male and he didn't have to refer to God as father; there is reason behind this. When God sent Jesus to earth the society w a s dominated by patriarchy; it doesn't seem as if God had achoice, but to send a son. Would the people of Israel had even listened as much as they did to Jesus, if Jesus had been a w o m e n ? We can also ask the question would they have believed in a G o d t h a t J e s u s r e f e r r e d to as mother? Probably not, but surprisingly enough there is f e m a l e imagery that does exist for Mother in the Bible in reference to God. In fact, o n e Hope religion professor states, "If Jesus were to c o m e back today, he w o u l d a l s o r e f e r to G o d a s Mommy." Ben Patterson said that the Bible g i v e s u n d i s p u t a b l e e v i d e n c e that God should be referred to as Father. Part of this I already explored in the issue of Jesus. But Patterson said that the scripture uses Father as the exclusive metaphor for G o d . Other metaphors. Chaplain Patterson mentioned, also exist: King, Master, Judge, Husband, Godfather. But even these are not male-figure exclusive. Female j u d g e s existed during Biblical t i m e s . D e b o r a h , a

"Please don't take away my God"

j u d g e and -leader, p r o m p t e d the men of her c o m m u n i t y to o v e r c o m e the rule of the C a n a a n i t e s (Judges 4-5). There are also f e m a l e rulers and m a s t e r s f o u n d in the Bible. S o even all this male imagery is not completely male; perhaps w e need to realize that the B i b l e s a y s a lot m o r e t h a n w e s o m e t i m e s think it does. Ben Patterson mentioned only four references to God as a Mother in the Bible, adding that these only occur in Isaiah. Well, isn't it significant that these do occur at all, considering the patriarchal society of early Biblical times? For God to be referred to as a mother figure even o n c e is remarkable, during a time w h e n , in most c o m m u n i t i e s , women were property of their husbands and had very f e w rights as people. What is even more a m a z ing is that a lot m o r e f e m a l e imagery for God than w h a t Ben Patterson reported exists. Female imagery for God occurs in not only the book of Isaiah, but also the b o o k s of: D e u t e r o n o m y , Job, Numbers, Psalm, Hosea, Matthew, Ruth, Exodus, and Luke. In addition to this, the word " w i s d o m " in reference to God is a reference to the f e m i n i n e . T h i s , a c c o r d i n g to John A . S a n f o r d , is true both in g r a m m a t i c a l translation and image. A reference to the Lord being a shepherd can also be a female reference, because many shepherds during the early t i m e s w e r e w o m e n . And of course any reference to God the Father conceiving of the earth or His people and nursing them is a feminine image. Because a father just can't give birth to, or nurse a child. T h e basic fact that all this female imagery exists has been ignored for too long. How can w e d e n y t h e s e true i m a g e s o f the Bible? It is hard for m e to understand w h y w e s h o u l d n ' t refer to God as Mother and Father in O n e . T h i s is of course if w e are g o i n g to use human terms at all to describe God. Which another Hope religion professor adds, is completely necessary in order to understand God. We have to be able to relate to G o d , only this can give us a s e n s e of G o d ' s love.

But Ben Patterson stated that the reason f o r masculine God language is to k e e p God distant f r o m " H i s " creation. T h i s really c o n f u s e s me. H o w d o e s using the image of Father s e p a r a t e G o d f r o m h u m a n ? A r e n ' t most fathers h u m a n ? Is the reason w e should only use Father because f e m a l e s more earthly than males? If so, does this mean that the f e m i n i n e is lesser because it is associated with the earth? Does this mean that m a l e s are m o r e heavenly? I thought the goal w a s to keep God distinct f r o m G o d ' s creation of the human world. Calling God Father d o e s n ' t s e e m to do this. Fathers are of the earth, just like mothers. W h y s h o u l d w e s e p a r a t e God f r o m Her creation? Patterson said that if w e associale God with earthly t h i n g s w e are o n l y w o r s h i p p i n g idols. H o w can this be, w h e n God is the divine creator of the earth and giver of life? W h y should w e place God so far a w a y f r o m all of His w o n d e r f u l creations? More importantly, God is already part of so m u c h of what w e already do. How can w e do what Chaplain Patterson is a s k i n g us; put God out of our world? Isn't God more understandable w h e n w e associate the Creator with the c r e a t i o n ? Father is only half of the t w o parents that it takes to create. Heaven and earth need a mother too. Ben Patterson quoted, " W h o e v e r accepts in me - the word - accepts the O n e ! " We exist for G o d . And because of this, Chaplain Patterson asked us not the c h a n g e the word of God to make it fit our own personal i d e o l o g y . T h o s e w h o want c h a n g e the language of God are not d o i n g this. Personally, I am only asking that w e look at the Bible to see what it really is telling us. I ' m a s k in g that w e e m b r a c e all sides of G o d , i n s t e a d of l i m i t i n g G o d ' s a m a z i n g p o w e r s . C h a n g e in the Church is not a l w a y s s o m e t h i n g to be feared, often it o p e n s minds and b r i n g s strength. P e r h a p s , c h a n g e and discussion on issues like this are G o d ' s w a y of bringing us closer to the truth! God, our eternal life-giver is open to all of us; w e should be open to all of she, he, and everything else that God is! Sincerely, Tracy Bednarick '98

Professor urges sensitivity D e a r Editor, I had to miss chaplain Patterson's talk Jan. 28 on God without g e n der, but I w a s glad to read in the Anchor that he opposes patriarchal language and the misuse of Scripture to ban women from ministry. He w a s quoted as s a y i n g that G o d ' s s e l f - r e v e l a t i o n is"overwhelmingly [but not exclusively] in masculine terms." I think, t h o u g h , that we h a v e to be very careful what conclusions w e draw from that. God's choice of human f o r self revelation (in the Bible)

m e a n s that G o d s o m e h o w e m braced the revelation must remain incomplete. Words are unavoidably limited by culture and experience. In all the e x p e r i e n c e s that h a v e shaped our ordinary language—any language - h u m a n s have never encountered any other intensely personal being w h o is both masculine and f e m i n i n e , b o t h f a t h e r a n d m o t h e r T h e r e f o r e w e h a v e no simple words to express, or understand, that reality. It might be d o n e by elaborate theological construc-

tions, but w h e n J e s u s s p o k e of God as Father," theolological analysis is not what he w a s interested in d o i n g He left that to us, and w e need to do it with sensitivity and awaren e s s of h o w m u c h the w o r d s of Scripture can convey, and how much they necessarily leave unsaid. Sincerely, Charles Huttar P r o f e s s o r of E n g l i s h

Correction: In the January 31 issue of the Anchor, the photo of A m y Seibert and Bryce Bergethon w a s switched with that of J e n n i f e r Sails and Peter Bailey in the for keeps c o l u m n . We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.


us Bea FRATS from I

STRESS from I Career Services boasts of many resources to help students plan out their future. J o b and intern descriptions are available, as well as tips on how to construct a proper resume and brush u p on those interviewing skills, which are essentially the key to getting that ideal job. M i c h e l l e M o j z a k is a b i o l o g y m a j o r w h o is g r a d u a t i n g in t h e spring. She has no concrete plans for her future, though she is feeling pretty optimistic about what will be facing her there. Her only definite plans are to find a job somewhere in her field. "I think that it's only natural to be a little worried," M o j z a k said. " B u t I ' v e b e e n g o i n g to C a r e e r P l a n n i n g and P l a c e m e n t and t h e y ' v e been very h e l p f u l . T h e y helped m e put together my resume and have made m e feel a lot more c o m f o r t a b l e and c o n f i d e n t that there is a j o b out there for me." While Mojzak may not be feeling the crunch about f i n d i n g a j o b , she is feeling the pressure of s o m e thing that m a n y students must also face: those dreaded student loans. " M y parents have been putting a lot of pressure on m e about repaying student loans," M o j z a k said. "It's not s u r p r i s i n g that our seniors are beginning to get a little anxious about the student loans that they have taken out while they w e r e h e r e at H o p e , " s a i d C o n n i e Ramirez, Associate Director of Fin a n c i a l A i d . "In t h e n e x t f e w months, they are g o i n g to have to make s o m e decisions regarding repayment of their loans."



I -4, I 9 9 6 T h e t w o primary student loans utilized at Hope are the Stafford Loan and the Perkins Loan, both which are federal loan programs. After a student graduates or drops below h a l f - t i m e enrollment, they have a grace period b e f o r e repayment of the loans is expected. T h e grace periods can be f r o m six to nine months. After the grace period, the student has to select a repayment plan. "Depending on the plan, the repayment process can be from 10 to 25. years for S t a f f o r d Loans," Ramirez said. "The Perkins Loan needs to be repaid in 10 years." If a student does not find employment or can't m a k e p a y m e n t s or chooses to go on to graduate school, they may be able obtain a deferment and put off parting with the cash for a little while longer. While some students do not have a set destination f o r their f u t u r e , others know exactly what they want to do, but that d o e s not make the f u t u r e any less frightening. Kelly Anderson is an English major, w h o is planning on g o i n g into secondary education. S h e has just s t a r t e d her s t u d e n t t e a c h i n g at Hamilton High School. S h e knows that teaching is the career f o r her, but she still feels like the pressure is on. "I am not f e e l i n g so pressured about being a senior, but about student teaching," A n d e r s o n said. "Student teaching is as "real world" as it gets in college. My getting a j o b d e p e n d s on how well I do student teaching. My entire future

hinges on 12 weeks." Aside f r o m g o i n g out in to the world of work, there is always the option of staying in school for a few more years and applying to gradua t e s c h o o l , t h o u g h this p r o c e s s should have begun long ago, even as early as last year. "Applications should long since have been filled out," Austin said. " S t u d e n t s also need to take standardized tests and get letters of reco m m e n d a t i o n . T h i s should get started by second semester of j u n ior year." What to furthur your education? Be sure to get in touch an academic advisor and m a p out a plan of action for what grad school you want to attend and in what area you want to furthur pursue. "Students need to make sure to get c o n n e c t e d with the right sources," Austen said. "The anxiety is there; w e just need to recognize it and not let it affect planning our future." Another option for the graduating senior is to take s o m e time off, bum around Europe, sit in their paj a m a s for w e e k s on end, b e c o m e addicted to Oprah. Enjoy life a little. Take some time for themselves. The world is not g o i n g anywhere; it can wait six more months. T h e r e ' s no p r e s s u r e . It w i l l a l l start s o o n enough. T h o u g h the future m a y be uncertain for some, it is still bright and seniors are still optimistic. " I ' m nervous, but I ' m trying to find my path," Stillwell said. "I know that I will make it."

charges or the penalties. T h e charges of Rush infractions occurs after the C a m p u s Life Board passed the controversial Restructured Pledging Policy Dec 12. The policy redefined hazing, lengthened the period of pledging from t w o weeks and three weekends to three and a half w e e k s and requires stringent accountability f r o m actives, pledges and alumni. In the past, the Greek Judicial Board, not the Dean of Students, has taken u p such c o n c e r n s , but with the new policy, no Board is yet in place to hand down a decision in matters concerning Rush. T h u s the responsibility fell on the Dean to serve up the charges. Frost then created the A d - H o c Appeals Board, made u p of three f o r m e r m e m b e r s of the A d - H o c C o m m i t t e e o n P l e d g i n g , to deal with the alleged infractions. T h e Judicial Board, h e a d e d by Derek Emerson, Associate Director of Housing and Residence Life, officially c o m e s into power next weekend. Greek representatives f r o m both fraternities and sororities will serve on the Board. All concerns dealing with violations d u r i n g the newly e x t e n d e d pledging period of three and a half weeks or thereafter will be taken up


with the Board. " W e have got to deal with the situations as they arise," said Anne Bakker-Gras, Director of Student Activities. Bakker-Gras took over the position of Greek Coordinator after the r e s i g n a t i o n of S h e l l e y S p e n c e r shortly b e f o r e W i n t e r Break and will now directly deal with Greeks. " T h e s y s t e m in place is new and w e are learning about how it is supposed too f u n c t i o n , " Bakker-Gras said. But the rules the administration said have been broken are not new, Bakker-Gras said. " T h e rules have been around forever," B a k k e r - G r a s s a i d . " B u t I think b e c a u s e of the new pledging policy the system as a w h o l e is being watched more carefully. I ' m not saying that (the rules) haven't been broken before." Still, Novak said the guidelines for Rush were unclear. "We did not totally know the policies and regulations that w e could f o l l o w " N o v a k said. Novak said the party at which the administration says w a s a violation, w a s not a party but rather a "gathering." R u s h e e s w e r e at the event, but not until later in the evening, far f r o m an I.F.C. violation, he added.




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That's pennies compared to your student account






One crime that's too hot to handle but impossible to ignore Speaker rouses e m o t i o n s , p r o m p t s questions F o r c i n g the Issue

Amy-Lynn Halverson

More than 1 in 5 I ' v e never been raped, but o n e of my best friends was. And when she sees him on c a m p u s I have to hold her hand and r e m i n d her to be strong. No matter how hard I try to understand, I will never know how she feels. But that d o e s n ' t m e a n I d o n ' t love her. And that doesn't mean what he did to her doesn't effect m e . Each time w e see him, w e both cry. Dale Rape. It's a touchy subject. No o n e wants to hear about it. Yet it strikes o n e out of every five w o m e n on a college c a m p u s . I think it strikes m o r e than o n e in five. For each woman raped, she has friends, and a boyfriend, and parents, and teachers and sisters and brothers in her life. And each person in her life is a f f e c t e d . T h e y too hurt, cry, and feel guilty. If you k n o w s o m e o n e that has been raped o r sexually assaulted, you have certain responsibilities. First, believe their story. T h e y need to feel trusted. Second, comfort them. They need to feel safe and that you are there for t h e m . Third, e n c o u r a g e them. T h e y need to know that they are not alone. Plug them into the c o u n seling center and have them talk with the support g r o u p . Encourage them to talk with an advocate. And hold their hand if they want to press charges. F o u r t h , l i s t e n to t h e m . Although they might not want to talk at first, keep the lines of c o m munication open at all times. Let them know that you are there any hour of the day. Rape d o e s n ' t effect o n e in five, it e f f e c t s e v e r y p e r s o n in t h e survivor's life. A s I deal with my friend and try to help her piece her life together, I need to remember I don't understand how she feels. O n c e your friend c o n f i d e s in you about the rape, extend the invitation to talk and then wait. T h o s e w h o have been raped need to make the decision to seek help and press charges on their own. S i m p l y let them k n o w you love them. Editor's note: Forcing the Issue is the first column in a series surrounding the issues of date rape and sexual assault. Although this topic is a touchy one and most people don 7 want to talk about it I feel it must be addressed. If you have any input please call The Anchor #7877.

KIM P O W E L L & AMY HALVERSON staff r e p o r t e r


spotlight editor


Katie Koestner, a college freshman, had been going out with a fellow student for several weeks. One nieht. after dinner at a restaurant, they went back to her dorm. The dispute over what happened next r o w to the core of an emot»onal national debate.

ith her long blond hair pulled back, sparkling blue eyes, and bright red lipstick, Katie Koestner looks like the girl w h o lives down the hall. S h e s p e a k s w i t h an i n n o c e n t voice and has a sharp style. S o it's hard to believe Katie is a nationally renowned speaker using her o w n personal experience with date rape as the subject. It just g o e s to s h o w that rape can happen to anyone.

Katie's Testimony After Graduating from high school Katie headed off to William & Mary University in Williamsburg, VA. Just into her first year she met Peter while w a t c h i n g Monty Python in the d o r m lounge. D i s c o v e r i n g they had the s a m e c h e m i s t r y c l a s s , the t w o s t a r t e d s t u d y i n g together and hanging out. It w a s ten days b e f o r e the couple went on their first date. Peter, dressed in a three piece suit, arrived at Katie's d o r m room just b e f o r e 9 p.m. on her third Saturday at s c h o o l . K a t i e w o r e her h o m e c o m i n g dress, which had been s e w n by her mother. T h e y went to an elegant French restaurant for dinner. Peter ordered in F r e n c h . Katie thought she w a s sitting across the table f r o m prince charming. Dinner finished about 11 p.m. Rather than head to a party, Katie suggested they hang out in her room for a while. Earlier that day Katie had spent three hours t a p i n g her favorite s o n g s off the radio. They did go back to Katie's room. And they did d a n c e . But d a n c i n g w a s n ' t the only t h i n g on P e t e r ' s mind. "As w e were dancing I was afraid my dress w o u l d rip," Katie said. " M a y b e it w a s the w a y he w a s pulling on the three rhinestone buttons in the b a c k . " G e t t i n g n e r v o u s , Katie b a c k e d away f r o m Peter to adjust the stereo. " H e went to the other end of the room, I could see him through the mirror on the wall," Katie said. " H e took off all his clothes except for his b o x e r s and socks." Katie at first tried to rationalize it as something people do at college. " H e kept s a y i n g I like you, I w o n ' t hurt you," Katie said. Katie tried to lighten the mood by starting a pillow fight, but Peter didn't stop. " H e got me d o w n on the pink carpet on the floor," Katie said. " H e w a s kissing m e hard and doing his best at pushing up my dress." Katie begged and he let her up. She proceeded to list half a dozen

p h o t o courtesy of reasons why she didn't want to have sex and he g a v e a half dozen reasons w h y they should. "I had explained to him that 1 w a s a virgin and because of my religious beliefs it was very important to me," Katie said. "I wholeheartedly believed that you can really like someone and not have sex." S i n c e Katie w o u l d n ' t put out f o r Peter, he decided to go to bed. That didn't mean getting dressed and g o i n g back to his room. Instead he crawled into Katie's bed. Scared and c o n f u s e d , Katie kept g o i n g over the events of the night. It all started out so nice. Dinner. T h r e e - p i e c e s u i t . S p e a k i n g in French. W h a t went w r o n g ? " W h a t could I do? I could make a scene and tell him to get out, or go ask s o m e o n e f o r help, but I'd only been at school three w e e k s , " Katie said. " O r maybe I could go down and sleep in the lounge, but people pass in and out all night long. That didn't seem very s a f e either." S h e assumed he'd sleep, get up the next morning, and leave. So Katie sat up at her desk all night as he lay sleeping in her bed. "I r e m e m b e r liking him, being afraid, angry, and confused," said Koestner. " H e had been a gentleman for ten days and a jerk on the eleventh. S o d o e s he lose all his chances?" Peter w o k e up around 5 a.m. full of apologies and convinced Katie to lay d o w n with him and get s o m e rest. "Katie, about last night," he said. " I ' m so sorry about that, it will never happen again. If you just lay d o w n and get a few hours sleep, you'll feel so much better." Katie trusted him, laid down on the.bed and started falling asleep. Just as she started to d o z e off, she felt his lips on the back of her neck. He w a s kissing her. S h e said no. After that, things became difficult to remember. "I remember the pale yellow concrete blocks that made u p the wall next to my new bed," Katie said. "I tried my hardest to make my legs


as straight as possible. I folded my a r m s over my chest and clenched my hands. I w a s stiff and didn't feel anything." B e c a u s e he w e i g h e d o v e r 9 0 pounds m o r e than her, Katie w a s not able to defend herself. T h e only physical injury she had w a s a hole she bit though her lip. Katie, three w e e k s into college, w a s raped on her o w n bed by a sober man she had been dating f o r 10 days. S h e waited till M o n d a y to tell her R.A. A f t e r that c a m e the trip to the health clinic, D e a n ' s o f f i c e , and eventually the police station. N o o n e s e e m e d to care. Even the Dean told her to go h o m e and think things over. " R a p e is a serious c h a r g e to bring against s o m e o n e and it could really ruin s o m e o n e ' s life," he said. Everyone thought she w a s making it u p and even the D . A . had never heard of a thing called date rape. O n e school administrator hoped that she a n d P e t e r w o u l d patch things up next semester be-

Five and half years ago, a violent rape almost destroyed the life of Katie Koestner, age 23. Today she's sharing her experience to help turn around the lives of others. Koestner, nationally recognized for her outreach programs, spoke at Hope Feb. 1 as part of the CAA.R.E. Sexual Assault Awareness Series. c a u s e they m a d e a " c u t e couple." Katie had no intention of patching things up with the man that raped her. S h e wanted to send a letter to every parent of every student but didn't have the money to buy the stamps. Instead she called u p maj o r n e w s p a p e r s and g a v e them her story so it would be printed for all to see. Peter w a s charged with sexual assault. His only penalty w a s not being able to go into any dorm other than his o w n for the remainder of his college career. Katie ended up graduating with him in the Spring of ' 9 4 . Katie's is just o n e story. According to the C . A . A . R . E folder, o n e in five college w o m e n will be victims of sexual assault during their college years. E v e r y 7 8 h o u r s a w o m e n is raped in A m e r i c a n and every 7 8 hours it is something every student, professor, and administrator needs to deal with. m o r e D A T E RAPE on


Facts o n D a t e Rape • I in 3 w o m e n in t h e i r lifetime will be raped. • 75% of men involved in date rape had been drinking o r using drugs. • 55% of w o m e n involved in date rape had been drinking o r using drugs. • W o m e n ages 16-24 have four times greater chance of being raped than any o t h e r population group. • 1.3 women are raped every minute in U.S. • Every 78 hours a w o m e n is raped in the U.S • 84% of college males w h o have raped believed w h a t they did was n o t rape. • 90% of the w o m e n w h o were raped knew their assailants. ^

A t t r i b u t e d source: C.A.A.R.E





t J b L T O m J L ^ l X t l l C


h, love is in the air. It's Valentine's Day—that time of year when roses go up to 50 bucks a pop, Victoria's Secret is mobbed and the Surgeon General ok's eating Hershey's Kisses for breakfast. And despite the Arctic weather this year, Cupid is venturing out in the buff to shoot his powerful potion into ever unsuspecting targets. He's lingering in the Pine Grove, the stacks of the library, the labs in Peale. Hey! What the...is that an arrow stuck in my butt?



i il ^







ThfKCangua road map for the course q/'co by Amy-Lynn Halverson & Matt Sterenberg Spotlight Editor and Copy £ditor

he says one thing. He says another. Somewhere in the middle things get mixed up. Intentions are misunderstood and feelings are upset. (After all, if you meant that, you should of said that!) We surveyed a few of the most common "mistakes" between the sexes...


''The path of love is occupied with many checkpoints, feign cluelessness about the "status," of relationship list of the most frequently employed definitions... ^

//^ ^

4 0


^ After he takes her out to a nice birthday dinner.. HE SAYS: Good thing her roommate reminded me. He said he'd call...but


/ Testing the water. DinnfetJiMovie. And a kiss on the cheek (maybe).


f r

( ( Q p \ D a t i n g each other //Hands-off to outsiders. This is for reai| Holding hands for the distance from Lubbers to Phelps. Short kisses in publie. Phone calls once a day. Pictures go



//Three formal dates or so...touch on eX^omances, high school SAT scores. Phone number punched into redial. Still allowed (but not encouaged) to check



out members of the opposite sex. N o commitment.


s i t i n g up boundries, defining roles. Defi. . . , . nitely no other dating outside of the relaJ I Full blown relationship tionship. Phone calls are expected every It's love. There is no talking it out besometimes even twice. Tons of PDA c a u s e e v e r y t h i n g is u n d e r s t o o d . R o l e s , a n ( j t h e y even go to parties together. Cute expectatons, and duties are understood— p e t n a m e s c a n be h e a r d ( " O h , A p p l e they are true soul mates. Cooking and do- Bear..."). ing laundry for one another becomes "fun." High comfort levels are there.

She says:

Mortal Kombat called me instead.

I've thought about what I said in the past week and I can't understand why he didn't call. Maybe he's mad at me.

HE SAYS: The guys have been giving me too much crap for missing the dorm basketball games. I don't have time for a girlfriend. }

forehead ..What! Do 1 have a cold?

chest ...did someone turn up the heat in here?

lips...We have contact.




Matching wool sweaters are so cool.

She says: He remembered I have a swe^ tooth.

Thinking of a romanitc way to save money.



She says:


A picnic on Lake Michigan while the sun is setting.

At Family Video... HE SAYS: Stange Brew

} h a n d ...A show of chivalry. What a gentleman!

She says:

She finds a box of chocolates on her pillow... HE SAYS: They were on sale.

S o m e t i m e s we forget the simplest way to show someone you care-a kiss. Whether it's a soft peck on the cheek or a passionate smacker, kissing, if done right, can be the most fun you have with your clothes on. For the guys, try asking for a kiss from your honey. Ladies, you be the one to lean in first. Just remember to brush your teeth and try not to bump noses.

ears....hey that tickles


Upon the celebration of their first month together...

What's in a kiss?

cheek...! think you're neat.

he didn't...

i iCoilplehood ^ e p back...they've had "The Talk." y>)

up in visible places.

She says: Ooh. Pizza Hut. Just what I wanted for my birthday.

She says: An Affair to Remember

She takes off to visit a friend at MSU... HE SAYS: Great! A weekend to party with the guys and hit on that redhead from Dykstra.

She says: This will give him time to realize how much he misses me.


» H e leaves his backpack in her room... HE SAYS:

She says:

1 forgot it.

He wants to see me again.

I ntermission




I 4, I 996

in vour humble abodes ™Art You a r e t h e a r t i s t . Y o u r i m a g i n a t i o n is t h e p a l e t t e and w h e r e you live is t h e canvas. T w o Anchor e d i t o r s w e n t a' t a p p i n g on t h e doors of d o r m s , cottages and a p a r t m e n t s , c a m e r a In t o w , t o find t h e d e c o r a t i o n s of t h e m a s t e r s .


W A L L S P L E N D O R : Top,

B A T I K B E A U X Y : Jared Buono's batik from Africa is displayed in his house on 15th Street.

Pete Christensen's Redwood clock, middle, Eric Almli's original art, and bottom, Kari Liljehorn's Monkee's poster grace the walls.

AIR EXPRESS: Pete Christensen's mini-tram extends across his ceiling

SUPER SEXY: Jesse Koskey's poster evokes superhero transformations. O n W e d n e s d a y s it w e a r s a Burger

King hat: Jesse Koskey made this sculpted head during his artistically productive high school years. 'The rest of the collage photos come from Kent Miller ('98), Jeff Kin ('96), Brian "Lami"Grant (SUN), EncAlmli ('96), Peter Christensen ('97), J esse Koskey ('98), Jared Buono ('97), and Kari Liljehorn's ('96) campus and off-campus habitats.

•Anchor photos by Jill Fischer


I 4. I 996


issi on

r the arts


The Holland Hispanic community craves the arts, so far in vain M. H E R W A L D X intermission editor

Ten phone calls in vain. N o o n e had information on the cultural arts scene in the Holland Hispanic c o m munity. Voices repeated the phrase, " O u r c o m m u n i t y g o e s to G r a n d Rapids f o r cultural arts, and Chicago, even Kalamazoo." But Holland? Each contact yielded three other contacts, w h i c h kept up an endless cycle until the eleventh call. T h e last c o n t a c t n a m e w a s Lou Reyes, a Hispanic w o m a n w h o is e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r of H o l l a n d ' s c o m m u n i t y health center, a novelist, and disc jockey for the local Spanish radio program. Reyes answered the p h o n e at the health center and was asked the same question. W a s it a fru itless search to find out about the

musical e v e n t s , the


dian m u r a l o n the a r m o r y , " she said, "Look w h a f ' s happened to it. N o b o d y really c a r e s about it. it stands as a symbol to me of an unappreciated piece of art. And really the'person w h o did it is very talented and well known in art circles. And here w e ' v e got this piece of art. and nobody d o e s anything to beautify it—its looking bad. But what else do you see in Holland that artistically displays that ethnic part of the culture? Nothing." W h e n asked if she thought the i m a g e of H o p e C o l l e g e and the Hispanic c o m m u n i t y as separate, contained c o m m u n i t i e s has fueled this artistic void in the Hispanic community, Reyes replied, "I don't want to put b l a m e on anybody, because I don't think that would be f a i r to

I think that people in Holland believe that Hispanics aren 't interested in that kind of stuff [the arts]. And we really are. —Lou Reyes

showings, and the perf o r m a n c e s of the c o m m u n i t y that lives beyond Sixteenth Street? " T h e reason you haven't been able to find out anything about the arts events," Reyes said, "Is because there really aren't any. And there's your story." T h e r e is a craving f o r the arts, she said Reyes and the Hispanic c o m m u n i t y of Holland that she represents are hungry for it. Two w e e k s later, on the afternoon of Feb. 2, R e y e s sat in the Kletz and talked about the void # of Hispanic arts events in Holland, the lack of funding, and the connection in all this to Hope College. " T h e r e is a sense of togetherness a m o n g the Hispanic c o m m u nity with religon and other issues," Reyes said, "But as far as a sense of c o m m u n i t y in th«-arts, its very inconsistent. I think people in Holland believe that Hispanics aren't interested in that kind of stuff. And w e really are." The Hispanic community sponsers a Latin American Fiesta every year, in w h i c h m u s i c and other arts play a major role. But, as Reyes pointed out, that is just o n e event a year. ' 4 We b r o u g h t t h e B a l l e t Folklaudigo here about ten y e a r s ago, but it's been an incredbily long lime," Reyes said. "Too long. If w e want to see a n y t h i n g of that nature, w e have to either go to Detroit or Chicago. Other people here have all of these w o n d e r f u l arts events that c o m e to Holland." Reyes pointed to the lack of visible ethnic art work in the physical boundaries of the town of Holland itself. "Take a ride down 8lh Street and you see the painted In-

each o t h e r ' s community. I also believe that we have not really tapped H o p e C o l l e g e a s it s h o u l d be tapped. It's a matter of partnering with H o p e . " Because of the many needs of the Hispanic community, the arts has been a priority that has been kept under wraps. " T h e leaders of the Hispanic community are spread very thin. And w e cannot be everything to everybody. So w e then p r i o r i t i z e , and the arts u n f o r t u nately have taken a back seal to getting an education, better jobs, health care." T h e budget for arts events is almost non-existent. "If you want to get an arts display o r bring a big n a m e g r o u p to p e r f o r m , it costs money. And the Hispanic c o m m u nity d o e s not have the money to sponser such an undertaking. And so Hispanics then b e c o m e disenchanted. T h e y feel like, w h y bother to e v e n w a n t s o m e t h i n g if you c a n ' t get it?" Reyes said. How does Reyes see the arts void affecting herself and her community? "Having that void disturbs the part of m e that needs to relate to music, to dance, to artwork, as part of my identity," Reyes said, "I can appreciate, but c a n ' t be proud of just any art that hangs in a museum. Now I have a painting hanging in my office by Nora Mendosa f r o m Detroit, and I ' m so proud of it because it depicts a young, Hispanic w o m a n w h o has achieved. It makes me feel strong and proud to be Hispanic and a w o m a n . " Reyes is a disc jockey for a Spanish radio program on W H T Z , where the craving of the Hispanic



by Jill Fischer

FA Ml S H E D A N D F R A MED: Lou Reyes looks through an empty picture frame, symbolic of the void of arts in the Hispanic community. community is obvious to her. "I do a Spanish radio program on W H T Z on Sundays, and those three hours I'm on, Hispanics just want to listen and absorb it. They say, ' W h y can't you gel more time?' Well I'd love to, but the station just gives us those three hours on Sunday. People are hungry to listen to their music. They need it." T h e artistic e m p t i n e s s of the Hispanic community has had an an adverse affect on the community. "I believe that when you deny a certain culture their right or the ability to display their history, y o u ' r e in essence negating lhal that culture exists," Reyes said, "And sooner o r later people b e c o m e bitter. Why do you think lhal Hispanic kids want to join g a n g s ? T h e reason is that it gives ihcm a sense of belonging. If we had the arts, if we had the money

to present the musical culture, then the kids could relate to that. I get kids calling the radio station saying, ' P l e a s e play b o n g a m u s i c . ' T h e y don't get it anywhere else. They can relate to that and it m a k e s them feel good." Reyes pinpointed the arts as a vehicle for better communication. "Through the arts, people arc able to bring out what's inside of them. When w e negate all that, w e ' r e stifling a group of people f r o m growing, and they get buried in a box. Every o n c e in a while they'll strike out, but then they have to go back into their shell again. T h e reason lhal they d o n ' t say m u c h , is that they're the minority. In the south, it's a differenl thing. You hear mus i c , you s e e a r t w o r k — i t s c o m pletely d i f f e r e n t . It's so g o o d in that—but that's down south."

Reyes said. When the Hispanic ballet Folklaudigo w a s brought to Holland ten years ago, the reaction w a s loud and clear. "What w a s amazing about the Ballet Folklaudigo," said Reyes, " W a s the fact that it not only brought out the Hispanic c o m munity, but also people from the entire Holland c o m m u n i t y . People were curious, they wanted to know what it w a s all about. People sat side by side, not w o r r y i n g about their e t h n i c b a c k g r o u n d s . T h e y were just having a good time. That's why the arts are so indispensable. You can bring people out simply b e c a u s e the s h o w is g o o d . G i v e people a sense of pride in their hist o r y s o t h e y c a n s a y to o t h e r s , T h a t ' s my cullure. Enjoy it.'" Reyes had definite ideas on m o r e S E A R C H I N G on I 2




I 4, I 9 9 6


Flying D u t c h m e n force Bntons surrender GLYN W I L L I A M S staff r e p o r t e r

T h e second place Albion Brito n s decided thai since they braved the adverse winter conditions to get to the Holland Civic Center, they might as well give the high powered, high Flying D u t c h m e n a game. Despite the deceiving final score of 94-80, T h e Brits (13-6, 5 3) m a d e a run at the gold late and never really quit, even after being down by an unbearable score of 402 0 with 4 : 3 0 left b e f o r e halftime. Almost immediately, Albion mounted a c o m e b a c k , and logged the score at 4 2 - 2 7 with 2:15 left. Hope (17-3, 8-0) held on f o r a 15

Hockey in the making

point halftime lead, 49-34. "Albion has a lot of character." H o p e C o l l e g e c o a c h G l e n n Van Wieren said, ' i t takes a good team to be d o w n so much and to not die. I have nothing but c o m p l i m e n t s for them because it is not at all easy to be down by so much and still want to c o m e back." T h e D u t c h m e n started the game a little sluggish, as they allowed Albion to take a c o m m a n d i n g 7-2 lead very early in the first half. H o p e ' s guards Kevin Brintnell ( ' 9 6 ) and Joel Holstege ( ' 9 8 ) didn't back d o w n , as they each launched long rainbows to put Hope ahead for the first time, 8 - 7 with 16:29 still to

ond half, allowing Albion to come as close as five on three separate o c c a s i o n s , the first c o m i n g with 4:00 left (78-73), and the last with 1:54 remaining and the score at 827 7 . All t h e w h i l e , Van Wieren was completely

played very aggressive, control defense, and did not allow the Brito n s to score again until there were 4 0 seconds left. All the while, Hope kept scoring a little at a time. Marc Wh itford ( ' 9 7 ) closed

play. " W e played the first half with a lot of flair," Van Wieren said. " W e got off to great start emotionally and w e r e able to convert s o m e good

while. Our perimeter shooting went away late in the game and w e had to go inside and there w e drew s o m e fouls. Our foul shooting really picked u p late and that is what helped put us over the top." At that t i m e , the D u t c h m e n

tighten your belts and hit the shots needed to win,"Van Wieren said. Duane Bosma ( ' 9 6 ) had a spectacular g a m e , scoring 31 points off of 11/18 field goal shooting, and also collecting a career high 16 reb o u n d s and only t w o f o u l s in 33

baskets." Hope s e e m e d to rest back on their heels midway through the sec-

We played the first half twhiet h g a m ea livid.. with a lot of flair. We got buzzer beat"They ing dunk. 0 t oa great start emotion- " W h e n made a good f f run at us ally and were able to con- y o u l o s e a l a t e , " Van big lead like vert some good baskets. w e did today Wieren said. in c r u n c h "It sure —Glenn Van Wieren, time, you didn't come easy a f t e r a Mens' Basketball Coach h a v e t o

minutes of play. B o s m a w a s on the court for eighteen minutes in the second half and didn't score a field goal for the last 9:30 due to intense d o u b l e teaming. Because of the d o u b l e team on Bosma, a rejuvenating Holstege stepped up, scoring 17 of his career high 2 0 points in the second half in 16 minutes of play. H e also had five assists, t w o steals, and three fouls in 2 3 total minutes of play. "I really d i d n ' t do anything differently at halftime to get back into the g a m e , it just c a m e to me on off e n s e and I started to play," Holstege said. " W h e n they double teamed B o s m a I got the ball more and I took a d v a n t a g e of that. It w a s n ' t w o r k i n g f o r m e f r o m the outside, so I d r o v e to the basket more and I started hitting some layups." " ( H o l s t e g e ) a n d ( J e f f ) Van Fossan ( ' 9 6 ) both had s o m e nice m o r e M O O R S on I I

OREO PAP L A W S KY sports editor

A g r o u p of 2 0 H o p e students have b a n d e d together to form the first hockey club in school history. T h e project, spearheaded by Alan T h o r p e ( ' 9 9 ) and Troy Davis ('98), is currently being conside r e d by A t h l e t i c D i r e c t o r R a y Smith for next year. To g a u g e s t u d e n t i n t e r e s t Thorpe posted flyers around c a m p u s a n d h a d o v e r t w e n t y responses. T h e team has already had its first meeting and is in search of a coach. 4,I am impressed with the e n t h u s i a s m that this project has generated," Smith said. T h e club has indeed sparked enthusiasm on c a m p u s ; 2 2 students have expressed interest in p l a y i n g on the team next year. " I ' v e always loved hockey and have played it for many years," T h o r p e said. "I c a m e to a H o p e f o r the education, but I j u s t m i s s e d h o c k e y t o o much." T h e c l u b is now being reviewed by the Extra Curricular Activities C o m m i t t e e . If it p a s s e s E C A C then it will be reviewed by C a m pus Life, w h i c h is the final step in b e c o m i n g a recognized club. "I really believe w e would have a competitive team," Davis said. I've played against a lot of these g u y s throughout high school so I know the talent is there." Players interested in the club, s h o u l d c o n t a c t A l a n T h o r p e at X 6 4 4 3 and Troy Davis at X 6 4 2 9 or E-mail at D T 8 2 3 9 8 .

Hope tips A l b i o n 75-65 OREO PAP L A W S KY sports e d i t o r

The Dutch continued flying high in the M I A A with a 75-65 win o v e r the B r i t o n s f r o m Albion in the friendly D o w atm o s p h e r e . Hope started fast and finished strong to gain the t e a m ' s fifth M I A A victory. Hope j u m p e d all over Albion at the start of the g a m e by going u p 26-8 toward the middle of the first half. T h e n for the remainder of the half the Dutch and Britons simply e x c h a n g e d b a s k e t s resulting in a c o m m a n d i n g 4 7 - 3 0 half time lead for Hope. T h e second half followed the s a m e script as the first with Hope holding a 19-point edge with only five minutes r e m a i n i n g then A l b i o n m a d e their m o v e . A l b i o n made an eleven to two run to close out the g a m e as Hope s e e m e d to fatigue. T h e final run by Albion may have given the Britons false hope, but the Dutch knew what the o u t c o m e would b e . " I had no doubt in my mind that w e would win, " said Allison VanLonkhuyzen ( ' 9 8 ) " W e have really bonded together as a team through the bad times and now through the good. We win as a team and lose as a team." H o p e w a s led by Kari N y s s e

( ' 9 6 ) w h o scored a team-high 19 points. A m y Meyers ( ' 9 7 ) chipped in an additional 18 points in only 2 0 minutes of playing time while battling the flu. But the main catalyst for the Flying Dutch w a s Tara Porter ( ' 9 8 ) w h o ir d i s h e d o u t three ^ assists and p o u r e d in a c a reer-high 15 points on 7 0 % shooting from the floor. B e f o r e this game Porter w a s averaging 3.6 points per g a m e and 1.2 a s s i s t s per game. As a team the Dutch hit a r e s p e c t a b l e 2 7 - 6 0 f r o m the field which included 17-32 in the first half. Albion was a one woman team for the game. Darcy Durr scored g a m e highs in points with 28, and rebounds with 9. Up next for the Dutch is a home battle against arch rival Calvin in a home g a m e at the Dow at 7:30 February 16. "This is our last league game so w e are really looking forward to it and w e are keeping our hopes high for a victory," said VanLonkhuyzen.

>Ar?c/7or p h o t o by Z a c h J o h n s o n

STOP, POP, DROP: Amy Meyers ('97) readies to score two in the face of the Albion Britons in Hope's win.

S w i m m i n g D u t c h m e n left in Oakland's w a k e OLYN W I L L I A M S

Cosby's Pick of the Week

staff r e p o r t e r

Happy Valentine's D a y everyone! I ' m sorry about last week an evil doer tried to defeat jne and he did, but I _ am back this week with a vengeance. I first must w i s h M L s - J Claire a hap






When the Hope College m e n ' s s w i m m i n g and diving team lost to Oakland University 152.5-83.5 on Saturday, they withstood a handful of scenarios that speak greatly of the perseverance of the Flying Dutch-

b e cause she is ' h e mother of all my children and the sunshine of my life. But enough of that, this is the sports page and

men. Along with being their first home meet since Nov. 15, the D u t c h m e n ' s opponent w e r e the d e f e n d i n g Division II c h a m p i o n s . A b o v e all the M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p s w i m meet

picks must be made. I say that in t h e s p i r i t of t h e h o l i d a y t h a t Vanessa will finally realize her mistake and marry Dabnus. I love that old handy man! D o n ' t you?

a p p r o a c h e s quickly. "I s c h e d u l e these t o u g h m e e t s against Division I and II teams to m a k e us take a s t e p up f o r o u r tougher races," Coach John Patnott



by Z a c h J o h n s o n

F U L L SPEED At-iHADz Joe Zupancic ('98) works hard for good time and points for the Flying Dutchmen.

said. "I am pleased with how we reacted this year to the dominating team. T h i s year w e anticipated the meet better and w e just sort of did o u r o w n t h i n g and let t h e m do their's." In the seemingly one-sided comp e t i t i o n t h a t t o o k p l a c e in the Kresge Natatorium the D u t c h m e n finished first in only four events, an abnormally low n u m b e r for the traditionally o v e r p o w e r i n g Hope. Mike Robbert ( ' 9 7 ) gave a golden performance, capturing first place in both the one-meter and the three-meter d i v i n g c o m p e t i t i o n s . Shawn Kinser ( ' 9 6 ) won the 200yard freestyle, and n e w c o m e r Bob Springsteen ( ' 9 9 ) captured first in m o r e S>A^I M on I I


I 4,


I 996


DATE RAPE: Hope offers mutiple avenues for rape survivors DATE RAPE from 6

Talking about it More and more colleges are acknowledging rape and dealing with it. P a n of the way Hope is dealing with rape and sexual assault is through C.A.A.R.E.'s Sexual Assault Awareness Series. "Hope is doing better than most, but they haven't talked enough," said Koestner. "It is a step in the right direction though." That evening, Katie held a workshop " H e Said-She Said." Sponsored by C.A.A.R.E, Katie's workshop was created to be an interactive e x c h a n g e between m e n and women on how the different genders communicate. But it was difficult because of the lack of male attendance. " T h e unfortunate thing is that there are not e n o u g h men here," Katie said. "But I expected it." T h e f e w men w h o did a t t e n d found Katie's program informative and well worth the time. "I was disappointed more men didn't come, they are really the ones that need to hear this," said Jamie McKee, husband of the Dykstra R.D. "There is this prevailing attitude that it's not my problem, when

it's everyone's problem." The Counseling Center and Health Clinic a r e a l s o o p e n i n g channels of communication on date rape. "What I am finding is women are e x p e r i e n c i n g date rape. Just recently, even this year at Hope," said Anne McKey, Health Clinic Director. M c K e y w o n d e r s if w o m e n should be asked if they had ever been sexually assaulted or raped as part of their health history. Woman who have been raped are urged to get a P E R K test d o n e within 72 hours. This test collects evidence left and can be used during a trial. T h e Health Clinic is not authorized to do the evidence gathering PERK test, but Holland Hospital is.

Hope's plan of action Unlike the problems Katie discovered when she tried to report the rape, Hope offers many choices for victims of assault. " H o p e is doing better than many colleges, " Katie said. Victims of assault at Hope can find refuge at many places. The incident can be reported to Public Safety. An R.A., an R.D., Profes-

sors and Administrators who are all well versed in sexual assault policies will guide the victim in the right direction. All students are protected by the Hope Sexual Assault Policy. There is the option to charge the assault on three different levels: formal, informal and administrative. The victim needs to get in contact with an A d v o c a t e who is a member of the Sexual Harassment Council, if he or she is interested in pressing charges. All meetings with Advocates are confidential, and the degree of action will depend on the victim's decision.

Emotional support Hope also has numerous avenues for emotional support. Students can find emotional help through the Counseling Center and Chaplain's Office. The C o u n s e l i n g Center w a n t s students to take advantage of the opportunity to learn about the issues, so they are aware of what to do in the case of rape. "The first thing rape victims need to do is find a safe person they can trust to help g u i d e t h e m to the Counselling Center, Health Clinic,

R.A., R.D., or Chaplains office." said Darell Schregardus, Director of Counselling. Schregardus encourages men to understand date rape and what steps to take if someone confides in them that they have been raped. "Rape is important. Men need to know how to respond, what to do and what not to do," Schregardus said. " M e n can help reshape the attitudes that are part of this problem."

tions for survivors of rape to choose from. And when those survivors start c o m i n g out and speaking up, that will be the first step in truly solving the problem. "We need to ask is what we do and what we encourage. Does this leave the College community a better place or more v u l n e r a b l e . . . " Schregardus said. "At Hope students' needs come first. We all need to realize that what everyone does affects us all."

Final Word Speakers can talk all they want. And w o r k s h o p s can try to spark communication. But until victims start reporting incidents and pressing charges, those assailants will still be getting away with breaking the law. "It t a k e s a v i c t i m to m a k e a crime," said Fonda Green, Coordinator of Special Programs. "Unless a woman chooses to report a crime, there's not much w e can do." Hope tries to provide many op-

Coming PEOPLE vs. STEVENS Mock Trial March 7 r e e n a c t m e n t of a real acquaintance rape c o u r t r o o m trial ^ Sponsored by C.A.A-R.E.

Take A c t i o n If you or somone you know has been physically

Talk it O u t

Speak Use your voice. Report Kathy



Center, women and men


who were victims of sexual

de Haan

assault can join the "Survi-


vors of Sexual Assault

Chairman for Sexual Harassment Council Deanna


Victim's Rights Advocate

Counseling Center: Celaine Bouma-Prediger Donna Eaton Jeanne Lindell Joel Jongerius Zuidema


Support Group." 392-3111

^Prediger at 395-7945.

SWIM from I I

HOOPS from I I

the 50-yard freestyle sprint. " T h e y w e r e a better t e a m than us and w e sort of knew it, but we really came together and swam hard anyway," said Hope swimmer Steven Brenner ('98) "If someone comes into our pool, they are going to have to earn themselves a win and that is all there is to it." Although this is not the best team that Hope College (4-2, 3-1 in MIAA) has produced in recent years, the amount of togetherness, friendship, and indivisibility has more than made up for their lack of speed and power. "We are not as strong as we were last year" Patnott said. "Last year we were just plain powerful. We finished second in the Division III, but this year we won't do as well at Nationals. It is not really that these guys are no good. It is just simply a lack of experience and many members of the team afe ill with some sort of virile infection." Considering all the factors involved, it will be a struggle for the m e n ' s team to repeat as M I A A champions."As it stands right now, the e d g e d e f i n i t e l y g o e s to Kalamazoo," said Patnott ' T h e y have more ability and a lot more experience than we do. We have to step it up a lot to beat Kalamazoo and we have to do everything absolutely perfect."

shots in the p a i n t " Van Wieren said. "We mixed the rotation around a little when Brintnell was having trouble with their little point guard, and Holstege was just too big for the defender and he would drive on him. (Holstege) has fantastic extension and can hit shots that others can't." The Dutchmen continued to win the all important board game, o u t - r e b o u n d i n g the Brits 5 4 - 1 9 .


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Albion seemed to struggle mainly on the offensive rebounds, collecting only three in the first half as compared to Hope's 15 defensive boards. Albion finished the game with only nine offensive rebounds, while the Dutchmen grabbed 29 defensive rebounds total. "Our season is not over yet and we can and will only get better the more we play," Van Weiren said.

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strictly WE

real world, and you won't be as able' to recognize true beauty." Students, a c c o r d i n g to Reyes, / V v v y .- > need the opportunity to get to know r the community and work with it. "For our Spanish Fiesta this year, the theme will be a tribute to youth, because when a kid does something good, very rarely do we focus on Enjoy the excitement and non-stop fun of it," Reyes said. "While the Hispanic CANCUN, MEXICO - the #1 Resort. festival will certainly highlight HisImperial Las Perlas - Standard beachfront panic youth, it will also highlight 140 r o o m hotel o n beach, c l o s e Triple $ 5 6 9 other youth in the community. It to d o w n t o w n and c l u b s with 2 pools ^ bar a n d restaurant Q u a d JfDzy would be a great time for Hope to say, okay, w e ' v e got youth, and Casa Maya - Moderate Beachfront Suites 3 2 7 r o o m s featuring l - B e d r o o m O c e a n v i e w T nl CAQQ w e ' v e got art students at Hope, so S u i t e s with s e p a r a t e living r o o m / r e f n g e r a t o r ' r i P ' e J>oy let's highlight these kids. W e ' v e cable T V . 2 s w i m m i n g p o o l s wa te r sp o r ts Quad $649 asked the Upward Bound program lacilily. 3 bars & 3 r e s t a u r a n t s to work with us, and hopefully we Oasis Cancun - Moderate Beachfront can get some dancers, singers, co9 6 5 r o o m mega-resort o n huge b e a c h with 3 Triple $669 medians, whatever to participate." giant pools, tennis courts. 5 restaurants, m i n i Quad $619 Despite the fact that the commugolf c o u r s e , b e a c h club a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t nity is l a c k i n g f u n d i n g f o r arts Includes roundtrip air from Detroit (Friday 6 p.m. departure), 7 events, the artistic drive has not died nights hotel, transfers between Cancun Airport and altogether. Reyes herself is an auhotel, and services of a local representative. Prices are m USS. per person, plus S35 — I WUmmSmm thor whose autobiography, "Si, Si departure taxes Charier 1 1 0 1 ) 6 1 b l l B r i B r Peudo," which in English means, Parlicipanl Agreement Required I N T E R N A T I O N A L "Yes, Yes I Can," will be coming out in paperback next year. "There TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE IN THE SUN, are so many people in the Hispanic CALL YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT c o m m u n i t y with t a l e n t , " R e y e s FLY WITH MICHIGAN'S tt1 OPERATOR TO CANCUN! said, "It's like looking for stones, p o l i s h i n g t h e m and s e e i n g the D E A D BODIES from I beauty come out. There is this old during his time in Tennessee, all where, Bergethon said, there was man w h o is a b o u t s e v e n t y - f i v e with a team of four Ph.D.'s. And as rumored to be an e l e p h a n t head years old. He writes songs. He can the intern, he got assigned the roll- f r o m the Knoxville Zoo. sit down and write you a song in The smell was what made ing and the digging. fifteen to twenty minutes. He is so Bergethon's work almost unbearKinda like makin' copies. good. And you should see some of able. In the field the researchers "It w a s n ' t a s h o r r i f y i n g a s I t h e p a i n t i n g s a n d d r a w i n g s in were banned from wearing masks thought it would be " Bergethon people's houses in Holland. You go, or the minty Vapo-rub coroners use. said. "They try to lay them (the bod4 Why don't you do something with "They wanted us to use all of our ies) face down so that it's not as this?' and they say, 'Oh, its just a faculties during detection," personal." hobby.' And yet it's beautiful. And Still, there was enough to make Bergethon said. "I never gagged— I wish somebody would cultivate but I worried about it. I would try it creepy. that." " T h e grossest stage w a s what not to eat breakfast that morning." And after awhile, just like brewthey call the bloat stage " Bergethon ing coffee, the j o b b e c a m e — you said, "where the body expands three Hope College know—somewhat routine. t i m e s its natural size. T h e skin Environmental Issues Group "I learned a lot about research bursts then sags around the bones.'" Fact: If the Pilgrims had had six-packs, m e t h o d s , " Bergethon said. "And Bergethon recalled a cadaver they are already dead. It's not like the six-pack rings would still be around today, j with almost completely decayed legs propped up against a big tree cruelty testing." M a k e a difference: Avoid excess Yeah, but when you die are you and wearing only cowboy boots. packaging. There was also the Old Lady With going to donate your body to scithe Hole Through Her Body and the ence now? please join us at our weekly meetings Said Bergethon with a chuckle: Decapitated Guy w h o had fallen Thursdays at 6:30 in Lubbers 101 asleep on the train tracks. Some- " F m going to be cremated."

how Hope College could become more involved in the problem. "I Alienlion Hope Sludenls: Informa- would like to see Hope College get tion and maicrials regarding Life isinvolved in really bringing in arts sues are available by c o n l a c l i n g geared towards the Hispanic comRighl to Life of Holland Area. 100 munity. And really look into it," S. Waverly, Holland. MI 4 9 4 2 3 at Reyes said. "Really get a feel for 396-1037.' what excites us. Ask the Hispanic J- " H e y t h e r e . Big G u y ! " T h e c o m m u n i t y , ' W h a t w o u l d you Countdown Begins! -H. like?' In the past what has happened AVERY S P E C I A L T H A N K YOU here is Hope will bring in someto all Hope students who dothing, and they really don't get the nated their Phelps meal passes input of the Hispanic community. to the children in the Higher HoAnd they're sponsoring this great rizons Program. The boys and event but no one comes. Then they girls really enjoy being able to say, ' S e e , they d o n ' t c a r e . ' And eat with t h e " c o l l e g e k i d s " . that's not true." Thank you for helping to make For the person who doesn't una child's life better. —the Higher Horizons Staff, Children derstand why Hope College should & Volunteers care about the Hispanic community, Reyes has s o m e answers. " H o p e N E E D M O N E Y FOR S P R I N G B R E A K ? We are hiring phonathon College is a learning institution," callers for Feb. 26-Mar. 12. S4.50/ she said, "If w e ' r e going to teach, hour, paid training. For more infor- we need to teach that there are othmation. call Deb at ext. 2608. ers in this world. I see Hope ColWanted!! Individuals, Student Or- lege doing that. And if they're truly ganizations and Small Groups to going to keep doing that, then they p r o m o t e S P R I N G B R E A K 9 6 . need to care about others in the Earn M O N E Y and FREE TRIPS. community, and they need to incorC A L L T H E N A T I O N ' S L E A D E R , porate them into the college comINTER-CAMPUS PROGRAMS munity." http://www.icpt.com 1 -800-327Reyes sees the incorporation of 6013 diversity in an education as a longPREGNANT AND CONSIDERterm investment. "In the long run, ING YOUR O P T I O N S ? Discover when students are exposed to the the advantages of ADOPTION. Call c u l t u r e a n d a r t s of t h e o t h e r 1 800-Bethany (toll-free) or (616) 396-0623 in Holland. World Wide ethnicities, they are going to be richer when they go out into the Web: htlp://www.belhany.org/ and world," Reyes said, "Because if you Internet email: info@bethany.org g o through this w h o l e c a r e e r of Jaime- Thanks for the chats lately. I love being your good moment, bad yours, four years, without having any contact with any other ethnic moment partner. —Tracy group here besides your little colMiss Kathleen-Your class is a success. Thanks to your "tutorage" 1 lege community, then I feel sorry have become a self-established flir- for you. I feel sorry for you because you're not going to make it in the tatious w o m a n . — Y o u r Devoted Student Willis—Abraham lives! Keep Tootie away from him. -Arnold EITOOH (clinched teeth) This is a secret! This is the dawning of the Age of Planarians... Becky- Let me know when you want to d a n c e " w i t h t h e s t a r s " again. Just r e m e m b e r d o n ' t put them on the lamp! Griffin...be my love..even if they have your name at the police station. X O O X Sabiem

14, 1 9 9 6

Email: ENV


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