1986 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 84 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 22

ain fe ll off and on The problem s stemma ll afternoon as ed mostly from miscomhigh winds ripped munication between through the banners and organizers and parpos t ers for Mu sical ticipants and between C h a irs for Africa. organizers and their Although Mother Nature. underwriters. Many among other things. hurt students misunderstood this effort toward famine the starting time for the relief. t h e h o pe Bob event, close to 200 showGeldof orginated three ing up at Wick's field at months earlier with Live noon when the event Aid s hone brightly in was not to start until 2 those who were present. p.m. Originally, the plan Unfortunately. at that was to get 5 ,000 UI time, wet weather kept students to play in the the majority of parworld's largest game of ticipants at home and musical chairs. An un- the chairs weren't set up forseen insurance con- until 3 p.m. "While we flict. however, forced the had a good turnout for number allowed to par- the original registration, ticipate down to 100. It I think the weather and was then decided to pick disappointment over the one person from each change in plans dampengroup that had som eone ed the enthusiasm of the registered. participants somewhat, " However, even this Lynch said. didn't quite work ou t. Students present durEvent organizer Terri ing the program offered Lynch said , "We ex- differing views on causes pected to get 100 par- of and possible solutions ticipants, one from each to the events travails and living group or organiza- their role in the famine tion registered, and a relief effort. crowd of spectators on Stephanie Sheard, preSunday, but that didn't sent to represent the materialize." Alpha Gamma Delta U.S. for Africa. Behind the determination and hard work that went into the event. a spirit of friendship prevailed. Eileen Sterling. Melanie Matthews and Melanie Mason of the Alpha Ga mma Delta sorority were among the living group partlcpants. AGO recleved the most living group partlclpa路 tion points.


Musical Chairs

sorority, said, "Every little bit counts, and for famine relief to work, someone has to care and we are showing that we care by being h ere." Terryl Sharples, also of AGD, said, "There is definitely some sort of enthusiasm here that could rub off on others, who knows. maybe something bigger will come from this." Wade Howland, a spectator, also thought that the event could provide ideas for other projects for Africa. "This will make people think a little bit. and if some people donate because of it then the poor turnout won't be as bad." Lynch echoed this feeling. "I hope that we do some good here. It's too bad aoout the poor turnout. This event could hopefully be a catalyst for others in this area to follow our example." Thus, while problems pl agued the event, human caring made Musical Chairs for Africa a success. 0

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