1988 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 86 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 172

University of Idaho students choose between nine different

Colleges The University of Idaho, founded as a land grant institution in 1889, has expand· ed from a small (the first graduating class consisted of four people) agriculture·ori· ented school to a wide ranging university offering 74 degrees in 1.39 fields of study to about 8.000 students from all 50 states and 55 foreign countries. Ul consists of nine different colleges.

The College of Art and Architecture was founded in 1981. although art has been taught since 1889 and architecture de· grees have been offered since 192-J. (FriU)



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The College of Agriculture was founded in 1889 and now offers 12 Bachelor of Sci· ence degrees. among them Animal Sci· ences and Home Economics. The Idaho Agriculture Experiment Sta· tion was established in 1892 to research areas of food production and related bu· sinesses. Another addition to the College of Agri· cul ture is the Cooperative Extension Service. first financed in 1914 to help the people of the United States improve their farms. homes and communities. The Ida· ho Legislature approved the the C.E.S. in 1915. Art has been taught at Ul since its found· ing in 1889, and architectural degrees have been offered since 192.3. However. the College of Art and Architecture was founded as recently as 1981. to bring together disciplines that deal with creation of visual and physical environment. Art and Architecture offers five under· graduate degrees. including a Bachelor of Arts. with a major in Art. available through the college of Letters and Science.

Three departments make up the College of Art and Architecture, those being Archi· tecture. Art, and Landscape Architecture. all of which use special facilities such as computer-aided design. photo processing, graphics. and printmaking. Business and Economics offers seven majors in the departments of Accounting. Business. and Economics. Founded in 1925 as the College of Business Ad minis· tration and renamed Business and Eco· nomics in 1969. its principle objective is to provide education for careers in business. government. and organizations. In 1920 the College of Education was or· ganized as the principle teacher-education division. It consists of Health. Physical Education. Recreation and Dance, Teacher Education. Vocational Teacher and Adult Education and offers 46 teaching majors and minors. To receive a degree in engineering. stu· dents usually enter into a four-year pro· gram which leads to a Bachelor of Science in one of th e major branches of engineer· ing. mechanical. electrical or civil. Bache· lor of Science graduates may immediately seek employment or attend graduate school to pursue a particular area of interest in depth. More and more students are opting to attend graduate school, as engi· neering technology is very widespread and undergraduate studies offer l im i ted chances to explore any field in depth. The engineering department consists of four buildings. the Allen S. Janssen Engi· neering Classroom Building. and the J.E.


A chieve It Interested in h i gh earning potential? I f you are. and you're w11ling to work hard for it. th en consider studying e l ectrical engineering. Then you, like so many oth· ers. can call Johnson Electrical EngineerIng Lab home. ( Fritz)




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