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OUasa of 1919 l^annrary


Professor Leonard Perley Dickinson

(MrprB George Searle Shepard Eleanor Gertrude Wicks Louise Elmore Damon Kenneth LeRoy Xorthup

President Vice-President .

Secretary Treasurer



We entered in September, 1915, with a membership of a hundred and nineteen. We soon overcame our longing for home and began to assert ourselves as an active element in the student body. During our F'Veshman year all of the varsity teams received additions from among our members. The class is duly proud of these men. We had the mis fortune to be beaten h\ tlic Sorhnmores at football and track, but part of the sting in baseball. was removed when \'. We returned tin umewhat diminished in numbers, and imme : the subjugation of the Freshman Class. We diately began to takr : started things by pulliiiL' iIk-ih through Underwoods Pond, October 28th. Next, we decisively won from them in the fall track meet. Our victory in the annual football game was "the straw that broke the camel's back." As a result, red rib bons have been conspicuous at the social functions of the college. The Soph Hop, held in Xovember, was a decided success. It was agreed by all that it was one of the best dances ever held on the Hill. What is more than the worldly accomplishments, we have shown and always expect to show good old Rhode Island spirit.

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