2013 UUA Annual Report on Giving

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Support for Ministers and Congregations

MINISTER CREDENTIALING 63 candidates came before the Ministerial Fellowship Commi5ee over the past year. Approximately 525 people are currently at some stage of prepara on for UU ministry. During FY13, 39 full- me ministers were se5led in congrega ons. Thanks to donor support, ministers are creden aled, provided with benefits, and eligible for assistance during crises.

OUR WHOLE LIVES This year we field tested an updated Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality educa on program for Grades 7-9. New topics include social media, bullying, consent educa on, and material on teaching OWL to youth with special needs. In May 2013, the Resource Development Office (RDO) ran workshops for approximately 30 new OWL trainers. The second edi on will be published in 2014.

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