1960 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 58 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 152


Young Republicans Highlights of this year were the R epublican victory of the campus nonpa rtisan Mock Political convention when Vice Preside nt N ixon was named as the p residen tial ca nd idate a nd H ouse l\Iinority leader H allack was named vicepreside ntial ca ndidate. And the visits of various spea kers such as Sena tor D worsha k also added to the year. Plans were made for an active campaig n in conjunction with the Latah County R epublicans next fall. R ow one, left to right-Lon Woodbury, Char路 lotte Martell, J oau Berdahl, Doroth y Baldridge. R ow two- J eannie Rau , Karen Bell, J an Garri 路 son, Sheri Linn, Pat Stanger, Yol anda Lewan路 dowict. R ow three- J udy T racy, Judy Aldape, Kathy Seely, Na ncy Vosika. R ow four-Larry Harvey, Fred Decker, Arnold Ayers, Gerry Jones, Dave Wallace.

Vontlol Riders T hese members of the Vanda l Riders e njoy riding for pleasure but they also ta ke a n active part in com petitive rodeos in the region.

R uw one, left to 1路ight- Gl en Woodall, J im Swain. R ow two- Bob Redmond, Howard Stutzman, Mary Wishard, Belly Keith, Larry Holmquist. R ow three- Terry Martin, Orv ille Sears, Bob Monroe, Brock Li vi ngston, Klova Beck, Fores t I Iall, Adv isor .

Agronomy Club The Agronom} C lub became a charter member of the America n Societ y of Agronom y this year. T hey also pla nned Ag Scie nce Day, a spring picnic a nd had various guest spea kers in agricul ture a nd reia ted fi elds.

R ow one, left to right- Dwayne Westfa ll, Bob Raab, Stan Lehm an, Lo n r.rcConnel, Gary Steiner, Alfred Slinkard, G. 0 . Baker , Clarence Seely, Lambert Eri kson. Row two- Roger Ha rder, j ack Chugg, J erry Croissa nt, Uyron T homas, Ed Pena, J an McKend ri ck, Dave Kunkel, Rulon Chandler, Marshall Pri te hen . R ow three-Neil Sam pson, Step hen ll agen, J anes Post, Charles Swenson, Dale Hansen, Charles Beasley, Stan Albee, Bill Crea, H arvey Douer, Donald McLeod, An hur Royce.





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