Beacon v24 is22 04111929

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VOL. XXIV. NO. 22.



'Championship Team Varsity Shows Dr. Daniel Marsh I Victory Ball for Feted at Banquet Promise of a Keeps Assembly Basketball Team Wide Awake Basketball Dance to Be Held in President Edwards Gives Ban- I Brilliant year quet to Rhody's Victorious •• • • Basketball Team; Many Prom- ·1 Pos;1tions Still ~oubtful; J>-rac- President of Boston University inent Speakers Attend I bee Game With Brown Post- Addresses Student !Body on . poned the "Magical Personality"

When Prexy pl'arud anything the result is a success, and the banquet ''l'h e ·varsity baseball te•am 'i,s fast w h ich he gave th-e basketball team round in g into .shap·e. The team this ·on Wednesday, March 27 , was no ex- year will mis~ the services oil' "Ra~-" ception. The general spirit expressed Stevens, .a s*ortstop, and "Dra.g" was uhat of jubila.tion over the record ., sop:thpaw twirler, who de-of 14 victori-es in 15 games and of feated Bro.wtt·.·... last year, and hun.g a 4 3 · t - we .ory on John ;Harva~;d. t he desir~ to repe'a.t the record ll·ex•t ~ . t her notl·c~"·b le fe·atur·e ~·"s · The real lineup has not been Ano ~ t d ,.h "ki , E "'~ . 1 en, a nd wH.J no{ be until •the seas.·on 1 ·• e genera en ency to d pp.1e . Announcemeiit of the letter awards is under way . The prohahle lineup for Ii.s ted Alec Hurwitz, Samuel E ·p, the Lowell game o.n April 18 will ·be-: · Creighton Magoun, William Trum- McKenzi.e behind the plate, assl.sted bull, Fred Ackroyd, Owen Conroy and by Lazarek a,nd McCue. The pitc,hing st.a.ff co-mpdses Ackro)·•d, reli•ed' t~rler .John Heuberger. The banquet was in fl' Om last, .Sc ott and Ro•berts oil' East Hall. Chef Stowell's menu was the Frosh Jea,m . F'irst wiH be covered well chosen 'and well prepared. .by. Hurwitz, and · second, by either Co·ach Keaney was toastmaster. He 'T rum·b ull or Lettieri. Bo•t h Keifer arud congratulated the team, saying that Winsor are making a strong bid fa.r t h e boys hllid worked hard, and, shor.t, While Pykosz will take c:tJ.•,1) 0 ,f stressed the v'alue of the second team . the hot corner. 'T h·e ou tfield wJH be Alec Hurwitz, the only student to a combin~tion chosen fro•m F.J•aherty, speak, mi d he was glad at being a Kearns, Szulick, and Vurl a . member of a te:tm whiob ~as - set a ·---"·-'· · -, A pract ice sessi ;; n with Br·own last t'ecord for other teams to aim at. Saturdar was postpon ed due ·to a sogTh a t pr1'd e IS · o frt · en dang e rous, b· u t gy diamond at Aldrich Field, Provi-

Dr. Daniel L. Marsh, president of B. U. , addressed the student •body in assembly M·onday, March 25 . He spoke of the unrest in the world Oof psychology and educati.on, and said that whereas the old ! of the university was to teach con crete subjects the present aim is the development of personality. He narrowed his


1Jhat Rhod.y's pride in h er basketball deuce, in stead the squad workoo out team was justifiable, was the ·c.o ntenat Ki ngston. tion of Prof. Barlow. The sche.dule as ma-de up thus far Dr. Harold W. Browning wa« re· ts f h " 11 · · " cons1s o t e ' 0 owni.g ga-mes With minded of the season of 1914, it was only one IJe.ndin..,-: ~ so different. "Doc" commended the Va.rsi ty Baseball Schedule coach for his sportsmanship, especia lApril 1~, in co nnection with his generous 18 Lowell Textil e, at Kingston. allowance of extra time out to Con(Continued on page 5) necticut and also in co nnection with his yanking out the first team when the score in t:he Brown game was 2·6 to 3 and Rhody might have run the. score to over a hundred. Prof. 'l'yler mentioned finances. If n'iore money was available be.tter 'nntlnnt--d on


Beacon Chooses New Advisor Robert ;, Rockafellow Is Chosen . rd·" AS "F a th er 0 f Beacon BOa , Dean Helen E. Peck Resigns Afte·r Seven Years of Guid• ance vVith the spring election of t:he BeacO'n Boar·d Miss Helen Pe el< . brings to a close h~r seven years of hard and fa.ithful work fo r the co l lege paper . .During thwt time she h MI don e m·uch through !her ready advlc,e., hel pful criticism and numerous contribu'tions. We are sorry to r-ece.ive her resignation, but other outside activities require. so much of her time. T ·he B-eacon is exceedFngly fortunrute to secure Mr. Ro·bert Rockaf ellow as Miss Peck's successor as faculty advisor for the ensuing- year . Mr. Rocka,fellow is one of the younger memlbers of the fac u lty and ¥ery popular among the stu·dents. It is to he remembered tlllat i n the Senior Questionnaire he was elect ed the most p opular prof on the campus.

'I'h!! Viot.My . basketball dance will be h-e.Jd S:a n ight , April 13 th, dn the gymnasium. Pr ofessor Le:St'e·r Coggins will sta,rt 'his movies 'at 7:00 p. m. so tha.t the dance can start at 8:30 p. m . At this tlm·e the baskethall te a m wishes to thank Pl'o•fess.or


to a m agical personality. The intellectual training should consist of form a l education "plus." Th·e thing which Dr. Marsh w ished to emphasize wa,s the plus, Wlhich transfigures the scene and puts a ii:ii.Io· ab-out"our ·aa,i}y work. ·He Slloke. of hls visit to the birthpl-;ice of Joan of Arc, and the beams of light which shone through the clouds up·on the little village as a physical d•e monstraI tion o,f the thou ght which he wished . to co nv ey. · · Sp1ritual goodness co.n sists of a

' 1


team very satisfacto rily a nd to·ok a load o·f d·e·taU.ed work of.f of the coach's sllo.uJ.ders. Th E' atm o-f the dance i.s to rais e .sufticient money_ to buy honor sweat(,ued on P.ll~ li)

"Trelawny''·to Be Presented Tonight Rhode Island State College Players to Present Four-act Comedy; Play' Is Coached by Mrs. Roy Rawlings

clean heart, mind and body, with aclmowledgement of God. 'J'he. attitude

of the present day college is brought 'l'he Rhode Island .s tate College (Con t inued o n page 5) P layers will present "Trelawny of the \~T ells." a fo·u r -act comedy, by, Arthur W. Pinero, in Edwards' Hall this evening. This is the fi.rst pr esentation offe1·eq. by· this group this Y.e ar and is directed by Mrs. Ro~ Rawlings.

-----. cess Predicted Meet to Eclipse All Previous Efforts for Large Gathering of All . p reli m inary S~hoolboy Athletes; Newton Ph i DeJ.ta 's eighth High Is Latest Entry I Week prese ntation,



Coggins .fo.r h is co -·operation. The dance pres·ents an opportunity fo.r the students to show th eir appreciati.on of Rhody's great bask·NbaJ.l team and f•o r the recor{l tha;t th e y subject down to t~e aspect of th e made. Fo-ur o-f this year's team have magical personality which consists of the three phases of the unitary self; given their best to Rhod'8 Island for namely physical, inteile ctual and the four year.s on the basketball court, a,nd Ackroyd was .in there batspiritual. t ling -e·very minute. "Do" Con!'oy d id . He brought out the fact tli·at good fine w-ork as Co·~tch Keane~· ·s sixth health and good p osture are essential man . M:ana..,-er H:uher2:e r handled the

Phi Delta at Work Interscholastic Track Meet to I On Jr. Week Play for "Tons of MonBe Held May11 Castey;"Selected Rehearsals Begun; Sue· I


Gymnasium Saturday April 13



coached the Corn-

menc~ment plays of 1927 an~ 1928,

Iplay and

will coach the Commence,ment this year.

arrangements fo r The leading roles in this presentaannual Junior tion are ·played by Munster '"Tons o.f .Money," '29 and George R. 8~lkin '31 .• : Miss . , h av·e been com.pJ.e ted a nd t h ·e JJresent Munster ass umes the title role, Rose T.he InterscholastiC Track Day meet ' . . . time finds t he :work o·f 1,ehear.sal p 1·o- 'J: .re lawny, w1 t h George Sulkm playp ro~lse~S to eclipse all . records of ceeding smooth ly under the direction ing th e part of "Tom Wrench." Both ' prev1ous years. PreparatiO'ns are al- of - Miss H e l·en P~·c.k . Th e cast, w hi.Ch ap pea red m . . . ! the ded1cat10n play last I ready under way to talw care of a ha.s been selected as a resul·t o;f the fall, "Twelfth Night," presented by iM record entry list for the mee t of Ph1' Delta, and in last year's co,may ll. recent try-outs, is co n1Jpo•sed o:f Thoma.s K. \'Vright and · Bar'b.ara Tho.mpson , meneement play, "Little Women." Entries have been received by who wHI play the leading p.arts, vVHThe comedians, Ferdinand) Gadd, M,anager "Bill" WhaJe,n from p rac- Ham A. Cushman, Benjamin c·. May- and Augustus Colpoys, will be imtically all of the schoo ls in last year's hew WHfr·ed S . Armstrong, T-Iem·y J. , personated by Joseph Costanza, '31 meet, • with the addition of se.veral Pi.c~ersgill, Million. R. ead, Be . •rni.ce .Cal- and· Hyman Hochman '29 respectivelocal s~hools and one high school lag.han, Mary Chase, Louise Fo•wler, ly. Alton Coon '29, plays opposite from out of the sta,te. Tha.t school is land Allee Shaw. Miss Munster as Arthur Gowe.•r. MarNewton High School, of Newton , The· pla)·, '"l'ons of Money," is a garet O'Connor '29 and Ida Fleming M~ss. , which has a lways been prom -! mo-dern English .farce in three acts, ' 29, assume maj,or fema le leads as inent in tri'Lck meets of the "Bay wnd has been chosen as a pa.1'1:f.cular- Imogene. Pan-ott and Avonia Bunn, State." Schl'lnectady High of Schenec- ly appro.priate ty•pe C>f }Jresentation for r espectively. tady, N . Y, .f iled app licMion for en- Juni!o,r Wee.k. It .is re,po.rted to he exDonald Bunce. '29 is general bustry but was refused, as the meet is t 1·emely humorous, and h.a.s earne.d its iness manager and George. R . Sulkin to be 'held for Rhode Island name a,s a 8 in bo<th Lond·on, is 8tage Di·r ector, assisting Mrs. Rawschools and one or two New England w.h ere it ran •fo 1• over s,e..yen hundred lings. Daniel DiCe.nzo '31 is stage schools. ., nights, and in Booton, where it was manager, assisted by Ge.orge S.hafran ooac•h Frank Keaney is in charge playoo by th e English 1Stock Company '32, Joseph Riccio '31, and Wilfred of the trOJlhies for the meet a•nd. he at the Oopley Theatre . .Much suc·cess Armstrong '32. Arnold Judkins is is also a general aid to Mr. Whale.n., is expected for Ph~ Delta's pres~:mta­ electrician and S. Edward Sulkin '3{), "Bill" Mokray Is editing the Track tion o·f the play, which is sche·dule·d is publicity agent. Day Book and he promises a finer to, take p:Lac~, ·on Sa-tur day evening, The play will be presented a t Paw·boo·k tha,n that of last y·ear. May 11, at l<JdWards' Hall. tucke.t and W-esterly shortly.

I ' ··





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Page Two




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beam he terminates his chorus and disap- student time. increasingly .. . . No news1 pears, !rightened. "_ . paper will. run itself ~ and the college .edii So With th8 human Croaker." At times tor and his board find themselves obhged Published weekly by the students of ' when some organization is functioning to get out the paper each day and at the Rhode Island State College __ ( smoothly, the distant croaker starts his same time fill it with editorial opinionTerm.s of Subscription cr oaking campaign and, like the fr og, as- and yet al so keep up with their studies. One year in advance-----------------------···---------------- $2,00 sails the surr oundings with his hellishly unWhich is sacrificed, studies or editorials? Single copies...·-------- -------------------------------------------·-· .0 5 wd come ba wiings. If we take the spot- It's usually the editorials. Subscribers who do not receive their paper reg- light of r ecognition and single out our When there is a lack of ideas in any ularly are requested to notify the · Business Man- "frog, " h e immediately ducks under some e-ditorial office the easiest way in which to. ager. All contributions mu'st be signed. Author- comforting shelter and disappears, fright- fill space is to attack something. The obship will be withheld, if requested. ject of the attack m atters little. All that ened. These croakers are the worst imagin- is necessary is som ething already in exNotiee of Entry Entered as second-class matter October 3, 1917, able enemies of any organization. Were 1 ist ence and a Menckenesque manner. One at the Post Office at Kingston, R . L, under the they to honestly criticise and openly sug- needs ~either ideas nor much skill to imiAct of March 3, 1879, gest improvements, everyone would bene- ~ t ate Mr. Mencken. . . . .James w. Armstrong, ' 3 0~~--:.-=~::~~-~:: ................ Editor S.t,dbut by e;nptyd tdalkinfothing !lsl gainded As the case ~t~n.ds now~ college j ournals an no one Is ::1;1 ·e . Y:OU Wl . par on ar e the only activities left m student hands. 30 Horace c . Kreinick, ' --------------- Managing Editor t h e slang, w e might end With our f ervent Athletics ar e in th e hands of alumni and Frances Wright, ' 30 ------------------------At:sistant Editor 1lea, " May the Croaker cr oak!"_ !5Taduate coaches; dramatics are handled Lincoln A. Dex!~~~~~~~~--~~~siness Manage!· by a paid Coach and faculty; debating has.

The Beacon




. '

Rich_a ~·d B. Caol:, '3,1_ ._ ------------- -----------------------'-Campusl · bec'Ome part of the curriculum. Is it not Francis B. p tnck, 3L______________________________________Sports possible that the future may bring some · Muriel G. Fletcher, '3L_________________________ __ ___co-ed I wish t o express through The Beacon kind of pr ofessional help to the men who · Genevieve Fogarty,, '3L... _______ ___________ Intercollegiate my very sincere appreciation of the cour- dir ect student opinion? G~o rge R . Sulkm, ,aL ____________________________________ Featur: tesy of tlie gentlemen who on Tuesday - The Dartmouth Alumni Magazine R hert R. ~~~~~~~~;;~;~--;~~;~--- ------Aiumm mo!ning, Apri} the second, at the Kingston Arthur sm'Ith, _,29 . _ Hope Willis, , 30 Railroad StatiOn, stood . back 3:nd allowed Matthew Kearns, '30 the women to take tl).e first taxi that came Daniel O'Connor, '2'9 Wi'liam :Mbki"ay, '29 ' ; A'llim Haskins, . '2 9 back from the village. , A brillia nt season! The cheers of the NEWS' STAFF . . H. ALIDA BIRCH. crowd are lost in the oblivion of a recent Thomas Murphy, '31 ' Bertha Lee, '31 past, and college life goes on as before, Hyman Cokin, '31 ' Kathleen Ince, '32 while the men of the team which made PauLDugan, '31 '31 Natalie ' 32 ' 32 William Kelliher, l3arbara nunn, Masterson, . .· · these cheers possible become mere students Robert Sherman, '31 Arthur Casey, '32 There has come the complaint generally again; no longer heroes. Such a basketChester Lynn, ' 31 Anthony Judg·e, '32. If r om the alumni of all American colleges ball team a s represented Rhody dur ing the Madeline Pre'rsoir, ' 31 . Georg·e L a•wrence, ' 32 t hat the editorial tone of college newspapers past season deserves a better fate, and . B~SINE&s STAFF . . is ro"t in ke ?oing with the · serious respon- fortunately their names are to be perpetuJohn Hammond,, SL _______________Adv e rt~ s~ng Manager sibility which should be assumed by the at ed on a silver plaque in the gymnasium. h t th · · t 'l'h" t t "d 1 "d I Fred Sullaway, 3L_____________________Adverhsmg Manager I IS e::tm represen s an 1 -ea, an 1 ea Ralph Farrow, ' 3L --------------------Advertising Manager men w o represen · e campus In prm . Linwood Brown, '32 ·. K€11neth Laidlaw, '32 Discussion of trivialities, a flippant disre- conceived by Prexy as typical of Rhode IsLester Lang, · ~2 G!enn Martin, '3 2 gard of conventionalities taken seriously land athletics. It represents pure amateurs Frank Dutra, '32 ·---- ! by an o~der generation, an assumed posi- participating in pure amateur contests, with _ _ _ _ ___._.__ tion of boredom and ennui t oward serious sportsmanship uppermost in t heir minds, "Every ..examination paper. should 1?-ean [ t hings in lif e, a "smart Aleck" indifference a nd with a will to win. that did n?t fail. ~o t~e p~p1l_ ~new :;tJ?.d ennchmg experience to t he thoug hts and feelings of other peo- They. have fulfilled the _Ideal and, hke the m h1s educatwn~I hfe, a directive landmark I.Ple-these are s9:me of the charges lately true sportsma~ that he 1~, Pr~xy could ~ot in his educational career." brought against the college editors. N?w I let t he¥!. p~ss ~!l:to obscunty without fittmg .:_JOHN B. OPDYCKE j '1nd then they ar e actually charged w1th recogmtwn. -- -~ viciousness or ill will,. a!ld a perusal of some I The basketball oanquet. provided a more of the editorials in the larger college jour- substantial reward for the men than any nals might well lead the reader to some honor which may come to them in more · · -· ·· · such conclusion. Undergraduate editorials :material form. Given by Dr. Edwards, at ·- Tonight begins the career of the new do often contain some rather vicious digs his own expense, it gave the men present Beacon staff for the year 1929-30. I at conditions as they exist; and once the 1 a spirit of personal warmth which would We humbly accept the honor that has editor is led to believe that such conditions have been lacking in a great "stage manh?en placed upon us, and at the same time, are the r esult of the planning of an older aged" affai~. Such events as this give the we feel that it is something more than an · generation, he seems all the more eager to students _glimpses of Prexy that no other honor; that a responsibility has been ex- attack them. oppo_rtumty can offer. Unhampered by contended to us, a torch which we must carry One should recognize that there is a dis- venti~n~litjes he el?-ters the .circle of !elon. tinct reason for the present tone in college l9wsh1p made possible by h1s generosity, We . firmly believe in the p.olicies of our \ journals, however, and while it may not and beams ~is benediction, .and that of the predecessors, ;:tnd shall try to continue the be an extenuating reason, it is still a rea- coll~ge on his boys, boY:s who have broQght publication of a college weekly in which son. It is chiefly this: A group of men their college honor without flaw. Prexy are embodied pep, ill1partiality, new ideas, c?nstituting the board <?f a college publica- h~s wrought better than he planned .. He and most important of all, the expression bon find themselves obhged each day to fill has made for us a pa.ttern, th~t we might of student opinion. a certain amount of white editorial space attempt t<;> mold our hves on h1s: The editors have already received many with printing which shall read like opinion. "All hall to our dear old Alma,Mater, comments of congratulation, as well as of There may be two, three, or four of these For he has shown us the way. sympathy, encouragement, and "knocks." editorials to write, and each should repreHowever, we int·end to work together, sent a subject well-discussed. In th~ first and with the help of the student body and place, there are very few newspapers m the fa.cul~y, to publish each week a paper which wh?le cou!ltry, l~t alon.e college newspaper~, Apr. 12, 1926-The Sophs commence swipWill Justly do honor to our growing Alma which prmt stimul;:tting, thoughtful edl. ing Freshmen caps. Mater. torials each day. The gift of writing, not Apr. 13, 1926-The Class of '29 raises its The most interesting and amusing part occ~sion~lly! but continually, editorials flag (a perfectly good bed sheet of of the work during the first week that we which will mterest people and make them Signor Ravenelle) upon the flagnew editors have functioned has been that think is given to but few people in the pole on the campus; thus opening of listening to quaint sayings, jokes and world. Therefore is it any wonder that the annual inter-class struggle. incidents on the campus which certain stu- a group of men on the editorial board of Apr. 14, 1925-Wills B. Gifford has that dents regard as necessary to the success & college paper often find themselves hard memorable auto wreck with Mrs. of their Beacon. We shall go- on the prin- pu~ to it to . produc~ ea~h day edi~ori~ls Minor at the Lambda Chi Alpha ciple-"the greatest good for the greatest which contam defimte Ideas? Editorlal and State road crossing. , number!" ideas come only with reading, mixing with Apr. 15, 1926-A continuance of the Freshmany classes of people, and some contemman:.:Sophomore class struggle as plation. The college editors are students. the Class of '29 carries their banWith the amount of reading to be done in ner atop of Village Church steeple. courses, they do not have the time and Apr. 16, 1927-"Specks" Billings (now with Have you ever noticed that at evening zest for reading the magazines and newsDetroit) holds the Rhode Island when everything is calm and quiet, some papers that editors of regular journals bats well in check and Brown dedistant frog takes up the croaker chorus must read. They make this work a side feats Kingston in the opener, and wails his lament to unwilling listeners? line. 10-1. Everyone, save him, is quiet, tired with In most cases no college credit is given Apr. 17, 1926-Ah--! The Sigma Kappa the day's work and content to remain sat- for the amount of reading necessary for spring danc-e ! isfied. Not so with the frog. Throughout the production of editorials. Therefore, Apr. 18, 1928-The PT class starts the renthe night, he must bellow his loudest to the reading isn't done, and the editorials ovation at Thirty Acres in helpdisturb the peace. Walk to the swamp, are frequently shallow as a result. The ing to break down the old boat however, and search him out with a flash- young ·editor's life is a rush. The curricuhouse, thus paving the way for the light. As soon as he is singled out by the IIum in any American college is taking up . present reconstruction.

Our Team

College Journali··sm



Carry On

Next Week in History




Page Three




Y. W. C. A. -] j

Aggie Club


Back uo the old grind after our all"Hands Up," a far ce in three acts ort vaoatio.n. In spite of its be- will be pre•s.ented, und er the auspices ing on ly a Uttle over a week ago, it orf the Y. W . C. A . in Eidwards' Ha:]] seems just ages sinc·e we were· at April 19. w ith !.'r10the.r. The leading roles are assumed by

The Aggie Olub held i ts fir•st meeting o.f the month on April 3d. Dr. J . C. Weld,in gave a very in1teresUng le.cture on Agricu ltuval Bacteria. Dr. Wleldin spoke of bacteria in the

Having ·one's .id·e ntit;, a kno~wn fact, Be;rtha Lee and Benjamin Mayhew, !s mther a mix>ed •blessing. Half the as Helen Alden a n d Mac, respe.ct!vely. camp u s crabs because they haven'rt ·been mentione·d while the O·ther hal.f The cast: is u p in arms because they have been Helen Alden -----------------------Bertha Lee mentioned. '"The Idler" washes her Ba•rah Alden ____________Be.rnice Callagh an h ands o,f the whole business and in Mary A lden ____________ Harriet Viall the f uture as 'in the p.ast will merely Henry Alden ...~-------Allerto n CuShman follow the dicrtates M her .own d':ancy. Percival Spencer____William A r mstrong ---Mac _______________________ Benj amin Mayhew T h e sodal calendar started lo,ff with Mrs. Semberton Mo•rL....Virginia May .a bang, when Chi Omega presented its Andy ----"------------------- Lloyd Crandall annu al ·cabar·et. It was. very well at- Burk ------------------------Linwood Wales te n ded and by the look ·On peOlple's es everyone was having an unusu- Henshaw, g ____________ g, ,Price, Lovejoy 1 a lly .good time. The chorus was really Bo:ss, c -------------···---------------------- c, May qui.te profess•io·na l in .aspect and grot a Grifrf~th, sc -----------~--------------- s·c, Binch b.ig h and all around.

ground. and their economic impo.rtance, the harm of dtsease---'bacte.ria in anLmMs, and lastly, the harmful



T he Rhode Island State College De Molay Club to intro duce a n"w feature into the social life of our campus. The plans Jlor their 19·29· m.inst rel show, as announced by Cl:lairman Len Russell at a meeting h eld last · Th•ur,sdlay night, indica.te that the show will be a. WiOW! The program ind ude.s a snappy minstrel to be p.resented at E.drwards Hall Fridray, April 26, to be followed by dancing in Lippitt Hall, to the tune of Buddy Tennant and his·

bacteria in milk. The tal k was· highly appreciate.d by the members present. I n cidentally, the proposed Aggie bruseball team, as pre-mentioned, has some very favomb le stars from which to pick its team. Leroy Hersey Band. will probrubly do most of the twirling Tickerts are now on sale to avoid w ith John Rego and Waldo Martin a panic at the last moment, and may in t'he r eserve. J.immy Armstrong will be h ad by app lying to any of the probably be t he club's mainstay at De Molay men on the campus. the bat , for it is said he wiel ds a sidering a eha:lleruge recelve.d from wicked willow. Clarence Ho:x;s!e is the ever ·,p rominent co-eds •. The con.expected. to make a .hit as cheer . tents of this challenge are ye¢ unle'ader. Manag·er Prtce has been con.- 1 known. - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . : . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _..

quirt,e summery and

b y the numbers thrut ,f!o,cked to Thir-

ty A·cres, the wanm sp.e,ll was· put to gOo d use. That first plunge was rather b. N'rath taking but the after effects were all that .could be de.sired . You ifelt like a new man and a million do.Hars. 'The Basketball Benefit Dance, which is. scheduled for this week, should he well attended. th•e boys ·did Boo much to ma:k·e .a •foine reco.rd for the college, it is .only right. !that ~v;er .shou~d •turn out 100 p·er cent stt,ong so that they may be presented with sui,taible recognitions f or their gpeat and succ·e;s.sful effo·rts. :VVon't they look swanky aro.und the campus in their white sweaters and t>llfle letters. Anyway in my opinion they deserve noth~ing but the best. 1

'rh'e bas0b.a11 seas on opens this We·ek whe·n we play our first .gaeme t),f the year. vVe shall miss Dr!aghetti and Stevens .the "m-,acks" orf last year, but co.a,c h Keaney has some splendid material to w.ork with and W.e are confident that they will go a long way toward ma·king a name 1io.r themselves.


This must of a n·ecessity be cut r ather short this week because being the end oof the quarter bills and tests .are in order. We've got some plugging to do in order that we may have the privilegee of pay,ing the aJJo.rementioned. Yours for an A ih every course. --'The Idler.

CO-ED BASKETBALL The So.phomrore G'irls' basketball lf: e,am .de.feated the Junior girls 13-3, i11 the annual cla,ss championship _g:ame,s. lVIary Chase and "Gen" Fogarty were bright lights for the winners, while ''Kdtty" IMacKay and ''F'annie" Wright starred for the losers. The lineup: Juniors, 3 Sophomores, 13 f, K . Mtruo:Kay •G. Fogarty, f ........ G. Brightman, f ________,____ f, E . Callan V. May, c ------------------------ c, G. D odge .A. Birch, sc ________________ s:c, S. Brucker M., ,g -------------------- g, P . .Pierce H . Pl'ice, g -----.. ------------- g, F. Wright ;Sub.s-V. Lov<Jjoy, g. B. KendJrick, g . In the final game of the girls ·championship class games the .Sophro·mores defeated the 8eniors .by the -close score o,f 9-7 . The mo;st brilrltrunt playing was done by .Mary Chase, star guard and cap tain ,o;f the Sophromore team. The lineup: Seniors, 7 Sophomores, 9 Humes, f -----------~---------------- f, •:J!'ogarty Fle,ming, ,f ...............~-------- f, Brightman Mokray,. g ...... .. ,----------------~---- g, Chase

Conquering the Cascades falls every month in the year where the Great. Northern crosses the Cascades. Steep, tortuous grades increase the difficulty of the railroading problem. Nature has stubbornly resisted man's effort to conquer th~, range. In January, 1929, the new Cascade tunnel was opened. Man, with electricity as an ally, had conquered the Cascades. The eight-mile bore was driven in three years- a NOW


record impossible without electric power. And electrification has been extended to the entire 75-mile route through the mountains. The conquests of electricity on the land and on the sea, in the air, and underground, are making practicable the impossibilities of yesterday, As our vision enmmpasses wider horizons, electricity appears as a vital contribudon to future industrial progressandhuman welfare. · 95-652DH








t:>age ·Four '


Many S~ni. or~ . .. ITheta Chi Holds IThe wag~s of ·•. . . r:· Alumni News . . Get Contracts Easter Dance Stn Is Death! ~------------------------J II

GradU,~tion' AntiCipated; Larg·e Many Couples Have Enjoyable Freshmen and Student Council


, tiyes




Time at Spring Hance

Clash as Hours Are Assigned

IIlta Ohapter of Theta Chi held its The "budding- independence" of our · · ctively ann u a l spnng dance on April l. 1o wl Y F'res h men was :most effe Art Gunther's ·"R·acketeers" of Prov- squashed when the Student Council ide•nce provided the music. Fred convene d in L ip pitt Hall, Monday Moo n ey rende red an a musin g- so lo night, March 25, · to mete out welld uring- i ruterrnission and received the deserved punishment to those who app la u se of the assembled g u ests. had ignored o u r traditional "FreshThe patrons and pa tron e.S[ieS were: :man Rul es." With t h e rubsencoe of' our Mrs. Harriet Taft, house mother, ancien t zmd venerable coal p ile, the Capt. Carl Garter, Miss sally Coyne, Freshmen •hav e been sentenced . to year from th-e Central Teaching Lieut. a nd Mrs. Ulmont Hoiley. "hours of hard labor" on the AthAge•ncy fn N ew Jer.sey . Among the forty couple·s prese n t le.Uc Field and T ennis Courts. No G u!d ·o Arrne;no · is plannii1g to teach were several a l umni ancl guests, i n - longer will th e amor'ous Co"e-dffer be in: the 1 ' city 6f Providen ce after he elu ding · Merrill Richardson, Carl d ecora t ed with a b aseball mask. T his .g;raduat es fro m Rhody. C arson, . Stan Bliss, . M. L. Patterson, harml·e.s s- fo· ·rm of pun,I's·h ment h~s ~ 1 ,Jil.d ;w.caJ;Jcj. Aceto will take up gradu· Ph'l , r -eplaced "y · I L- enz, 'Bucky" Wright, ' 'B u d '' "een " " ·twenty-f·I·vnv h ours· of 'at<it, wo~· j( · , at; . M>·~ · '!:\ Brown and " Kipp y" Boilworth and labor. Ol;Uas B;. , L19Y.~ . wil1 he employed hrs . wife, bile for m er Miss Mao'}} HI'stor Y c 1asses WI' II reme-mber by the Gener a l Electric Company at Peckham of Si2·ma Kappa . M""rch 11 as the date of th e " door Behenell"ta«l'Y> N. Y. ~ were in attendance, r ule Several co-eds m assacre," riva ll ed on ly <by C h al~l es F. EaiSltenbrook.s is goJng including the Misse s L illia n Chaput, March 23, t h e day of the assault on with bhe Gene,r al Electric Company Ali ce ;Martin, Tela Felming, Bobby t he " Opry House" to apprehend the a t Schenectady. Brapd, Texas MacAiidrews, Edith "down the lin ers." The r-ecord of Arthur Z. Smith is go.irtg- to be an Littlefield, I-telen McNamee, Gladys thirty-five hours, est ab lished by at the Riverhead , Long Is- Whipple, 'Edna Peckham, W inifred members of th e C lass of ' 31 was land , Tram;·oceanic R ,eceiving- Sta tio n l1'rancis and Myntl e John so•n. . j ~qua:led by the ·.: lass o~ '32 wh~n the o -f the Radio Corporation of Ameri9a; Del Nevins was cha.!rman of the ·j busmess man recerved a similar Kenneth MacK-enzie has b een noti- <'Lance committee . He was a·bly as- sen tence because he avowe d that he fied that a po.sition is open for him sislted by George Orrrliston, Donald had been "to b u sy" to complete labo r wi-th bhe American Telegraph and Davidson a nd several o.b liging Fresh- assig-ned last f a ll. His · record was a lTelephone Company of New York, most appro ach ed by those w h o had m en , Hyma n Hochman inten<hs t o put too o'ften t rekked down to the "Delta }).is business tra.ining into pr"actical Tau Lam:bd·a" informals. u se when he ent ers his father's well Alumn~_!n ':":_ermont The "gladiators" of the Freshman known baJkery estab'lishment with inCI tentions of expanding it. Undergraduates and professors alike ass, heralded for t h·eir bravery and A lex H u rwitz is t o e n te r t he teach- wou lcl be pleased t-o h ear that Alum- fear lessness by the Providence papers ni are burning up the business worlcl entered the Co un cil Cha mber with ing and c.oaching pr ofessi on . in V t "th th . t heavy misgivings. Proper ly c harg-ed Edward Keny,o n of West Kingston enn on. WI e rr recen succes- with their ofJ'-enses, th ey r·ose, knees w ill be connected wi-bh the New Yo i' l' ses. M"iss J e"n Robert'son is em,pJo.yed q_uive rin~, ar1 d· I·11 t in the Vermont Elxt-erusion Demart:me:nJt, " Temulous vo ic e Telegr aph and Telephone Co ., Jocat<?d her latest assig- nment being Addison rna d e th. e1r · " remarks" before senin New York City. County, w ith headquarters at Middle- te n ce \Vas passed. T h en the invaders Edward Zic•cho uski ,wnl co ntinue bury. M iss Betty Hearn who, li ke 0 f t he balcony h ad their say-and w ith graduate stud,i es at the Unjver- M iss Roberts on is a n Alumna ·Of the h ow.• T'h -e " f ife a.nd drum corps" was sity of Southern C'alifomia. Class o·f '28, a nd is i-Iome Demo nstra- on hand t o accompan y the march of tion Agent also at Middlebury. eac h offender to the j udg-e's bench . Ray Draghetti, still remembe red as O ur Scotch friend, trapped in th e 1 the fleet little individu al who ran massacre of Marc h 11, "did n 't rememroug-h shod against Conne-cticut two ber," and was accordingly gre eted years ago , is creating quite a name with a hearty "lapse of memory." r himself as coach at F'airhaven, "Broncho" l ost his voice when acCaptains Cook and McClean Ex• fo h is fo·otbaii team was so successful cuse cl of hurrying- to get a seat near eel in Their Events; Tri- that the to w n feted him. In the re - a co-ed, f,orgetting to hold one of the a ngular Meet Scheduled for cent state basketba ll tournament, heavy, cumbersome do,o rs open fo r April 27 " Drag's " quintet reache d the semi- an upp erclassman . Rhody faces th e track season w i bh finals , only to be clef.eatecl by NewOne "gladiator" h ad a "p urpose" a team weakened tremend·ously by t h e po rt, whic h team won the state title. in going "down t he line," ·but refused Many· o'f the Senit>rs are already .antlcip'ati:ng the days fo llowi ng Commencement -arid · are' 'signing -contriWits for the · galillng of ''a : l ivelihood in the va~iou:s: wMlcs ·Of ' life. TM ' to1Iowi:itg ·h-ave ' made known 'IJhlert< tnt'e htitins: to' \:iite: Baro'ld Sc'o tf' 'has recen-tly re ceivecl an · offer df a 1p·orsition f<O,r next .


' _D , {_. \

Success of Track Team Is Doubtful


loss of last year 's stars. The only outstanding athletes are Cap,ta'in Oo•o,k and D roitc-our in the pol e vault a nd Capt. McC lean in the 880. There are, h owever, a large n umber of hardworking men who wi!l score for Rhode I sland . Ly n n is s h owin g- up well in t h e dashes. Anderso n and Osterlund a re active at th e b road jump p it. Intas looks good in the lo w hurdles. Creighton Magoun is a vete r an h igh -hurd Jet·. The high jump is BradSihaw's meat. Kn ight a nd Straigh t are the 440-yarcl lads. L ind is battling McClean in the half. I n the, m ile He rs•ey has things his own way. Bean, with h is excellent record in cross-country, should be good in t he two mile. Cieurzo, Long a nd Bu mpus are the fairhaired boys w ith the weights and Suter is a lone i n th e javelin. The first meet is a triangular affair w ith Brown an d Wesleyan at Prov idence on April 27. "My wife is v ery thrifty. She made me a tie out of her old dress." "And my wife made h erself a dres·s out of one of my ties." "Ma, c 'mere quick!" "What it is, Nell?'' "Look, Hal a t e a ll t h -e raisins off that sticky brown paper."

It was t h e first time in the h istory of

Fairhaven t hat their hig h schoo-l was clerful teams, and then found suffiable to qualify to ente r the state tour- cient time to make a reputation as n ey. "Hooch" w·alker is l ocated a t coach in dramati cs. We ii, w.e know Keene High; where a s coach of soc - folks, "Hoo-ch" had quite a lik ing i cer· and basketball h e put out won- for the stage, too! ----------------------

"Red" Haire, '28, is coaching at l'lt. Paul's Prep, Garden C it y, L . I. " A l" Strouss, '25, is f oreman of t he Eag-le Cornice Wo rks in Providence.

Biology Society At a special meeting · of the Biological Society held in Edwards- Hall March 27th ·a very entertaining and · &t rue-ti ve mo t wn ' m P l'""<>LUre was pre sented whi·ch showed the cause and mea ns of elimina tion of an int-estlnal paras-ite, caiied "Asca r•is." Mr. Alphons<'l Ravanelle opened the mee ting by a short eXplanation which which was imm~diate.Jy follow ed by th-e p icture. A small but Interested audience · · a tt en d~~nee. · w as. In - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' t o divulge bhe secr e t w h en entreated t'o d o so by the rabble. Then came the Freshman inning, when our calm Oriental friend s o far forg-ot himself as to Jose. h is stoicism a nd excitedly produced e vid ence (greeted by shouts of f orger y) to show t h at he was not g uilty of transgress• ing the Freshman h at r ule. The audienee (including t h e Sophs) called for justice, and deTilanded tha t t h e F res hi e be given an " even break." He got it, am id 1lhe triumphant c heers of the Freshmen and the resigned attitude of th e belligerent Sophs. All in all the Freshmen were sentenc ed to 240 hour-s of labor on .the athletic fi·eld and tennis courts. 8ome of these Freshmen had their "pur" ·


P·Oses Ill mmd, w hile ot he rs deemed the ir punishment mild as compared w ith the joys and "what n ot " of t heir violations. Nevertheless, the "gladia--- tors" h ave been sub dued and the Sop hs are co n tent. Once ag-ain justice reigns supreme. The Go -edd er may have done "right by Nell" but "Never the t wain shaii meet ag-ain." By Hec k. -------·----·

TAILOR Cleaning

Pressing Repairing


Simon Wreschinsky WAI{EFIELD T elephone Narr. 1111R




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Kingston Go!

Wakefield, R. L

----------~----,--T_H_E__. _B~EACON, KINGSTON, R.I., THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1929

Page Five

Phi Beta Chi Chi Omega Has jSpring Dance Held ~-."~ . 1 Holds House Dance Annual Cabaret . At Phi Mu Delta ~ercollegtate i 1

E3;ster Dance Celebrates Chang- ! Night Life -;;-Rhode Island 1 Couples Have Enj;,yable Time I Clothes do mal\•e th 3 man, a ccordIng of Name to Greek Letter Proves to Be Popular ; At Dance Held Before Easter · ing to o·n e profess or on th e Georg.i a Fraternity I Vacation · Teck cam pus. H e asse rts that he a l -




---The m e mher.s of Ph i Beta. Chi br o-ug ht their va.cation to a dose with th-e i r sp ri ng hous e ·dance, April 1st. Th e ro•o-·m s were attractiv-ely d ecorated w ith s treamers M gold a nd bla ck , the fraternity colors. The dance cel ebr.a ted the ad opti on o;f the n21w name by the f r;;uternity. The patro·ns a nd!'on e.sses _wer e: Mr. and Mr.s. \V.a ld•o Ada m s and l\'l:r. and M rs. Leste r C. C o.ggin s . Am•o11 g thos e wl:w glid e·d to a nd fro on t.he po'lis hed s urfa.ce , t o th e mtJ ;sic ~ of "Bud" 'l'e nnant's " r eel hot" t e,J.m

'l'he students of Rhod e Island State had the ir ann u a l taste of n ight life w hen Oh i Om ega held its Cabaret in Lippitt Hall last F'rid ay nig h t. No r egul a r Sat urday "nig•hter" would recognize dear old Lipp itt w i th its bizarr e j}os t e rs and m y s ter i ou s lights. JDven the waitresses in their cha r a cterist ic apache dress help ed to give atmosphere. Being a cabaret, of co urs e t h ere \vas entertainme nt from s oup to nuts. ' "l'w e lfth Street Rag," ,g,t,art e.cJ th1n g s wrLh pl:-nty of p·ep. A ·c h oru s t h at even F la Z iBl'...;fie 'ld . w ou l d e nvy, the Mi ss es ]<'I-o r e n c e All e n, v\Tjn-

w : re: th e . Mi ss~s H azel P rice, ]3Jdla _w'h l te, Ahda B 1rc·h· , _I -Ia.· ley, Anna Iv·ers on, J uha .Oljve W e b s ter, Phy lli s HiltJon , Ru t h :Ne ils chuez, Ma.ry B u rns, Hel en Fli;'iedie m a nn, P.a t r i·Ci a Sun g ici, E l izab eth AIlen , Rut h Buc k-minster a nd .D.ori s Cong .dqn. The c o•mmi t t :·e in c harge con:sJsted ·O·f Charles 'I'eecl, ·ch airma n; Charles To 1son, a nd J o•s·e ph Sa.nto 110 .

!fred Franc is, B e rtha .Lee, · Barba~·a fra: rnity , or ~n g e and black , 1, . ·' · •. N ona Moore and Lo , s 'W•Il'I he co m:m1tte·e _m .ch a rge of t;h e 'l'h e Junior P ,#'tlm : Committe.e at c ox furmshmg the harmony . 'l'he clca noe c onSist e d of Hrch a t·d Conklin, ,N orthea s te r n Urlf V<'\t$!ty h att the next f e a t ure o~ the prog ram was pre-1 g,e n er a l c h ruirma n, assiste d b;· A:lob~rt novel idea~ .of .' starting · a ,· da~cing se n ted by Lou;se . Fowler anc1 Bertha P'o":ell, chape>·; Ho·wH.rd Dr ort- schqpl to get · ~he stud e.n ts in trim f·o-r Lee. M1ss M<a non e Jilng land of L ons > cou.r, •fm a nce; .. Dona ld R ..·W 1Uard , de·c- the Prom; read y to. _dance on their da (e w a.~ .t h e gu est arti s•t on ,t)'le ,ca,b- [· or aJions ; v'r;end·ell D. H e nry, music; own f e et. G i.rls ,f r Orn, the Boston G!ty a ret program, and entertained the, and Har r y Ama d·on, reJr-e s hm e n t s. Club and t h e Y., W . C. A. assist the pat rons with a t oe danc e, 'I'he ·c h a,pe.rons wer2-: M r . and : M Ps . lab.oring m udents in conquering the . " B~ d " 'l'e n nant and his "Coll e - ~ D~~naid ] )'rear .. A lla n H owes., and Miss elusiv e d a n c-e st~ps-and so f'ar 20 :or _g mn s furms h e d muslc for general H .len . v'i'eav er . mo·r e h op e fu l students, m ostly 1 dancing. · ! , The g ues ts includ ed th e M .i sses Freshmen, hav e enlisted in the



ways gives bett er m a rks to well On th e e vening of Thu rsda y , M a rch dressed m ·e n. On one oc-c asion he even sent a bo)' home to change fr om a 1 2•8th, , be f. or e leaving the campus for t h eir-' v a ca tio-n , t h e .; ,.em•b e rs o f th·e swea t e r to a coa t. The s tudent wentNu Eta C hapte~ o•f Phi Mu Delta he.Jd and r e turn e d in his tux. th e i r annual· spl"lng .house danc e fr:om - - -etg h t .to t welv e . Ap•p rd.xima tely t h i rty· T o · w in a n important bas ketball :fiv-2 couptes -en.iored one o,f th e live- f ro m a much stronge'r oppoli e's t and b es t dances e v er h e -ld in nent a Chinese oollege oiled its b'asth e ho•use . As the f irst da nce of Nu ket b a ll · e.ouvt and practiced playing mta Cha pt er · of Phi l\1u Delta , the u·p on the . sljppery floor . When the ~ ve n. in.g was easily a s e-qua lly suoc e ss-~ v i_s.i .·t e a.m a_rriv ed for the cru.c 1a1 tul iLS m a ny h a d by the Ja•te "Des-e s." ,qppte;;t, 1t .4 [\cd . to,. p_lay . op the oiled Th e ho·u se w a s attra.ctfv·e ly de c•or-1 flor a ud .. >y,~··e~Uy defeated . . a;ted with th e c-olc·r of th e n a tlo nall R a ther smoo'tJ;l, . e h1 wot?



n- - ~ ]\l[a>'lter'so~,




! ;Ru-th God'.f, Ali·ce La ns-o n, B a r·bara ~- K e nddc•k ,. B e rni.ce C a lla g h a n, Hope .Bisoho.ff, ~li c e Martin, L_ouise l<'o·wler, l=te b ooca Fme m a n, a nd Doro t h y KenI y o n ,of l<!ing·sto n; M-arion Conn-or, El eanor Ward , N o.r-m a E:r yd ·en , -M>t.I'Y [ G-ladclin~, a n d Mang u e rite l\~ cCw!Lough , •o•f Provide n ce; E:ve!~ · n Kmg, Ruth VICTORY BALL FOR Droi bcour , Vir g in ia . _Sch ofi e l d , and BASKETBALL TEAM , Mrs . C a rey Roben.s Byrn e o f .Eldge;>10'o d; M a rga ret M.a.rti n a nd Do-rJ s (Contin ued from page 1) H e nley of W est vVarwick; :vra ry .:vr.cers for the me n wh o made their Je t- F a rland .and Phyllis Hil'l on oJ Paw-~ te r in bask~tball t his y e a r, a nd a ls o tuc ket ; Alth ea Walk er •o•f Eden P a rk; to buy s u ita•bl: m e mento·esfor the re- and Fran·c is L e·e d o,f Ea_st G reenwich . m~a.ind er of t he squad w ho· ar e ·i~rgeli ··- - - ----

Mi ss Catherine MacKk'l.Y w a s ge:h e ra! c hairman, a ssiste d ,b y Ha;rri~t V ial!, music ; Alic e Shaw, tabl e s; B a r· (C 6ritlnued ft:om P a g¢ 1) bar a Nichols, refreshme nts; Mar j o-d e schedules. . c:o·u l d l:fe.' ·made. But, t'!ar M a yh e w, decorations; An n ette H e n ·' 'mor e impo rtant, a th letic e quip ment i s :;haw , host ess ; and Bertha Lee, enterwearing o ut and m ust b e repl~ed. t ainm e nt. · Just whe re t he m o ney is c oming from -- - -·


is· a probJ.em. ording t o P ro f . ·vV e buter, co a ch saAcl , "My b ack is ag ain st w a ll, I ,ha ve n o m a terial," at opening of the f ootball s·eason of - .._ _ye-a rs ago. And loO!{ ·how it came This spring the . coach .h as said sam; · thirug ~b"a.,;tba,;ebali:-

the the rthe' t wo out. _the

H a. rry D avis , '1 4, p re<[·ddent of Alumni Associ•a tion, sa id: "I had pump house job while I w a s at l eg·e. N o one has eve r run it as I

1J·.·h e the c·oldid







for t h. e f'in e sho·win.,g o.f ARSITY SHOWS PROMISE the varsrty . OF -BRILLIANT YEAR Many n e w attra-ctions will be wit _ ___ ne.ssed. by thos e who a tt·en d the e , 1 <Con.tlnued !rom page 1) a nd souve ni r s wHI b·e IJrese n·t·~d to 20 Arnold Coll-ege, a t Kin g sto-n. ~ t h_e _ me.mb ers . of the D e ),ta A l p.h ·a r~ 8..1· 24 U niv ersity ·of Maine , at Kingston . • fratermty l e..-'l.g u e. team w h o. wo n the 2-5 C la r]{ University, at Kingston . ·0h<Wnpio n ship. Nort he-asote rn, a t Kingston. Let's get behind the t e a·m .,1 nd mal{. e 30 Trini-ty Co·)!, at Kin.g,ston.


--:-at 1eas t I h ope no t . The pum·p was s upp ose- d· t o run a t a certain speed, b. u t I w'as usual Iy in a hurry." He m entio·n e d Prof. Keeg'a'n and s u g,g·e,sted an eJ@re-ssi on of r-eg1aJl'd ,b e s2,nt h'im by the At,h,Ietic .A,Bso~iation. His clos- t hi s a mem-o ra;bl e a.fflliir . If You can't Ma.y attend the dance, buy a U.c ke~ anywa y. 2 Co lb y , at K ing.ston. ing thought was. t:he idea t hat <>pots ·Ti-c kets can -b e proc u r·ed a:t a ll the 4 ·wo.rc.ester, a t Kingston . (defeats) be kept off the new gym fraterniti·2s , s o rori•ties, <:tnd d.ormitoT 8 Bo·st·on University, a t K ing s tcon . floor. _ ifor the small s um of ,f1'f·ty C•ents. 14 Nor the astern, at B oston. President ~oward E d; war ds re- ie.s C om e early as the dance W'i-11 st ~ ..... 1 6 Mi-d-dle bury, at K i ngston . g a rded the present victorious season ""''" as the result of 25 years' growth of O·n the d·o't .a t 8: 30 ,p, ,m ., and w ill end 2'2 Bro•wn, at Providence . a t 11:30 p , m . If y.ou' r e married, 25 Connecticut, a:t Kingston . the college. :rt hl;l6 taken th a t long for come afid bring the. c hildren. All 29 St. Micha~l's, aJt KJ n g ston. the college, like a tre·e, . t o .gr ow, roads leoad to. the .gy1mna siUim .Satu.rda y June blossom , and bear fruit. He wanted n ig.h t . Buddy Tennant's Band 1 Clonn·e·cti-cut, a t Storrs. w.ill to express his apprecirution · of the f urni sh -the music . 5 Har:ard. • at Cambrid ge., and had t r ied to do so b y gi:vDr. a nd Mrs. Howard lDdwa1·.d~~ , 8 Pepd'1ng, a t .ton. ing t:he )>anquet. Pro,f. I ·Prof. and Mrs. J ohn Bar1low,



Coac h Keaney nam ed t h e let ter men and said t h a t when the _pilaque beari•ng the name·s of famous Rhode I sland a,\111lete.s was p'Qt in the gym it wou14 h'av-e the five names of this seaSo n's. b~ske-tball team.

an d Mrs Tyler

Prof and Mrs W e b -

ster, Prof. a nd Mrs. Bro'W'lling, Mr. and Mrs. Fred To·otell, and c,o,a,ch and Mrs. Ke·a iley w ill be the 'P.ruti'ons at the c1·ance . The committee in charge oil' the dance •CO-nsists of : Manager Jo•hn HeuWeighed . in the Balance hel'ge r, ·chairman; Capt. Alec Hu r witz, "I gave that man fifty cents for patrons; William Trumbull tickets ; S . savlng n ey Elcp ste in, ,fl oo r; Greight,on Ma "Whatmy d i dlife." he do·?" g oun, music ; Fred S. Ackroyd, ·P U•b "Gave me b~ k 20 cents change." licity·, Owen R . 'Con ' ro.y , f'1nances.


-· -- - (Continued from page 1) out in answer to the qu estion, "Do you teach the theory of evolation ?" Th e o-ries explained and discussed W'ith an acknowle.dg-e m ent of God,. leaNing the student free to accept or reject the th eories a t his diseretion: "So live that when th e summons comes to jo-in that innumerable car-

school. T:h e s yste m use d is that one paym-e,nt on the Prom Ucket emtitles the beare r to fu ll m~mbership in the danc ing scoh<ool__,an easy way to pay for t he tic ket a nd rut the s'ame time to learn mod.ei'n bal-lr o om dance steps in pl easant compa ny . - - -On e h u ngry £tud en.t at Syrac use Unive rsity, acco rding to T.he :pally O r ange , was in such a hurry to get ou t of the class r o om that wht)n the bell ran g he d ashed m adly to the d oo r,. pulled the knob , and the whole th i ng c am e o- ff~ i n' .his hand! C~ns~~

'q uently, none of t h e stu d ents or · the p r ofes sors were ab le to leave the room until a n e x pert pick ed the lock with a hair pin . T h e Daily Orang e d·e scribe_s the episode. ~. f·ollows·. ~ " The claSB is dismisse d ." There was a.m a d .r _u s h for the door • Someone with a vivid · vision of ·b ea ns before him reac hed the do•or first, but pulled too fierce ly on the kno.b , making th e h u ngry c lassm ates pr!soners. The inge nious French instructor e xami ne d t h e m ec h amsm . tha t barred the a t 0 ·J'b 1 t . d b ad J w Y er Y a n eans, m e a wild -requ es•t f or buttonhooks, ' toothpicks-"a.nythi ng with a. croo-k in it ." A mob of students clamored f o r beans. Several Jimmy 'Valentines of~ fered usele-ss s u ggestions. A swea;t!ng · .. ..,.cruc·t or . twitched his eyebrow franm ti ally S dd 1 h · 111 · d al:ft. . ;he



eni~s~ruc~~:; g::sp:'ctav~t,


twitc-hed the Jo c k 'and his ey<ebro·w a-gain and O•p ened t he door . • Another c' of a hairpin turn!

a van which to those mysteriou.s real ms where eac'h shall t a k.e· h is cham,be r in the silent h alls of death , thou shalt g o not as the quar1 · dunge on, but , ry save, s c ourge d . to h1s sustained and soothed by an unfal ter ing trust ."

~::::::;::;;::::~~~~~~ ~~ .... ~~~~~~


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Page Six

EXPERIENTIA DOCET In many ways d o we all make mistakes, But Freshmen are bound to get the tough breaks Just a slip on holding a door, A slight mistake, to be made never more. Maybe forgot to wear his cap, A five-hour fine i's a pretty tough rap . Lured by the dazzle of "down the line," Sure ly t ha;t's not a seri ous crime. But worst of all, a Co-ed to meet , That is really a most daring feat, Spelling twenty-five hoursWhich turn sweet amours sour. But the Council has eonvened, The ranks of •the "wise" are now weaned. They'll learn-they'll g·et there yet, Have we forgotten-Experientia Docet ? - -G. R . S.



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"The Buy Place for Books" Lend ing L ibrary of fiction and non-fiction. Books of all klnds for ·sale :

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Chern. Lecture

E ffective Sun., Mar. 31 , 1 929 ( E. S. '1'.) '\Vakefield and Narragansett Piet· To Providence DAI LY Leave Wakefield R. R. Stati on 8:15 a. m ., 12:30 p.m., 4 : 15 p.m. Sat urdays and Sun d ays-8: 00 p. m . Due Providence N . E. Coach Ter' l 1 0 : QO a.m., 2: 00 p . m ., 6: 00 p. m . Satu rdays and Sundays-9 : 45 p . ·m . Pt•ovidence to Narragansett Pim• and Wakefield DAILY Lea've Providence N . E. Coach Ter' l 1 0:00 a. m., 2 : 00 p. m., 6 : 00 p. m . Saturdays ·and Sundays~ll :O O p .m. D u e ·wakefiel d Station 11 : 45 a. m., 3:45p.m., 7:45 p .m. Saturdays and Sundays-12:25 p .m. Regular stops will be made a t New Engl a n d <Coach T erminal , No. 6 Foun_ tain St., Providence ; Narragan sett Pier P . 0 .; Columbia Corn e r , Wa.kefield; O'Br ien's Store, Peace Dale; Wakefi e l d R. R . Station. BUSES TO CHARTER PHONE NARRA. 340

·E. E. Society

•. The third legtur.e. of a s•eries given Fran k E. Caul fi-eld, president of by the Organic Indust,rial Ch-emistry cla,ss was a pleasant surprise to the the Electrical . Engineering Soci.ety, audience. . spoke on "Hydrogen-Filled Sync hron 'J'he sp-eaker, Albert H. C d , . Suter, i n formed his list-eners at th·e ous on .. ensens at last Fnday's .o-,. , · th a t h e 1n . t en d e.d to spread 1, meeting of the. so<Cie,ty in Bl.iss be · ,1nn1ng . H•aJll. the oil about his subject "P-etroleum" I He mad-e a •tnp to the ma.clhl ne. of thiS! n ature recently install ed in Paw and he kept h is word . 'l'hro u ghout the speech Mr . Suter scattered humor tucket in order to get first han d inand p-ers•onal touc'h-e.s that gave a form.ation . It is really a electric rather popular air to a te.chniC'al motor running idl·e Which impnoves sub j ect. the power factor of any cir cuit to He t r a,ced the oil from its source

medium than the more comm·on air.

te.r, the f.inst chanc·e di.sco.very, the uses· o f oil as a medicine, tlhe drilling of wells, t he well drilling apparatus, refining m-ethods and uses. A short part of his speec'h he devot-ed to ..explaintn g a suh stance, "Ess~mkay," for which he claim·s woniderful pr.operties of c'leaning and filtering. This "]].sse·nkay," he explain-ed, was d i s c ov· b y himself and a friend, the

.Some of tlh e membe-rs of t he clu,b are planning to a,t,tend the Troy c on vention of the s t udent di vision o:f t h e American I n stitu te of E l ectr ical Engineers, with whi.coh t h e loea l c lub is affiliated. Unfo1,tun ately, this c o m-es in Junior Week, amd since even R'hode Island students cannot b e i n two. places at the same tim-e , one event or the other musrt be sacrificed.

Chern. Society


(Near the Arcade)

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Nm·e ne:w members were initiated at the regular meeting of the R h ode Island S·tate College De.Molay Club on A•pri! 3. After the ceremon y plans for the. minstrel show were completed. The cast has already &tm·ted rehearsals under the direction of Mr. [ ·Harry


C. Krelnkk '30 Vice President~Albert H. Suter '30· Tre·asurer-----<1\IIkhael Sa·ella ' 3 0 Secr·e.tary~Ralph Belmo·n:t '29 Another meeHng will be :held soon to discuss the possdbiliti~s of become ing a national society.

Harry Bryden Sheldon Williams Wlaldo Martin Byron Porter

Her Father-"Young man, I saw you put your arm around my daughA sign on the back ·O•f a delapidated ter last night." Youth-"I suppose you noticed I<'·ord-"Don't laug,h girls. What would you look like without paint ?" how she struggled, too."

Westerly) Cf)h ~ J ] l d J.v._ 0Ue S an

83. Weybosset Street


'11he Chern Society he-ld a meetin g The new members of t he cl ub are in the small chem lect ur.e r o om o n as fol'lows: '.rliur.sday, March 28. Retiring PresByron Hiscox id-ent Magoun called the mee.ting to L.eland Smith order and the election of officers for Walter Read the current year w~WJ held, with the, George Thompson resu1ts as follows: George Thurber


You a r e a lways welcome to browse arovnd, up.stairs and down, \is we ll as on the street fl oo r, ~t our n ew l ocation

which it is co n neeted. It l.s filled with hydr.og•en to p rovide a b etter co oling

to its uses, explaining the deposition of ·the oiJ from. decay-ed animal mat-

name of the su:bstance b eing d erived from t he initials of the co-diseoverers. T h e t a lk whic:h w ill fOI1ow Suter'.s is on Synth-ettc Foods .to be given by Miss Susan Brucke.r, and on April 16 Ge.rald Bean is to deUver his p'ape,r on Nitrogen Fixa.tion .

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