1965 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 63 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 252

Vandals Compile 4-6 Record in Toughest Competition Yet

Idaho 3 .................................... San j ose 0 Idaho 24 ........................................ Iowa 34 Idaho 0 ..................................... Utah 22 Idaho 8 ....................... Oregon 14 Idaho 7 ............................ Oregon State I 0 Idaho 27 ................ \\'a!>hingLOn State 13 Idaho 40 .............. University of Pacific 0 Idaho 7 .................................... Ariwna 14 Idaho 27 ............................ Utah State 21 Idaho 0 ......................... Ariwna State 14

Under the supervision of Coach Dee Andros the '64 Vandal gridiron squad 'napped up a 4-6 record in a season characterized by some of the toughest competition seen in Vandal history. And the Vandals withstood the siege-threaten ing a Big Ten Iowa team with an impressive ha lf-time lead, wa lloping the WSU Cougars 28- 13, and stopping the powerful Utah State Aggies 27-22. Idaho's power came from sophomores R ay McDonald and T irn Lavens and fourteen senior Vandals. Playing their last season for the Vandal were Paul Lawrence, :M ax Leetzo\\路, Vern L eyde, Dick L itzinger, Cecil Meiser, Dale Meyer, T om Morris, R ich Naccarato. ~ I ickey R ice, Bob R uby, Larry trohmeyer, Mike \ Vhile , and J ohn \ Vhitney. Mi ke Monahan, enior Vandal q uarterback wa named winncr of the Cl arence (Hec) Edm undson Award as the most inspirational player on the 1964 Idaho squad. Mo nahan set an all-time record for the longest pass in th e Iowa game and turned in a total of 1,100 yards rushing in h is Va ndal career. Ail -in-all , it was a great season fo r the Vandals with a " first in ten" win over the \ VSU Cougars and with a deci ive Yictory over Utah State in Boise.

COACHING ST.\ FF Line Coach Sn.vg MusSEAU, Defe nse Conch nn: t\ 'II)ROS, H ead Coach D ICK i\1 ON ROE,

Backfi eld Cotu路lt F rosh Coach

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