Urbana University Graduate Handbook

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Summary of Admission Status Decisions Full Acceptance–All requirements met Conditional Acceptance–Some requirements met; must complete three courses with a grade of B or better Pre-Acceptance–Not all foundation courses completed; must complete foundation courses Non-Acceptance–Does not meet requirements


COURSE LOAD Full-time status at the graduate level at Urbana University is defined as a minimum of 9 hours. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours to be considered half-time. GRADUATE ADVISOR Each graduate student will be assigned an advisor upon admission to the program. GRADUATE COUNCIL Function: To review and recommend to the Academic Council new graduate curricula and programs; to review existing graduate studies and make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Council; to initiate and recommend policies relevant to graduate degree requirements; to review and recommend to the Academic Council faculty for graduate faculty status; and to act as an academic appeal body for graduate students. Membership is made up of each chair of a department with a graduate program; one graduate faculty member with the rank of assistant professor or above from each school, selected by the Faculty Senate; one graduate faculty member from each school, selected according to the established procedure for appointing membership to university committees; and one graduate student selected by the Graduate Council. The chair of the Graduate Council is the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Graduate Dean. The Council elects its secretary. The Vice President of Academic Affairs and Registrar serve as ex officio, non-voting members. Faculty council members serve a three-year term on a rotating basis. The student member serves a one-year term. GRADUATE FACULTY The graduate faculty, the body primarily responsible for graduate study, is comprised of faculty members whose experience and record of scholarship qualify them to offer graduate-level instruction. The graduate faculty’s purpose is to encourage and contribute to the advancement of knowledge through instruction and research of the highest quality. It is responsible for student academic advising and supervision of student research and graduate assistants. Emphasis is placed on the totality of a graduate faculty member’s instructional, advising, and professional responsibilities, as well as explicit scholarship criteria. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Students must complete the required graduate program semester hours with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in order to graduate. Candidates for a degree must file an application with the Office of the Registrar during the student’s next to last semester of enrollment. SUFFICIENT PROGRESS Students are expected to maintain sufficient progress toward a degree. At various intervals, usually at each registration period, and especially at midpoint in the program, the advisor or program director will discuss the rate of progress with the student. Students not showing promise of completing the program in a reasonable time may be advised to withdraw from the university. TIME LIMIT All course work must be completed within six (6) years of beginning the program, including any transfer credit. TRANSFER CREDITS Graduate credits earned at other institutions may, upon approval, be transferred. A grade point of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale must have been earned for each course transferred. No more than six/nine credit hours (see program details), or three courses, may be transferred. Students are not required to repeat satisfactory work done elsewhere. The 27 semester hour Urbana University residency requirement for graduation will not be waived.


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