1960 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 58 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 148

Chemicol Engineers ~ Iembership in this group i open to all tuden ts enrolled in Chemical Engineering. The club helps the students get better acquaimed with their chosen field and other chemical engineering majors.

Row o11e- Eldon Harwood, Gilbert Dunn , Brian 1\fechel, ll arold F.. Gimpel, Stanley Dean Larson, Bill Collins. David ~ l arch, Roy Catherevs. Row two-Gerry Jones, Doug Anderson, H ospodove Roberto. Ceorge Van Densen, Edward Le hmith. R. C. John son , l.eo llansen, Tom O'Coanor, Durward Stolp. Conrad Reitt, Robert i\fcCarten, Don Cabbe, Bob Kell er, Ch uck Eckery.

Mechonicol Engineers The tudcnt branch of the American ociety of fechanical Engineers augment and implements the activities of the national organitation on a local basis.

~ddie Rail ey. Gene Baxter, i\lr. Norgord, Hob llend erson. Cary ;\forgan, Moyle llraithwaitc, Darrel Dorath y, Wes ley 13ucha nan. /tow two- Dick Rice, Paul King, Gera ld Carpenter, Jim Boyd, Don Man so r, Sam Clendenin, !lob Yearsley, Don Freshwater, Jim l'atlOn, Gerald Rohwei n.

Row o11e- Craut Anderson ,

Automotive Engineers The purpo e of this organization i in form all engineer !.tudents of recent developmems made in the field of transportation. ~ Jembcrship in this group is open to all wdems enrolled in the College of Engineering. to

Row one- i\1r. n arnes. Stan ;\lakowski. Ernest Simpson, Karl Allen, Cary Spaherg. Cary Dau. i\foyle Braithwaite, Cary t\forgan, J im Pauen. Row two- Richard Rice. Stanl ey Fuller, llarlan Vandenbark. John 13aJ..er. Richard i\fcCool, Jim Child. Don Fre>hwater, .\rn old Eidan.



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