1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 344

Founded: Vilginia Milh"rj Institute,


;\eti,c Ch"ptel1l: 128 1II:.ho Chal'ter: Ilella Olilicron I'ou",kd l..ocall}: 191;;

Sigma Nu

'{j2.'G3, an outstanding tC1'1ll for the men of Sigma Nu , , , ASUI Exec Hoard member Fred \Varren is Outsl:mding Senior. Phil Rcberger. ASUI Public Relations DirecLOr , , , Ron Reed, one of two lIew ASUI Judicial Council nu.:ll1bers ... Blue Kcy Sigma Nus \Vanek Stein :tnd Fred \Varren emcee :lllllllal T:dent Show Sigma Nu rookies "Brothers 17" . .lunior-Senior Prom roars LO success with Ron Post as chairman, Phil Reberger replaces Wanek Stein on Athletic Board of Control .. t\lorgan, t\lahn. \Velch, and Giles wear the IK shield and helmet, C:l1'y ~lalll1 is treasurer, "Humblc" Rebergel' is third ye:lr campaign manager, and Ron Post is ncw V.P, of United Pany ., ROTC Superior Senior Cadet Awanl went to DOll Neil.

W.\:\"EK STEI:\"


K"....1i,,8, I,,/t 10 ri~",; Ron Real. Chaplain; Don Neil, Pledge Manilal: Wand, Sicin. Eminem Comrnander, l\rhec S"iu~r, Rush Chairman. Sf,,,,di,,~; Hob lIullock. Semincl: ,\Iee Robin!iOn, LiC'lllcnam Commander: Phil Rcbcrger, Alumni Conlact Officer; Cary MOrg;lll. Social Chainn:lll: UrCnl Jacobs, Tn:asun:r,


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