March 25, 2013 Issue

Page 20


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR, 25 2013

4. A large improvement needed within the SGA is more senator ac vity. Senator’s need to begin to speak ac vely in all senate discussions but many simply say ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ but do not offer any input during serious discussions.

to the student body is extremely important. 7. Transparency is important to me because it helps me become more open with my communica on towards others. Matthew Printz Sophomore Finance Senator

8. My favorite thing about USA is the people that a end this university. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is the parking problem on campus.

1. I am running for the SGA elec ons to help my university accomplish its’ goals and also to get more involved during my college career. 2. Yes, because students do not have enough space to find parking spots which therefore gives them parking fines. 3. Yes, Sigma Chi. 4. I think the SGA should become more open to the student body. 5. I believe they are both equally important because this campus needs input from students and ac ons from the officers. 6. A 10 because being transparent

10. Moulton Tower is my favorite symbol because is showers how much our campus has grown. 11. Basketball is my favorite USA sport. 12. My favorite study spot is in our fraternity house’s library. 13. Chick-fil-a is my favorite place to eat on campus. 14. Passionate With $1,000, I believe the first senate project should go towards giving a scholarship out to someone on campus who displays great campus life involvement.

Trenton Kaine O’Neal Sophomore Pre-Med, Biology Minor Arts and Sciences Senator

1. I currently hold the posi on of Transfer At Large for the SGA of South Alabama and have decided to use my experience gained from my 2012-2013 term to run for one of the School of Arts and Science Senator posi ons. 2. There are a few parking problems. A large problem is the requirement for Residen al students to only park in Residen al areas and not allowing for any parking for these students closer to educa onal study facili es which in turn can cause for a student to be late for a class or even accumulate several parking ckets. 3. I am proud brother of the Eta Kappa Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha.

Jonathan Hansert Freshman Accounting Senator

1. I am running for senator because I want to be involved in helping better this university for myself, my peers, and future South Alabama students

8. My favorite thing about USA is how devoted the faculty are to doing what they can to help students succeed. 9. My least favorite things about USA is the lack of parking in the residential area.

2. Yes, I do believe there is a parking problem on campus. The main area of concern being the residential area. Students at times have to park pretty far away from their dorm and with the new dorm being built that will only make matters worse.

10. My favorite USA symbol is the Jaguar in front of the Mitchell Center.

3. I am not Greek

13. Pizza Hut and quiznos

4. Encourage members to be more involved

14. Driven

5. I feel that being a student is more important. The whole purpose of coming to college is to learn. However, I also do believe that being a senator is very important. You must pay attention to what the people you are representing desire and make sure you make those desires known.

I would work towards getting more lighting on campus. There are places throughout the residential area and campus as a whole that many people are hesitant to walk through in the dark but must because of night classes and other events. I feel lighting up campus would give people a better sense of security and peace of mind.

6. 10. If the SGA is going to make

11. it’s a tie between football and basketball 12. Top floor of the library

6. With 10 being most transparent, I would have to say an 8.

Riley Davis Junior Criminal Justice, Psychology Minor SGA President

1. I am running for the posi on of SGA President because I want to make a difference on this campus for the benefit of the en re student body. During my me at South, I have served as SGA Freshman-at-Large, SGA College of Engineering Senator, and am currently serving as SGA Chief Jus ce. Over the course of my three years at USA and as a member of SGA, I have witnessed many changes for the be er being made at South, and I want to con nue to be a part of these differences on campus and within the student body. I want to see more students feel the sense of community on campus that I have felt since my first day here. I am running for this posi on because I feel as though I am the most qualified and most experienced candidate with the determina on and mo va on needed to con nue ac vely working to make USA an even be er university. 2. Yes, there is a parking problem on campus. I believe that the issue with parking on South’s campus is not the lack of parking spaces, but the loca on of said parking spaces. While the parking situa on is frustra ng and is a significant problem, it is a sign that our university is booming and our student popula on is steadily growing.

9. The parking zones would have to be my least favorite things about USA. 10. My favorite USA symbol would have to be the crest. 11. My favorite USA sport would defiantly have to be football. GO JAGS! 12. My favorite study spot would have to be the stone tables between the library and humani es building’s. 13. My favorite place to eat on campus would be the balcony located at the Fresh Food Company. 14. Ambi ous.

7. The SGA’s officers and senators should not hold anything form the student body. 8. The various student organiza ons would have to be my favorite thing about USA. No ma er what set of ideas or interest a student has, there is an organiza on that provides a group of like-minded individuals to get the student ac ve on campus and to be more produc ve with

3. Yes, I am a member of Chi Omega. While I know that my membership in Chi Omega has contributed to my leadership abili es, I believe that it is my past three years of serving in mul ple SGA posi ons that makes me the most qualified candidate for this posi on.

decisions that affect the students than i believe the students should know what’s going on inside SGA 7. Transparency is important to me because I feel that people should be able to know what the people they voted for are doing.

5. Being a student is more important but being a senator is more ac ve. A student provides sources of error or area’s in which they seek improvement or aid towards a certain organiza on and this provides the actual posi ons of officer and senator. Without first being a student, a senator would not have an ac ve mind as to what is happening on campus and any idea what the issue on campus are.

helping be er the student life of South Alabama.

4. Improvements within SGA could be made in the areas of morale and commitment. I think one of the biggest problems on SGA that could be improved is the complacency that many members find themselves falling into once school begins and life hits. I think that this is something that can be improved and will take all members of SGA working together to overcome. I think commitment is something that can always be improved and is something that we as an en re en ty can strive for. I think these things can be improved through teamwork and consistent mo va on from our peers. 5. I’ve always believed that being a student comes first. Campus involvements and extracurricular ac vi es are implemented on college campuses to supplement our educa on and college experience, not to override them. When campus involvements begin to take precedence over coursework, we are failing ourselves as students. My primary goal here at South is to receive a higher educa on; however, it is personally important for me to supplement my educa on with extracurricular ac vi es that provide greater opportuni es for personal growth and leadership.

I would suggest that my fellow senators of the School of Arts and Science u lize the $1,000 to add sources of beau fica on to the area around the Chemistry building and between the Chemistry building and Humani es. I would also like to suggest placing benches in the area between the Life Science building and Instruc on Learning Lab.

important to me because SGA is an organiza on comprised of students with the primary inten on of serving students. Without transparency, we, as SGA, are not fulfilling our du es to support the student body to the best of our ability. 8. My favorite thing about USA is the sense of community on campus. There is a familial spirit here at South that I feel contributes significantly to the success of students. Being able to have classes in which an instructor knows every one of his or her students’ names and can interact personally with them in the classroom is one of South’s most invaluable assets. I think the sense of community on campus is what has made my college experience so wonderful. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is the limited library hours. While the library is now open an hour later than last year, I s ll find myself wishing for more me in the evening. I feel as though many students are in the same situa on as I am, where I do not finish my day un l late in the evening, and by that point I do not have much me le to u lize the library as a study loca on. I realize that expanding library hours is difficult due to monetary and me constraints; however, I do feel as though it is something to keep as a poten al future goal. 10. Jaguar/SouthPaw 11. Jaguar Football 12. Outside

6. I believe transparency in SGA should be a 9/10 on a scale of importance.

13. Student Center Food Court

7. Transparency within SGA is

14. Steadfast

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