UNDP development stories - Europe and CIS

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Microfinance funding has benefited 120,000 households, with more than half a million people, and the loan portfolio has doubled from $3 million to $6.5 million in five years.

Ukraine: Promoting Change at the Local Level After an influx of people returned to the Crimean penninsula, UNDP helped people organize to convey their concerns to authorities and initiate development projects to improve local conditions. This participatory model worked so well that it spread to the entire country—2,000 communities have carried out 1,700 projects with local financing.

Uzbekistan: Enhancing Livelihoods by Fostering Participation The Government, the European Union and UNDP have collaborated to help communities in the Fergana Valley identify and implement small-scale development projects, with support from local authorities. The focus is on activities that improve basic infrastructure and services. In areas covered by the programme, access to water has increased by 55 percent, and the incidence of water-borne diseases has dropped by 72 percent. GOOD AND EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE—UNDP helps governments build public institutions that are democratic, and responsive and accountable to citizens, including in central and local administration and access to justice.

Azerbaijan: A Pension System for the 21st Century Azerbaijan had an outdated pension system. UNDP supported institutional reforms by financing information technology systems, and providing expertise and training. The reforms resulted in greater efficiency, transparency and accountability.

Georgia: Justice for All Judicial reform has included establishing a Legal Aid Service backed by UNDP that increases access to justice. Poor and marginalized groups turn to it for free assistance. From two offices in 2005, it now comprises 11 offices and 3 counseling centres that offer national coverage and handle thousands of cases a year.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Municipalities Cooperate to Deliver Better Services A pilot project initiated with UNDP assistance helped several smaller municipalities with limited resources form joint administrative bodies to carry out municipal functions. The pilot is now a national programme, with three out of four municipalities participating in inter-municipal cooperation. More than 800,000 people have benefited from better public services.

A municipality in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is investing in infrastructure.

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