1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 210


The Young Republicans take an active interest ill their political p,lrty and work throughout the year with the Latah County Republicans. This group learns a working knowledge of national politics by participating III sevcral of their activities.

1/"". Olle: Susan

Lcc. ~'orl1la Fred'路icl.:. \Va\l'c Kidwell. Brenda Nissen. Janet Child. ROll" T,,'o: n"h Tncl.:er. Cal Howell. Garr Sellol1H1<In. Jamie ~Iorfilt. no!> Keller. Arlen ~r"rlC). lIenny I~lick.


In its second year of exislence at lhe Uni\'ersity. Phi Beta Lambda. a club for business education majors. has become very acti\'e on campus. Designed to acquaint members and illteresled persollS with the business field. the club distriblltes pamphlets to Idaho high schools and entering freshmen. No,," Olle: Jeannc Walscr. I);'lc Sehraufn;lgel.

Donna Kay Hamiel. I'resident; Donna I-br",an. Carol Merrick. NOll' '1''''0: Bruee Campbell. Mourinc Goslin. Barb3ra SUlcr. Sandi Snyder. Sandy I,路croon. R. M. Kt'SSCl. ;\lj\iscr.


U of I debaters. advised by Dr. A. E. Whitehead, tr'lveled throughout the Northwest anending and p'lrticipating in debates. Members of lhc debate teams came frolll debate class and any olher swdellls interestcd in forcnsics. 'lOl" Olle: nelS)' Wicl.:s. .\brjoric r('nlon. Chris Cool.:. CoII..'Cn Ward. Linda Bilhell. Nancy Grubb. Pat Malhency. Rf)l<' T",o: Dr. Whil('head. Da\"e Frazier. Dick Wehoh. Russell Keilhl)'. Riel.: Ik'Cl>c. Jim JohnslOll. Troy Smith. John Trail. Joe Websler. Mike S",ilh, Fr;nll.: I'cel.:. Fm:l McCalx.


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