2013 UNC Asheville Baseball Media Guide

Page 80

Withh abo Wi bout u 3,7 ,700 0 stu 00 tude deents nts fr nt f om m 42 st stat ates at e and es nd 19 cco ouunnt ntr trie ies, UN ies, NC C Ash sheevviilllee is on one off the he nat atiion’ n’s top ppuubl to blic ic liber ibber eral a aart rtts un u iver ivverrsi s ti ties e and es d onee o off th the 177 ins the n ti titu itu t ti tions in thhee Uni nivveers erssitty off Norrth th Carrolinaa syst sy ste tem em. U UN NC As NC Ashe hevvi he villlle lle of offe feers morre thhan n 30 majo jors ors lea e di dinngg tto o th the bbaach ach chel eellor or of aarrtss, bbaaach cch hel e or of sc sciieenc ncee and an nd maastteerr o off lilibbeera r l ar arts tss deg egre reeess. Here He ere aare re a ffew e m ew mor oree fa or fact ctss an ct and figu gure res re es. s.

Acad Ac adem mic i s

Aver Aver Av erag age Cl ag Clas a s Si Size zee: 20 Most Mo st P Pop op pul ular ula ar Major ajor orss by by Enrrol ollm lmen ent: t: Psy sych chol ology oggyy,, Litteerrat o atur uree, ur e, Envvirro on nm meennttal al SStu tudi tu dieess, Heealth th & Wel e lnnes esss Prrom mot otio ionn, n, and d Art rt F llb Fu bri rigggh ht A Aw war ards dss: 37 37 stu tudent n s have v reecei eceiv ec eiive ved thhe pprres ved esstti tigi giou ouss awar ou awar aw ard


Und U Un nde derg erggraadu duuat atee Re at Reseear arch cch h: Mo oree ttha han ha ha half alff of st sttuuud deenntss com o pl pleette o orriggiinnal al reesseeaarc rch in in thheeirr field d of sttud dy thro th roug ughh thhe U Unniv iver versi ersi er s tyy’s nat atio tio iona nallllllyy re na reco cogn gniz ized d Und nder ergr grad dua uate te R Rees eseeaarc rch P Prro oggrraam m.. UNC C Ash hevvilllee ffo oun undeed th the Na Nati to on naall Con onfe ferre renc ncee on o Und nderrgr grad aduat uattee Reessea ua earc arc rch more mo tha hann 2255 years eeaars rs ago go. Stud St udy Ab udy A ro oad and nd Stu tudy dy Aw waay: 1177 peerc r een nt o off stuud deenntts taake ke adv dvan antaagee of le lear arnniing ng oppppor o tu tuni n ti t ess iinn othheer stat ot sttattes es and nd cou ount ntrriiess w whi hile hi le eenr nrol nr olllleed at at UNC NC A Ash ssh hev eville ilillee. S ud St uden entt At en Athl Athl h eette G Grrad adua uati ua tio onn R Rat atte: U UNC NC A NC Ash shevvili le shev sh le sstu tude tu dent nt-aath thle lete lete tes hhaave tes ve one n o off th thee hi high g es gh estt grraad dua uati tion ti on rraate t s in in the he N NCA CAA. CA A Our A. u stu tude dent de n -a nt -ath ath thle lete le tees on ath tes thle leeti tic ic scchola ho ola lars rshi rshi hips who ppla layy al a l four fo ourr yea ears rs at UN UNC C Ashe As hevi he villllllee ha vi have ve a 9999 ppeerc ve rcen e t gr en grad adua ad uati ua tio ti ion on rat ate. e.. Facu Fa Facu culltty: y 2210 100 ful ulll-ti t mee fac acul ulty ul ltyy mem embe bers rs, 84 84% 4% wi with tthh ter ermi minaal degr mina deegr greees CO COPLAC: UNC UN C As Ashe hevi villlle is is tthhe he hhea eadq dqua uart ua rter erss fo for thee Coun unci cill of Pubblilicc Liberall Arts ts C Co olleges, a 27-m 27 mem embe berr orga gaani niza zattion za ti of state-supp pporteed libe berall arts college be ges that rec ge ecog ogni nize ze tthee im mp mportanc ncee off nc liberall ar arts ts aand nd ssccien cience cess ed educ ucattion fo f r succes e s inn a com omplex lex gglo lo oba b l so soci ciet ety. et

Camp Camp Ca pus Life

Resiideenc Resi Re nce ce Haalllls: s: Abo bout ut one ne-t -thi hird rd o off st stud uden ents ts lliv ivee on ccam ampu pus, s, w whiilee anno oth ther er thhiirrd d liv iv with ive thin in a one-mile raad diius of ccaamp m us us. Athl At hllet e ic ics: s: 15 NCAA s: NCAA NC A D Divvision 1 te team team ams Stud St tud uden den ent Gr Grou Grou oups ps:: M ps Mo ore re tha han 600 clu lubs ubs bs and d org rgan anizzat a io ionss, raang ngiinng fr from om hon onor or soc or ocie ieti ie ties ti ess to in intr intr traam mural ural ur al spor sp orrrts o t ts Innte terc rcul ultu ul ultu tura ura ral a Ce Centter Cent e & Offi ffice of of Multi ulti ul ticult ticu cu ulttur ural al Stu al tudent deent nt P Pro rogr ro oggrrams: ams Thee Intter am erccu cult l ur ural al Cen ente terr ho te houusses ses es comf co mfor ort rttaabl ble sp pacess for mee eeti t ng ti ngss,, social ev even e ts en t and nd pro r grram amss in invo vvo olv l in ing su ing uch ch diivver erse se groupps as A Allllllia iiaannccce, ee,, Blaacck St Studen udents ud entss Asssoc en ocia iati ia ation tion ti on,, In Inte terrnnat tern atio iona naal St Stuud deennt As den Asso soci ociiati ation at iio on, n, Asi siaan n SStu t de denntts inn Ash s ev eville,, He evil Herm rman an@s an @ss @ Orrrgu O gullllos gu os@s en La os@ Lass Am Americ Amer eerric icas cas (HO HOLA LA) an and nd Hi Hilllleell. The Sh The Th Sher Sher errril rillll Cen ri e teerr:: Wi Wilm Wil lma M lma M.. She herr herr rril rilill Ce Cent nter e is th er the un univ iverrsi iver sity ity ty’s ’s new ewes est an and laarg rges esst ffaaci cili i ity ty,, offe feri ering ng a ra rang ngge off aaca cade ca deemi mic ic an nd outr outr ou trea each ea ch pprrogr ch rogram amss fo focu cuse sed d on n hhea ealtthy ea hy lliv ivin iv ing an and dw weellllne llneesss ppro romo ro m ti tion on. Thhe cent ce nter e is ho home me to th me the he ac acad ademic em micc Dep epar a tm tmeent nt off Heaaltth an a dW Weellllne n sss, with thh cla lass ssro room om ms, s, dedic ediiccat ed catted d sspa pace pa ce ce for un fo unde derg r ra rg r duate research h, a hiigh g -tech teac aching ng demon ng ng/d onst sttra r ti tion on n kittch chen en, an and d reeseear arcch h annd d lea earn ninng llaabs b .Thee Sherr S rilil Ceenter include dees aan n eexp x an xp ansi sive si ve fitne ness ss ceen nte ter, a bio iof ofe feeed dba back ck lab ab and nd med dit itat a ion io on rro oo om m, and tthhe We an Welll neessss Caf afé. é Kiimm K mel Arreeena na:: Th na Thee neew Kimm mmel meell Areena na,, which iiss par par a t of of thhee Sherr herrill ill Cent Ceent nter ter er, ca can an se seat at uupp to to 3,,880000 peop op pllee for or ccon on nce cert r s, rt s, com mme menc nccem ements emen ennts ts,, cco onvocattio ons n , leectur cttur u es es, in es, interc teerc r ol olle legi le eggiiaatte me men’ men n’s an nd w wo ome menn’’s ba bass-ketbbaalll game gam ga mees, es, s hhea ealt ea lthh fa lt f ir irs, ss,, aand nd d com ommu muni nity ty eventts.As s..Ashe hevvi he villle co ommun u ity.


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