Rule of Law and Access to Justice in Eastern and Southern Africa

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Florence was supported in the Peace Building programme by UNDP in the Peace Building Through Justice for all component. The photos show Florence before and after the support. ŠUNDP Uganda

b) Awareness-raising took place in local communities and legal assistance was provided through legal aid clinics. In addition, the unit sensitized FARDC officers on the individual, social and legal consequences of sexual violence, provided counselling and legal assistance for victims and conducted outreach activities for traditional chiefs and community leaders. c) The investigative and prosecution capacity of the military justice system on sexual violence was strengthened in eastern DRC that included support to the Auditor Militaire (Military Prosecutor).

ii) Project II: Judicial trial monitoring of SGBV cases a) Tracked cases of sexual violence in the justice system from reporting to adjudication and enforcement. b) Carried out capacity-building for key stakeholders in the justice system on judicial and trial monitoring and on creating judicial monitoring centres within local universities, retraining judges and police officers. c) Collected data and prepared a report on SGBV statistics.

iii) Project III: Partnering with CSOs and other actors to fortify management of SGBV cases a) UNDP aligned with other international and local partners including ABA, ASF and the Association of Women Lawyers to train paralegals, run legal clinics and raise awareness on SGBV.

Rule of Law and Access to Justice in Eastern and Southern Africa: Showcasing Innovations and Good Practices 27

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