1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 189

Public Relations This year marked the third ycar of effective operation by the ASVI Office of I'ublic Relations. The duties, responsibilities. and activities of this becllne well established under the capable leadership of j. Phi[ Rcbcrgcr. With the promotion of the University of Idaho as a primary goal, the office sponsored a luncheon for high school student body presidents: <l StlCcessful luncheon with the Board of Regents and the Executive Board; ,1I1 effective student recruitmCIll program: a tour of the University campus for the members of the state legislawre ,nul hosted by outstanding students: and several other effective programs. 1


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J. Phil Rebergcr succeeded Carl ncrr)' as l'ul.>lic Re· laliolls Director with grc;tt e:tpahilities and a reali· lalio1l of the need for the Uni'·crsil)' of Idaho to pr<>' mOle itself:ls:lll ontst;l!lliing inslitttlioll of learning.

Gar)' Mal", and Marlene )-'inncy "'orkcd diligentlr as ch"irmen of the Student Rl"CrtJillJlcnt I'rogr;un.



The University of Idaho was verr proud to be represented br Ste'·c Merlan. Burton HUlIler. George ,\lbcrls, and Bill Sivcr!r 011 the Gcnenl [lcelTic Collegc l\.owl in New York City.


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