Virginia Journal (vol. 15; 2012)

Page 82


Civil Rights Actions: Enforcing the Constitution, 2011 Supplement (with John C. Jeffries, Jr., Pamela S. Karlan, and Peter W. VIRGINIA Low) (Foundation Press, 2011). JOURNAL Employment Discrimination, Law and Theory, 2011 Supplement (with John J. Donohue III) (Foundation Press, 2011).


“The Case for New Textualism” (with Doug Kendall), Democracy, Summer 2011, at 66. “Laying Claim to the Constitution: The Promise of New Textualism,” 97 Va. L. Rev. 1523 (2011). “Race and Response-to-Intervention in Special Education” (with Angela A. Ciolfi), 54 How. L.J. 303 (2011).


Tongue-Tied America: Reviving the Art of Verbal Persuasion (with Molly Bishop Shadel) (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2011).


“Bentham on Presumed Offenses,” 23 Utilitas 363 (2011). “Editor’s Introduction,” in Karl Llewellyn, The Theory of Rules 1 (University of Chicago Press, 2011). “Is Legality Political?,” 53 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 481 (2011). “On the Relation Between Chapters One and Two of John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty,” 39 Cap. U. L. Rev. 571 (2011). “Perché il precedente nel diritto (e altrove) non è interamente (e nemmeno sostanzialmente) questione di analogia,” in Luca Pelliccioli & Vito Velluzzi, eds., L’analogia e il diritto: Antologia Breve 111 (Pisa, Italy: Edizioni ETS, 2011). “Ponderación, subsunción, y el rol restringente del texto juridico,” in Gustavo A. Beade & Laura Clérico, eds., Desafíos a la ponderación 51 (Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2011). “Positivism Before Hart,” 24 Can. J.L. & Jur. 455 (2011). “Transparency in Three Dimensions,” 2011 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1339. 82

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