1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 241




FootbaH Summary


Nead Coach

The Idaho (oOlballers, a young [C<lll! with only [our seniors surprised ,I lot oC their opponents this year. Except for the final minutes of maJl)' g,ulles the Vandal record would have been much beucr than the 2-7-1 mark they recorded. High SPOlS of the season wcre wins o\'er Idaho Slate College and a highly favored Arizona eleven. The Vandals also played a great game in a losing effort against a powerful Utah squad. Idaho had the lead with only seconds to go when the Ulags opened up an unsLOppable air all<ICk. Idaho failS were disappointed when lhe Vandals 10Sl both gillnes lO thc MOlllillla schools, when Idaho was favored to itt least split the series. The "Battle of the ))alouse" was onc of the most exciting games of the year, as the Vandals fought through the Cougars as well as a snowstorm to tic lhe game with six minutes left. Again passing in the laSl minutes defeated the Vandals. Idaho figures to have a very strong team for the 1963 season as only four players were lost due to graduation-Joc Cramer, Larry Stachlcr, Bob Ames and Ron Kuhn. The most nOliceable effect of Idaho football was the enthusiasm lhal prcvailed lhroughout the yeilr. Coach Dee Andros and staff came to an almOSI incurable sillialion and in just one year instilled in the team. Sllldellts, alums and friends the kind of spirit that makes il winning football team. This spiril W<lS most noticeable in the laler part of the season and it looks like it has come to Idaho al last.

COACHli\"C ST.-\!'!'

Left 10 right: Dick Monroe. Line Coach; John EaslI::rbrook. lI"cl Coach: Ik"\: Andros. Head eo,"ch; SlC\C "'USSC:IlI, Dcfcnsi,e Goadl; :md Etlw;ml Rile)". Frosh Coach.


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