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cable UN organization so that the auditors include these statements in their final audit report before submitting it to applicable UN organization; • Undertake timely actions to address the accepted audit recommendations; • Report on the actions taken to implement accepted recommendations to the UN system agencies (and where the Auditor General has been identified to conduct the audits, add: and to the SAI), on a quarterly basis (or as locally agreed).

Donor Support to the UNDAP 2013–2018 Recognizing the inclusive and participatory framework adopted in the drafting and approval of the Rwanda UNDAP 2013-2018, the Development Partners commit to continue their active participation in tripartite dialogue within an agreed governance structure in order to facilitate effective and systematic quality control of the implementation of the Rwanda UNDAP 2013-2018. Recognizing the importance of adequate and predictable funding to sustain UN reform and focus attention on development results at the country level, development partners will encourage the Government and the UN Country Team to mobilize national and international resources for programmes under the Rwanda UNDAP 2013-2018. Donors will seek to promote multiannual funding instruments that support rational prioritization and funding predictability, in line with best practice in global UN reform. Development Partners recognize the need for the UN and the Government to continue to prioritize UN support in order to most effectively and efficiently respond to Government needs in a strategic manner in the implementation of the Rwanda UNDAP. Development Partners will work together with the Government and the UN Country Team to improve the monitoring and evaluation system for the UNDAP to ensure that the UN delivers and captures development and policy influencing results, and that the Rwanda UNDAP remains relevant to the country’s needs. Development Partners undertake to disseminate the lessons learned from the Delivering as One Initiative in Rwanda and to realize opportunities to advocate for UN reform at an international level. Rwanda UNDAP represents the full commitment of Participating UN System Agencies to seek funding and support national priorities as expressed by the set of development results in order to deliver support in the most


effective way in line with aid effectiveness principles, as set out in the Paris Declaration and the Hanoi Core Statement.

Commitments by the UN Rwanda UNDAP covers programme activities to be implemented during the period from 01 July 2013 through 31 June 2018, and will become effective on the signature of the document by all relevant parties. The Government will honour its commitments to each of the Participating UN System Agencies in accordance with the provisions of respective Basic Agreements. This UNDAP 2013–2018 relates to and regulates any project document signed between the Government and a participating UN System Agency after the date hereof, and shall have no effect on any programme or project documents signed with the Government before such date. The contents of the footnotes, the appendices and the annexes of this document are an integral part of this document and have the same legal validity as the main body of the text of the Rwanda UNDAP 2013-2018.

Other provisions In the event of any significant change in the situation requiring a change in objectives or a need to extend the duration and scope of the planned programme components, the Government will make a formal request to the UN system agencies through the UN Resident Coordinator and the UN Country Team and an appropriate amendment to the Rwanda UNDAP will be negotiated. In the event of a failure by one party to fulfil any of its obligations under this UNDAP: a) where the defaulting party is one of the UN system agencies, the Government may either (i) suspend the discharge of its own obligations vis-à-vis the defaulting party by giving written notice to that effect to the defaulting party; or (ii) terminate the UNDAP vis-à-vis the defaulting party by giving written notice of sixty (60) days to the defaulting party; and b) where the defaulting party is the Government, the UN system agency as to which the Government has defaulted, either alone or together with all other UN system agencies, may either (i) suspend the discharge of its own obligations by giving written notice to that effect to the defaulting party or (ii) terminate the UNDAP by giving written notice of sixty (60) days to the defaulting party.

R WA N D A U N I T E D N AT I O N S D E V E L O P M E N T A S S I S TA N C E P L A N ( U N D A P ) 2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 8

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