Latin Grammar

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General Index. The references are to sections and paragraphs.

Soracte, decl., 39. 2. Sounds, classification. 2-of the letters, 3. Source, abl., 215. Space, extent of, 181. Sparing, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. Specification, abl. of, 226. spei, quantity. 362, I, b. Spelling, see Orthography. Spirants, 2, 7. Spondaic verses, 368, 2. Spondee, 368. 1. 3; abl.j ara. sponte sua, abl. accordance, 220, 3. Sequence of tenses, 267; 268. sequester, decl., 68, I. spontis, -e, defective. 57, 2, b. Statutes, fut, imperative used in, 281, I, O. sequitur ut, 297, 2. sequor, conj., II3. Stem, 17,3. Serving, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. --, verb. 97. II7· Structure of sentences, see Sentences. servos, decl., 24. Style, hints on, 352 f. sise, decl., 85. Sextilis ( = Augustus), 371. su= SV, 3,3. Sharing, adjs, of, w. gen., 204, I. sub, prep. with ace. and abl., 143; compounds of, w. dat., 187, III. Short syllables, 5, B, 2; vowels, 5, A, 2. Subject, 163; nom .• 166; ace., 184; subShowing, verbs of, w. two aces., 177. si, with indir. questions, 300,3; in project ace. of inf., 184; omitted, 314, 5: tasis, 3°1; omittedc gog , clauses as subject, 294; 295. 6; info as signifer, decl., 23, 2. subj., 327; 330• silentio, abl, of manner, 220, 2. Subjective gen., 199. silvester, decl., 68, 3. Subjunctive. tenses in, 94, 3 similis, with dat., 204, 3; with gen .• 204, -in independent sentences, 272; by attraction, 324; tenses of, 266 f.; 3; cornp., 71, 4· si minus, use, 306.2. method of expressing ftfture time in, Simple sentences, 164269; volitive (hortatory, jussive, simul, as prep., w. abl., 144, lao prohibitive. deliberative, concessive), simul ae, w. ind., 287, 1.; 2273 f.; optative (wishes), 279; potensi nOn, usage, 306, I and 2. tial, 280; in clauses of purpose, 282; sin, usage, 306, 3. of characteristic, 283; 0 • sin minus, 306, 2, a. of cause, 286; temporal clauses with Singular, second person indefinite, 280, postquam, posteaquam, 287, 5; temporal clauses with cum, 288-290; with 3; 356, 3; 302, 2. sino, with inf., 331, III. antequam and priusquam, 292; with sitis, decl., 38. I. dum, donee, quoad, 293, III, 2; subSmelling, verbs of, constr., 176, 5stantive clauses, 294 f.; indir. quesSoft consonants, 2,3,0), footnote a, tions, 300; in apodosis of first type, verbs in, 155, 2. conditions, 302, 4; jussive subjunctive socer, decl., 23, 2. as protasis of condition, 305, 2; with socium, gen. plu., 25, 6, c). velut, tamquam, ete., 307; with necesse sol, decl., 57, 7. est, oportet, etc., 295, 6 and 8; with soleo, semi-dep., II4, I. licet, 309,4; with quam vis, 'luamquam, sotitus, used as present partic., 336, 5. em, cum, • although,' 390 f. solus,66: solus est qui with subjv., 2830 subliitus, p. 99, footnote. 2. mom- = summ-, 9, 2Sonant consonants, 2, 3,0). footnote 2. Subordinate clauses, 165. sid. 343, I, a). sedile, decl., 39. sementis, decl., 38, I. Semi-deponent verbs, II4. Semivowels, 2. 8. senex, decl., 42; compared, 73, 4. Sentences, classification, 160 f.; simple and compound, 164; sentence-structure, 351; sentence questions, 162, 2. sententiii, abJ. of accordance, 220, 3. Separation, dat. of, 188. 2, d) ; gen., 212,

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