Making It: Industry for Development (#15)

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sustainable industrial development�

implementing programmes and providing policy advice to support the building of industrial capacities and qualitatively improving industrial capacities. The thematic focus may vary from creating opportunities in agribusiness, to building quality and standards infrastructure, to supporting the creation of industries delivering environmental goods, depending upon the specific requirements of the countries concerned. But the common goal remains the same: achieving inclusive and sustainable industrial development. To sum up, all countries have realized that industrial development is a necessity for achieving durable and resilient economic growth, but if industry is to be sustainable in the long run, it must undergo a

LI YONG has had an extensive career as a senior economic and financial policymaker. As Vice-Minister of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank for a decade, LI was involved in setting and harmonizing fiscal, monetary and industrial policies, and in supporting sound economic growth in China. He accorded great importance to fiscal and financial measures in favour of agricultural development and small and medium-sized enterprises, the cornerstones for creating economic opportunities, reducing poverty and promoting gender equality.

rapid transition. In short, it must quickly adopt a business model that enables it to produce more of the goods and services needed by an expanding world population, while using ever fewer resources and producing ever less waste and pollution. Nobody should be left behind in this process. We must make sure that this industrial growth is inclusive and prosperity is shared. UNIDO wants to lead in forging partnerships, where governments, the private sector and other actors work together to create the enabling environment needed for this transformative change towards this goal of inclusive and sustainable industrial development. If we all work together on this, I believe that we will be able to eradicate poverty relatively quickly. â–

MakingIt 29

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