1966 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 64 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 265

Pili Epsilon Koppo Phi Epsilon Kappa is the only national prof essional frate rnity for ma le stud ent s and t eachers of health, physical education, a nd recre ation. It brings to it s members a greate r appreciation of their p rofession. Membership consists of physica l ed ucation ma jors with a 2.3 accumulative grad e point average.

Row One: Jim Fuller, Forest Hogaboam, Don Schumacher, Erie Kirkland , Clem Parberry, leon Green, David Hansen , Jim Currie, Bill Closson, Bill Stoneman. Row Two: Row Watoow, Mike Hawley, Brian C asey, Ga ry Johnson, Bill Hu izinga , Richard Pease, Hugh Fulton, Doug Hawkins, Mike Hopkins, lee Ta kahash i, Charles Hinds.

Assotiotetl Foresters The Associated Foreste rs is an organization d esigned t o promot e professiona l attitudes, ethics, and lead ership among College of Forestry students. Annually it sponsors t he events of Forestry Week. Row One: lee Boois, Gene Eastman, Gary Sotter路 beck, Robert Andrea sen, Howard Wallace, Donald Wood , C harlie Boyer, James Wolfe, Joe Colwe ll , Jim Feist, John Specht. Row Two: Ed Swett, G erry Queener, Troy Rollins, Keith Glove r, Dale Bosworth, Bill Boyes, leslie Betts, Barb Razdoroff, Allan KylePresident, larry Barker, Dan G aithee, Richa rd Fletcher, Jo hn Howe, Doug Steines, Ed Pom merening, Paul G ravells. Row Three: Phil Rosine, larry Daniels, Mike Dewey, Jim Rickard , Douglas Bright, lloyd Briscoe, Dean Huber, Bill Pickell, Erie Sipeo, Bill leege, Chuck lorenz, John Rog ers, Gil l ance, David Morey, Don W ea t herh ead . Row Four: Steve DeMasters, Jerry lo renz, larry Fryberg, Ray Keibler, Dean Kauffman , louis Kuennen , Mike Bryder, LeVay Jeffries, Darryl lee, Monte Barker, Ed Myers, Neal Powell, Ross Callaway, Tom Timbrel!.

Vondol Flying Club Anyone with t he d esire to learn to fl y may b ecome a member of t he Vandal Flying C lub. The group owns its own plane and flies from the Moscow-Pullman airport.

Bottom Row: Robert Furgason-Advisor, Harold Sasaki, Wre ndon Hyder, Keith Forbes, leroy Byers, Vance Penton. Top Row: Erin Talbott- Preside nt, Ha rvey Wa ldron-Instructor, Wes Baker-Instructor, Francis Gibson , Fred Youngblood, George Buxton, loren Gray.


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