1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 372

1(1Iilsch, Stephen Rich;mt. 93. 33:; Ibrer. Ro()erl Ilnu:c.212 Uageu. Jere Nnkaus, 48 H:ogerm:m. Nonna LouiK'. 48. I~. 20-1 U:ohn. ROMTI Ronald.2Oa Haight. Gary Wayne. 83. '4' Ilalq,l'obby 1..«. 67.1:>6 IIaHhill, John .:ric. 47 lIall. Janel K)"lenc. 162 Hall. Richnd Edgar. 48. 337 llatune'll, ,\rlie John. Jr.. 67. 207.359 Ilaln'l"$OfI, Donnella Jan. 93. 201,287 Ibrnillon. George, 9-1. 212, 32:> llarnihon, Jeanne K.1thl)lI. 309 1I::""illol1. Kenneth W3)llC. 360

thmici. Donna Ita)" 83, 206. 29'1. 293 Ihn~n. Dale J., 67, 360 Hansen, .::':lward Dec. 38. 67 \-lansen. G<lTy Charles. 83 I-l<lnscn, j;lItlCS Edward. 3;;9 lI'UHICI1, John AlrrL'<.I, 67. 333 U,,,,scn, L3l1",~cl1. 83. 3(11) Ihusen. )"<'"011 ,\flon, 32, 9-1. 360

Hansen, Randall JamL'S, 91. 327 l-bnlct', G:IH Eugene, 42. 79. 83.187.198. Ilardany. Walter, 94. 221. 319 llard}', Rarhara Jane. 119, 159,223, !03 Harman, Donna I.u, 91. 206, !08, 309 Ilarnu. I)arwill Sle>'e. 83,359 Harms, Neil uro)', 67, 209 HarJK'r, JUlie Ann. 94. 301 Ih'lK'r.I'hilip Bruce, ..2, 83. 277, 323 l-farrell. Roher! Carl. 67. 3.:>9 Harris. Ilri:m LaMont. 26. 30 I-I uris. [)(mald Richard. 60. 67. 223. 317 llarris, l'h)'lIiJ Lo......i"e. 83. 296. 297 !-Iarris. Thomas On·ille. 277 llarrison. Ibrbara Ann, 67. 303 llarrison. Chulcue Rae, 91. 309 Ihrri,...m, Shul.:er Momgomet). 83. 207. 353 Hanhfield, Jan.cs 8C'rllard. 267 Uarshman. Dollald Jawh. 67.276, 353 Hut. IIrem Charlcs, 83, 3:i1 Ilut. Gal')' Douglas, 67, 212, 361 llan. John William, 336 Harl. Leonard Hoopes. 319 Harl, Ronald Ra)', 83, 353 Harte. Carl Rol.ICrl. 2'!'!, 32j 1-l3nl1lan, Donald _\Ihen. ::Oi lIarn'go. Lloyd Henry, 67, !l59 l'la''\"e)', I'hiltil' Lance, 2'li, 3"5 l-l:tsl.:ins, EIlw:lHI t:a1'1, 2::.9 HMl.:im. I.... rr)' Dale. 203 Hatfield, C"1'I Warne. 212, 3:;2 Ibl6eld. Dori5 Renee. 83, 291 Ibldclll, SandrA Jean. 6i. 30i Ibud. Fnnl.: Manhall. 83. 329 Ila ..'es, Willialll L<l ... rel1ce. !H, 317 Ila l.:ins, tAlgar :\lIen, 3..8 Ha l.:ins. Leslie Lo". 2i2, 273 Ila ..·I.:$. Kallu:Tine :\nlla, 94. 30:; 1-"''''10:). DCII(I)' Eugcne. 67. 312. 3'13 Ha)nes, Roberl George. 91, 207. 209. 32,:; I-Iale!l>al.:er. Robcn Ihpllond, 32i lleallc). Leslie William. 94, 3;;9 llealh. Michael Uc, 94. 212. 216. 3:;:; Ilea>rin, Ilury l>On. 66. 3;;9 Ikghloom. Kirl.: M,min. 192 Il~U~d. Milliccnt.83. 299 I-fe,de!, Judy Ka)', 309 I-Io:il~n. Man,n O... a)'ne. 27, 29, 67 I-Ieilesoll. Merlene Ann .-\llell. 28. 6i, 213.


I-Ieimhuch. Jerold Eugene. 31, 67. 208. 32i I-Ieimer. John Thomas. 3"6 I-Ieine. JO)'cc. 83. 309 Hcinrich. Leland George. 211 Ilcinrich. Richard. 38 lIeilll. ThOl11al _\lIyn, 67, 168. ~'23. 2'.N llci,~l, Marl.: Edwin. 272 11cisk:ni, Karen Anne. 309 Heller. J"'lllne. 26. 6i. 200, 296. 297 I-iclsle)'. William I'hilip. Jr .. 315 I-lei I, Cnrol,." Ann. !III lIemlc", I'''ul John, !H. 202. 23;,. 26". 2H6. 274,3'''.335 IIcndcl'llon. Cliffonl John. 91. 3;;3 Ilen<lcnon. Timoth) Sid. 211. 339 I-lend,',., l\e'erl)' ;\Ia.-gene. 9-1. 307

'·lenning. Joan Marie. 91, 311 !-IenningSC1l. Karl William. :r.!i HcnrikKn. George I\eTI, 32. 67.213, 3:i6. 3;;7 Henry. Robert William, 67. 319 Henwn. SUlanne ElizalJelh Halc. 301 Henwn. TCTT) I'atrick. 94, 201. 2:>1. 2:>7.


Henwn. Wcndy Jane. 171 Hcrelh, Maril)n Jean. 67. 210, 311 Halin. S) h i;l Am•. 94, 190,287 Herman. Carol Lynn, 313 Hcrndon. JalllC$ Collier. 27.28.5;;.67. 183. 192 I-Ierndon, John Twa)', 339 Herndon. I.)'lda ~o. 67, 300. 301 Herrcll, JalllC$ \\ i1rrctl. 2211. 224 Hencl. JalllCl l'hilip. 212 Herlinger, t:rnily Honnifae. 29. 162. 161. 289 Heninger. Larr)' Gene. !J1. 199,202, 2'!6, 329 Hewell, C:l1'y Lewi~, ';;6 He..,ill, G<.'Orge IIcrl)'", 211 Hewitt, Nal1C)' Lill;;'n, 67. 2% Hexulll, Ron"ld Ja)" 9'1.315 tliall. N"nc) l.a1l(lrclh. 83. 313 Hihbcln. krmald John. 26. 67. 327 H'ctman. Mart Ha)'n, 327 Ilich. K.uherine Jean, 28i !-licks. Riel.:y· L)'IlI, 133.274,33, Higginl.I..c..·js Rodney, 199 Hi~ins. Roberta Lucille. 29 lIill. nrian Kclloq:. 94. 323 Hill. I>a,id Ra), !H. 173.31i Hill. I.)'nn LllIher. 68, 339 Hill. I'atricia l\nn.83. 297 Hill. Richard I'ona, 210, 313 Hill, Sandra, 83, 30i Hill. Sonja /.lIIe. 313 Hill. Tcrre MorKan. 91. 212 Hilliard, Onaillemy, 207 !-lillicT. I.kmald Rand. 83. 222. 226. 323 Hilhnan. 11.0)<1 Ra)lllorKl.217 Hillmall, Karen Sue, 94, 20:;. 287 Hillman. William Ilcrman. Ill. 343 Hillon. Smart Joel.llii Iliner. Nclwol Chesler, 83 Hines, Richard I>eo:, 9,1, 325 Hint1e. Sunle)' SIW'r1, 68. 208, 214, 361 Ilirning.Enin NorlJ<:rl,, '2i I-lO"gl:md. Th",n;os W)rnnll. 262 H""shi. C<'''O''gc Ki)'oshi. 272 Hobdr. Willi:"n lIu)e, fo8, 209. '01 Hoeh. Fr:lIlc;, Ed..,ard. 68, 3::.::. Hodgson. William .\lnrl.:. 83. 317 Hodlllfcr. Daw" Maric,Wi Hofflllan. ~"'urice :\nthol\)', 34, 83. 208, 35::. Iloflllann. RolK'rt Ed ...in, 94, 199,321 1I0gan. I.um ;\olercdilh. 9-1. 201. 311 Ilogg. J-Iclt'fl Charlone, 83, 311 Ilogg. Julia 11c:llhcT. 83. 291 Hohont. t'TedcricL \ugust. 91. 3:;2. 3:;3 HolbrooL, William t::'rl, 331 Hollificld. Ro) Frant. 68. 211 Hollinller. Gregg ~:I)man, 83.211. 221326.327 Hollinger. JOll Ibincs. 68. 210. 327 Holloway'. I>ale EUlletIC. 213 Hollo"·a). Lee J .. 208 Holman, John Henr}·. 208 !-Iolman. Sandra Jo, 83, 311 Holmer. Lee Michael, 83. 357 Hol,nes, l\e>erl)' 1.)'11n. 94. 217.299 Holllles, Linda Ka). 164 Holl, Gregor). 42. 68. 323 H<K>II. Nancl' Eloise Hannan, 214 Hougland. SIno., Corrine Malhene). 213 Hook. I.... n)· LWII'l1't1. 94. 216. 311. 34;; Hook. L3rq' Virgil. 32. 91. 2211, ~2i' Hooker. Larr)' I..t:e. .'115 Hooton. M;'I1clinc Mahc,l.,mi. 311 HOlll.:ins, Dougl:ls t:>:IIl. '10 Hopper. Da,ill Lcon. 212. 3::.3 Hopper. Rohen Elders, 68 ~Iopper. Sharon Je:l",Ietlc. 9-1. 307 Ilop50n. Loon A.. 68. 3-1i l-Iordc1l\ann, Grego!) l'cteT,"O Hormaechea. Ihniel Teles. 333

Ilorn. De...arne Menin, 329 Horn, Richard Canon. 83. 321 l'lorlling. Donald Sher...ood. Jr.. 68 1I0rning.l\lercdith Ann, 91. 309 110non, Roberl Brooks, Jr.. 68. 226. 22i,


I-Iossner. William L)llll.68 IlosletleT, Kalhic Alexis. 91. 202. 301 Houger, Carol Jeanette. 9-1. 216. 311 Iiouillnalin. Ronald Carlton.:i6. 142. 1112. 183.197.200 Ho\-e. Bekki Ann. 301 lime. Eric Lester. 91. 316. 317 II00c.l\lichael Srou. 68. 317 Ho ard, :\udre)' Anll Crosh\'. 213 110 ard. Donald HUKh. 68. 20:;. 3~'9 How"rd. Jerr), "lfn..l. 94. 201. 213. 221. UO"':lHI, ~Iolllie 1-eo:.1l3 Howard, Rohen Earl. 9-1. 1r.2. 3I!) I-Iuw:ml, Tcrr)' Rex, 68. 3!17 Howe. Dennis John. 38 Howell. Colin Palricl.:. 206. .'123 Howell. John Elno. 68. .'158 I-lowell. Larr)' Neal. 210 lIo"'r)', Shnron Lee. 287 Huhhard, Charla h:lnklp', 91, .'159 I-Iuhbell, Earl Jonalh"". 68 Hubhdl. Sharon I~ t·recm'lll. 28. 83 ~lubo:r,Jon D:I>·is,211 l-IuddlCSlon, Roben Lewis. 68 IIUltcllOll. Gal')' I..ct:. 68. 317 lIucnig, Gerald Walden. 94. 2'!3. 321 I-Iueuig, Keilh Albcrt, 68.186.187,200, 20:;.320 Ilnll. UfO),. 94. 211. .'J(i(l 11118. Tra>'cn Prnron. 29. 91.16-1. li2 Hughes. RoIK'n "lletl. 68. 31i I-lUll, Jcmme uRo)', 68. 329 I-Iultner. HamId Kcm.68 nu.nbach. Anthon) Michael. Jr .. 91. 32, !Iu"'llhre,. Dnid Ch,ula. 83.161. 345 Ilungerford. Judith Ann. 29i lIungcrford. Roger l)ennis. 212 HUIll, Chrillinc, 307 Hunt, James Addi.son. 353 Hum. Robcrt Dcan. 221 1·1 U'llcr. lIurlOn 1>Ollgla5. 68. 1M, 349 HlllHer. J:lmes Gardner, 83. 33.'1 Hurlbert. Dcrald Dennis. 83. 19"J. 227. 33i Hurlhurt. Richard Harlow. 8~, 271. 34::. !-IUTSI. CharlC"j Josiah, 111.91, .'137 Hurt!, Dennis Sterr)" 83. 315 Iluss;,. Carol Di'llle. 48. 90, 9·1. 111,1'12, 198.213. .'111 Hmchison. Judilh Ann, 94, ~'9i l-hHtehall, Allan Roger. 83, 359 Ilulleball, Jact Rol>O:Tl, 210. 2'!1 Hyslop. Julie ,\nn, 293

III:II:leio. t:milia Gom... les. 3..9 Ills. Waple Adam. 210. 212 Imp rd .. \lIen Warne. 94. 351 Ingalls: Rejo:;mc Ka), 291 Ingehruscn. Ann uah. 2i. 046Ingchrilscn. )allles Gonion. 83. 33:; Ingra"., Danan Ellis. 208 In ing, George Burton. 4i In ing. JO)' Darlcnc YocLq', 213 Ir,,'in. Kalhleen DofOtll}', 68. 301 h,,,·in. l\largol Ellen. 133.221. 297 lseri. Jan \'ul.:uo. 34:; lu:non. I)a,'id Stuarl, 268 Ivcrson. Ronald Willnd, 83, 316. 317 l\cl'!IOn. Sandra Sue. 94. 206 ha. Carole Lynn. 289

J Ja(~son. Rich:ml Warne. 21;7 Jacohs. IIrellt W .. 83. 340, 3'11 Jacohscn. Richart! T .. 3'1. 35. 68, 20i Jakomeil, Meh'in Frank. 319 j;UllC'!l. Jcrr), Callen. 93. 199,212.3.'19 JallouJ;Ck, Gar)' l)e,lll. 272

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