1906 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 3 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 119

The Rh odes Scholarship to Oxford Perhaps one of the greatest honors and privileges that can fall to the lot of au •\merican ~t u dcnt is the opportunity of representing his state in the congregation of . \mcrican students whose fortune it is to be attending Oxford University as recipients of the Rhodes Scholarship to that in~titution. By the will of the late Cecil Rhodes each state in the United States is given two rcpresentati vcs e\'cry three years, the recipient of the scholarship receiving fifteen hundred diJilars annually for a period of three years. The l"ni,·ersity of Idaho. being the only collegiate institution in the state, has the special pri\'ilege of naming these two recipients. This fact should attract and is attracting many students to the Cni,·ersit) and in the course of a few years the attendance to the classic department should be materially increased. The pri\'ilege of being the .\merican representative to the great English mstitution carries with it certain duties which the student owes to the state from '' 11ich he is selected. By his conduct is the character of the inhabitants of the state itself going to be judged by the citizens of England with whom he comes in contact. It therefore behooYes the recipient always to conduct himself in an honorable, Christian-like manner that will tend to elevate 111 the eyes of the Briton the character of the American people and institutions. The duties and responsibilities of the recipient of the Rhodes Scholarship arc great, but the pr ize is also a magnificent one, and worthy of the best efforts ailCl abilities of the aspirant. The scholarship is still an innovation, but a lready its worth is being appreciated. Contestants arc striving for it. To be a receiver of the Ox ford Scholarship is one of the crowning glories of the student's perseverance.


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