1960 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 58 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 145

Pon Hellenic Made up of the president and ruslf chairman from each sorority, Pan H ellenic works with the Dean of Women to formulate rush policies. A workshop and an officers' training meeting was held to acquaint all members wi th the duties of an efficient Pan Hellenic Council.



Row oue-C retchen Sparks, Claudene Kuch , JO}CC Liuleton, l\lrs. Neely, Kay Sommers, Frankie Lisle, Gay Ttt· son. Row two-Carol Pederson. :\'anC) Beach, \laril)n ~loorcs, ~largie Row· lands, Louise \'andenbarl., Nancy Oud, Irene Scon, Ann Becker, Linda Gat· lin. Row tlu·ee-Myrna Inghram, D i· ana Dodds, Kay Bozarth, Gay Graham, Sandra Summerfield, Jan .\lden, ~anc) \\' ilmuth.

Junior Pon Hellenic This group composed of two freshman rcpre~entatives from each sororit) works to promote better relations between sororit) freshmen and to help maintain a high standard of conduct for freshman women. Junior Pan Hellenic members aided Pan H ellenic in fall rush orienta· tion this year.



flow one- Pegg) Clark. Td01a Lee Moore, Jayne Spri nt;er, Lynne pt inger, ~anc) Frost, Judy Libbey. Row twoUobbie Slaughter, Katll}' ~l cNichols, Barbara Blair, Kath y Thompson, Ja)ne Anderson, Linda Lewin. Row three Joyce Li ulcton, Eleanor t ' nticker, J udy Dennler, Sharon ~filler. Linda Engle, Nanc) :\'e,cux, Bette \'i(ker· mann.


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