1965 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 63 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 240

Campus Church Centers

The L.D.S. House is affiliated with 1he Church of J esus Christ of l.auer Day Sain1s and offers residence fur ap· proximatCI)• 30 men.

Th e Ca uterbury .H ouse is alli liatecl with the Episwpal Church. It hosts many youth acth ities on ca mpus. rhe Campus ChdMian Cente r is sponsored b) the PreshHe•·ian. ;\lethodht, and Lutheran Churches a nd is the h(m,e for stud) period;,, counseli ng, or quiet thought.

The Newman Center is sponsored b) the Ca th · otic Church and offers activities for i1~ you ng people in Sunday e '•ening get toge1hers.


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