2011 Progress Report - United Nations in Moldova

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education programs but a decrease in terms of public expenditure and GDP.

UNDAF Objective 2 “By 2011, vulnerable groups enjoy increased equitable and guaranteed access to basic services of good quality provided by the state with the support of civil society”

The Moldovan Government, supported by the UN, World Bank and other development partners, has embarked on an ambitious reform, which focuses on increasing access, quality and efficiency of education services. The National Education Strategy is being revised to promote the quality of rights-based education programming and bring coherence, synergy and added value to sectorial management processes, using a results-based management approach to strategic planning and design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. The Consolidated Action Plan on Education is also being revised to reflect the changes in the draft strategy. In addition, the new action plan will incorporate specific activities on scaling-up quality early education programmes in localities without kindergartens, mainstreaming special needs children into regular kindergartens and schools, increasing day-to-day school attendance and reducing absenteeism in primary and secondary education, promoting health education - including HIV/AIDS prevention - and countering discrimination and violence at school against vulnerable children, especially girls, Roma, children with disabilities and very poor children. The quality of education will be addressed through a shift to child-centered approaches and an on-going training and mentoring system for educators and teachers. This will directly impact the quality of students’ learning outcomes. Child, parent and community participation in school governance will be strongly encouraged and supported through separate activities.

2.1 Key development trends (i) Education After years of decline, the Gross Enrolment rate in primary education stabilized in 20082011, and the enrolment rate in pre-school education continued to increase to reach 77 percent. However, many children particularly children with disabilities and Roma children - remain excluded from the education system. The preliminary results of a UN evaluation shows that the quality of education is improving where the child friendly school initiative, supported by the UN and adopted nationally by the Ministry of Education, is being implemented. Due to budget cuts, public expenditure on education increased in real terms but slightly decreased in terms of total public expenditure and GDP, reaching 22.4 percent and 9.2 percent respectively in 2010. This rate is far above the average of Eastern European countries, despite similar results in coverage and completion, implying that significant gains in efficiency can be made in the education sector. For the next three years, the Mid-Term Budget Framework plans a real increase in funding of preschool and general

According to the 2010 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Report on Moldova, the country is not likely to achieve the nationalized MDG on Education by 2015. The General Enrolment Rate in primary schools and primary completion showed a slight downward trend, mainly due to the economic crisis of the past years and its impact on poverty. At the same time, the quality of education in the country has continued to decrease. Schools lack teachers 17

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