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Joys and Sorrows of MOVING IN

is the best

nticipation about starting


part new

Driving down Route 138 in early September, URI students have many thoughts racing through their minds as they ap


What will this year be like? Will I like my room mate? What will my dorm be like? How will I do in my classes? Will I finally be able to get a job on cam pus? What have my friends been

proach campus:

up to? As

they eagerly






turn onto But

the excitement does the line of

waiting to be unloaded in front of the dorms and the piles of trash accumulating at the cars

dumpsters. Moving In Day! It means meeting new people, getting reacquainted with others, sharing of the past summer and set ting up house in a tiny cubicle. It's the best day of the semester. It's also the worst day of the news


It means fighting for a parking space at least within a mile of your dorm. It means unloading your belongs on the sidewalk only to


find that someone else has just ried away one of your suitcases And it means lugging boxes uj three flights of stairs in th sweltering heat of an Indiai summer.

And the problem with Movinj In Day is that it's always associate< with the chaos of Registration an( the hassle of running errand around campus. But whether you love it or hati it. Moving In Day is a day t( remember. aEg

Joann MuUe:

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