1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 167

University Singers

The Uni\'ersit) Singers. under the able direction of Mr. ~ortn;1Il Logan. meet twice weeki),. The group is open to all who enjoy singing and all are welcomed. The Singers gi\"c an annual concert each F.dl Semester and alwa)s perform during the Mother's Dar \Veckcnd. This )C:ll' thc)' sang sclcctions from "I~rigadoon" for the annual Mar Fete and then finished OUl the }car by gi,'ing a joint colleen Wilh the University Concert 8:1I1(1.

'I lie LTnhcl"ljil) <:iingcrs added 111:11 "utra tOllch" to the M;l)' Fete br filling the air wilh swCt't

t1l11,io: 10 blend ;11 perfectl)' with the fragr;mcc of the tn,lIly flowers.

llin:nor ;'\orman Logan taIls "-;Ih tome: of his U路Sillgcl"$ afl.::r Ihroir annual ('Iening C"I1Cr'rt.


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