1906 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 3 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 190

The Junior Prom On the 17th of ~farch, the class of 'oG cciebrated that great event of their junior year-the Prom. It has formerly been the custom to have this event just before the Christmas holidays but this year it wa::. postponed in order that it might be given in the new Armory and Gymnasium. The expected function occurred on the eve of St. Patrick's birthday and proved to b~ all the more enjoyable for the delay. The hall was beautifully and artistically decorated with the class colorspurple and white. A large 'oG on the outside of the blt:lding, above the door announced to all that the juniors had control of the gym for the time. On the inside another larger 'o6 met the gaze of everybody as he <.ntered the room. The floor was in excellent condition for th< dance and the music more than could have been anticipated. The only feature not entirety satisfactory was the lack of a large number to enjoy the promenade. Punch was served by little girls. and, needless to say, they were not idle. A dt>licious lunch was prepared and at midnight the dancer:; descended to the basement to partake of the bounteous spread. After lunch the dancing continued until the early hours of dawn. The juniors have always been a studious cla:;s and have devoted very little time to social affairs, but the Prom revealed the ability of the class to entertain. PATROXESSf.S. ~Irs.

C. :\. Little ~lrs.

Levi Young ~Irs.




~Irs. C. ~lcCallie

L. Gritman

G. Eldridge



E. II. l\lagee

A. A. Hogcrs

ll. S. Morrow

Programs and !mJitations. B. L. Kerns

] essie Fritz

R. W. Leonard

Reception. Ethel l\loody

G. E. Horton Leila Tilley

E. ll. Culver

Refrcshmcnt. ~an Hoyt

C. L. \\'ickstrom ]. W. l\lcFall

\Vinnie Calkin s X. C. Sheridan

Decoration. H . B.





B. S. Howard

\ \'. :\I. Snow

Tessie Simpson


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