1906 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 3 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 246

19 l?reshies get hilarious and give a party. 20 :\lyers loses his hair in football game. The tragedy will never re-occur. 23 :\Iany students leave for a turkey dinner at home. l\[ontandon loses rubbers at Colfax. :\[iss Porter receives a diamond ring. 24 T urkey and boys at Ridenbaugh Hall. Hazel sweeps up the rice and old shoes. 25 Idaho second team takes the football game with Le\\'iston High School. Preps win from \\"alia Walla Lfigh School in debate. 29 Glee Club re-organized.

Dr.c. 1\felancholy seniors desecrate the gym. Soph01rores giYe a farmer's party. 3 King :\lac Pherson proposes new constitution for the freshmen. Miclclleton chosen captain of the football team. 4 Faculty Committee examines scholarsh ip and morals of students. 8 Kaufman scholarships awarded. 10 "Clean sweep" for Idaho in debate with \\'. S. C. 12 Freshies bt'gin to "think'' of Glee. L.J. Cecilian Choral Club puts in an appearance. 16 Sophs give their Frolic. \Vebsterians take the Sweeny Trophy Debate. 17 Regents meet. Domestic Science class serves luncheon to the Regents. 20 Football players leave for the south. 22 Christmas holidays begin. 22-]an. 4 lum chases flies out of the halls. DI~C.


Boy:; beat \Yiser team in football.

25 Double the feat at Boise. }AN.




:\I urphy and Fawcett VISit Troy. Ester Larson and Ruth nroman return from the vacation spent at home, Troy. Regular work for the students resumes. :\o assembly-faculty not prepared. Series of debates \\路ith \\'ashington about debate relations commence. Ilome Economy Club organized. ARGON.\l " l' offered at reduced rates. 243

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