1964 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 62 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 248

Arnold Air Society The purpose of this organ intion i~ lO further the mission of the U.S. Air Force at the ni,·ersity of Idaho b) encouraging greater team work, technical knowledge, and cooperation among !>lltdents enrolled in Air ROTC Progrant!>.

\R '\OLD .\IR SOCIETY OFFICE RS- Dale Benning. Ri{hard Willia ms, Mark H odgwn . .\l ben Raile), and CJrla n Silha. ARNOLD ,\lR SOCIETY- /low 011e: Richard J\ laki Bruce Vi ckcrmau , Ri chard Willi a ms, )fark llodgson, Winston pri ngrord, Carlan Silha, Gerry Veltrie. Row Tt••o: tephen Miller, Carl J oh nso n, Carl J ohan· nesen. Franl-. \ 'osika, Donald Dana, Donald Sim nuso n. Albert Bailey. Gary Clouse.

AUSA The purpo~ e o( thi ~ organiJ.atio n is to promote participat ion in ,\ rmv activities and to coordinate , ·ariou .\ rm) programs. Wales. El\ cc uti\ e Officer ; Lt. Col. Bt·eitegan , Pres~ey . Colonel J ames, Hurt t, Secretary; Major Cashman. R Oll' T u•o: Coole H iming, Johnson, Sulli, an. \u du--,on. Ol ~on . \\'endle, Shank. S:t-.,ct. Cordo\a, Pari,,. Higgins. Row Three: .\rn t. ll o \\'ard, Yec, Gonon. J ouC\. Haumganncr. La nge, Clark. Otto. S1 ha ufelberger. lkasley, Gibbons, Bo urassa.


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