Enhancing Internet freedom and human rights through responsible business practices

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Internet freedom is also important for competition and international trade. Openness promotes economic growth. An open trade agenda needs to be linked to the responsibility of corporations to act in ways that do not undermine or violate human rights such as freedom of expression or the right to privacy. Companies can have a positive impact on enhancing Internet freedom through responsible business practice. If we focus on making commitments and creating favourable conditions for trade, both bilaterally and multi足laterally, economic and competitive advantages are likely to follow. Internet freedom is a priority of the Swedish Government. Freedom is the mother of innovation and entrepreneurship. To promote innovation and communication, infrastructures should be interoperable and standards should be open. Overregulation in any area will hamper development. Online freedom that has so far been the standard has likely contributed to a dynamic and rap足 idly evolving economy. It is in our interest to ensure that efforts to promote Internet freedom do not lead to overregulation. Sweden will never stop fight足 ing for a free and more transparent and liberal world.

Dr Ewa Bj旦rling Swedish Minister for Trade


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