1975 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 73 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 205

FRONT ROW: Sarah Rials•. John Mooreland. Don Acid, Mike Hu ff, Lois R ound, Ra y Yarrow, Mike Brow n. SECOND ROW: Ken Martin, Dave T eeter, Cindy Hi nkle, Ralph Fourtenanto, Ruth Griggs, Clare Kapitan, Donna Cowels, Mike Cormier. THIRD ROW: Cind y Caldwall, Joe Narras, D oug Smith, LuAnn Fry, R o ge r R eeves, Ja ck Cunni ff, Bria n Fukuba , T im Meyers. FOURTH R OW: Bill Rush, Harr y Breeden. Keith Murph y, Lance Fry, Nancy Maha fni, Rick Earsham.


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