1982 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 80, University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 249

Closing: slowly slipping away Finally, the cold grip of winter began to let up. The last snow fell and melted. The rainy March weather came and went. And through it all, the naturally friendly attitude of the people prevailed. Spring came. The century old maple trees along the Hello Walk were rejuvenated with thousands of young leaves and the once snow covered ad lawn was transformed into a brillant green. After the lazy winter, the campus was buzzing with activity. As students were cramming for finals, hunting for jobs, searching for apartments and anticipating graduation, the year was slowly slipping away. Together friends looked back over the year at Idaho. Some savored fond memories of the easy-going, casual attitude that was evident on campus; others remembered the hassles and the problems that plagued them throughout the year. But regardless of whether the year was "good" or "bad" it was naturally yours!

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BOX AFTER BOX of belongiot• muet be earried - t to waiting can, but tbe tboutht of • long eummer away from campu mak.. the hugh taek en· joyable for T errl Erwin. A CAMPUS LANDMARK, the Admlnletratlon Building, le a eymbol of the Ul tbat etudente will remember for many yeare after they leave eampu.

Closing Division


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