Volunteering in India: Contexts, Perspectives and Discourses

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Foreword Volunteerism has long been an integral part of the Indian society shaped by traditions and value systems rooted in the religion and cultural interactions. The volunteers from diverse backgrounds have gone about celebrating the spirit of volunteerism in the best manner they know – rendering selfless service to their fellow beings and the community at large. The observance of International Year of Volunteers (IYV) in 2001 underscores the importance of people-to-people relations as core values of volunteerism. The resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly to mark the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers (IYV+10) in 2011 rekindled the spirit of volunteerism and provided the opportunity to reflect on the status and growth of volunteerism worldwide. The role of volunteers in creation and development of social capital, civic engagement and social cohesion is now well documented. Against the backdrop of challenges, exciting new avenues for people to volunteer have opened up. It is also significant to note the role of technological revolution and its contribution to new forms of volunteering like micro-volunteering and online volunteering. These are going to be the key in future forms of volunteering discourses. It is notable that eighty-seven per cent of people aged 15 to 24 live in developing countries. They can play an important role to achieve the Millennium Development Goals adopting various ways to engage. Tenth International year of volunteers (IYV+10) offered the opportunity to the youth world over to further the volunteering agenda through their creativity, energy and commitment. Youth, the most vibrant and dynamic segment of India’s population constitutes potentially its most valuable human resource. We must continue to endeavor to optimize their constructive and creative energies by engaging them in various nation-building activities through volunteerism. It also provided a platform for national constituencies and stakeholders to come together for planning the future role of volunteerism in India. Government of India (GOI) is committed to promote and recognize the important role volunteers could play in national development. I am confident that the people of India would carry forward the spirit generated and nurtured by the tenth international year of volunteers and work towards peace and development through their volunteering. We must continue to strive to strengthen our network of volunteers.


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