1965 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 63 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 385

Willis Sweet Hall 1\uilt 1937 Dedicated to Mr. Willis weet of Moscow, who introduced the bill to the Idaho Legislature to create the Uni\ersiq of Idaho.

Larry judd joe Larsen David Marsh Ken Newell Art Rosenboom

Dale Klappenbach CaJTy Laursen Vem Martindale David Newton William Rossiter

Bill)' Knorpp Bob Lewis Tom McFadden Eldon Pearce Fred Silflow

Tom Kunkel LeRoy Mabe Dave Mellin Bob Reed Sam Taylor

Hugh Langlois Frank Mann Craig Min tel Bob Reynolds Rex Williamsou

RO GER S. \~ISON President Second emester jerry Nelson Pat Nesbitt Ken Reiner Mike Ri euer Mick Wimer H erman Woeb ke

38 1

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