1965 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 63 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 280

Baseball Coach 'Wayne Anderl.on led the Vanda ls thro ug h their sixth winning sea on in a row as the) posted a I 7-13 m ark. The Vandals proved to be a running team as they et a new record for stole n bases with a total of 74 to era c the old mark o( 59 set in 1961. Jim Carmichael, a se nior from Seattle, set a new stolen bases record with 16 for the season. Torn H oagland led in the hitting department w ith a .394 average. John Blessinger, G a ry Kaatz, and Jim Carmichael also broke the .300 m a rk to add some power to the Va ndal lineup. \',\NDAL PITC H ER - R ow One: Bill to neman, Harlan Buitenveld. Two: Cary Luce, Mike Lamb, Frank Reberger, AI Simmons



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