1964 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 62 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 210

Idaho Argonaut Two lactic of the Idaho press corps took on the task of editing the A rgonaut this year and proved that journa lism is far from a ma n·s field exclusively. Mrs. Karen Smith Stroschein, who edited the Argonaut first emester under the name of :\fiss Ka ren mith, and J\ liss Karen (Kip) Pe terson sha red duties and honors of Jasons. The A,·gonaut's technical mode of production changed from letterpress to ollset printing this year, which further distinguish ed the allcampus newspaper as one of the first college organs to be printed in uch a ma nner. This year's staff was the fir t to begin and fin ish a year in the new Argonau t offices in the basement of the Student Union Building. taff members kept busy as in past years shuffling between the modern SUB offices and the Moscow Daily ldahonian, where the paper is printecl. Campus elections, with dis olution of old parties and realignment of politica l factions, cha llenge of Idaho mandatory Bible reading in public schools and extension of U nJVersity Pre ident D. R . Theophilus' tenure were stories which were fou nd fir t in the Argonaut.

Fred Freema n


news edito r gi,•cs reporters their assignmcnh

J o,cc \ rthur sen·cd a~ Social Page Editor 1st scmc'>tcr.

Jim Faucher and Chuck Walton arc busy at the ports Desk.

j :me Watts looks o'er a page make-up at the Jdahonian oUicc.


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