1961 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 59 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 305

Top Seniors KAREN STEDTFElD. "Stetson" is now studying in FrMce os one of the three Idoho students to win Fulbright scholarships lost yei'lL It wos 0 fitting end to II fruitful four yaMS for the oetive brunette from K<'lppll Koppo Gamma. As senior doss secretory. United Party vice-president Md compoign rnllnoger, student reo cruitment district choirmM, United Porty vice-president, intercollegiote deboter. and <'l member lind orgMizer of coordiMtion council. she wos active in the A5UI. As tr605urer of Mortor Boord. member of Pi Gllmmo Mu, Phi Koppo Phi, Phi 8eto Kopp<'l, lind Theto Sigmo Phi "Heodliner," she WllS octive in orgonizllfiom. She IIlso won the WRA golf chornpionship her sophomore yeof, and served on numerous committees in her house, while m~intoining ~ 3.7 gr~de point ~ver~ge.

SHERMAN SNOW. When something needs to be done. Sherm will pitch right in ond see the t~sk through to the end. An ex· tremely cop~ble individuol he beg~n his four yeors by being pledge c1~ss president ~t the Sigmo Nu Froternity. Also in his freshmen yeor he served the freshmen footb~1I end b~sketb~1I te~ms os men~ger. Membership in schol<lstic honorMies in· c1uded Alpho Zeto Md Phi K<lpp<l Phi serving ~s Alpha Zeto vice· president. He ottended the University under 0 Union Pocific Roilrood scholorship.

MARGARET A. lATKO. An exuberMt brunette from Gommo Phi Beto. Morgoret wos elected Associated Women Students president in her senior yeor. ,nd was octive in the ~dvoncement of AWS policies on com pus. The AWS presidency ended on octivity.strewn four years ot college. os she looked bock on por· ticipotion in the Gem ond Argonout. Frosh Orientotion. Holly Week. Extended Boord. United Coucus. ond Election Committee. She wos 0 member of VMdaleers Md wos elected secretory of thot orgMizotion. An ex-officio member of the Executive Boord, she served on the C"lendor Committee. Md the Women's Dis· ciplin<'!rY Committee in conjunction with her ASUI octivities. In her living group. she wos stMdords choirmon. octivities choirman and song leoder.

LLOYD TAYLOR. "Red" Toylor wos 0 dissenter, ond thot is how he would like to be remembered. He wos elected to the Executive Board on 0 "no-porty" slote. lIppeoling to the mosses for support. which he received. He mode news during his junior yeor os 0 lellder in the fight to block the Student Union Building lIddition. He wos 1I member in Phi Eto Sigmll, Sigmo TlIu. ond the AlEE. ond mllintllined 0 3.1 grllde foint overage in electriClll engineering. A four·yeM resident 0 Willis Sweet holl he served os choirmon of VMious committees during his residence.


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