1959 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 57 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 340

Wilson, Willard Lee ..•................. 243 , 253,302 Winton, Wayne Robert .............................. 302 Winzeler, Don ~ ······-···········~·······-···· 12 3, 314 Wisdom, Allen Lee ··················-················· 123 Wisdom, Harold Walter ............................. 276 Wise, Royce Allen ........................................ 302 Wishard, James Clifford .................... 166,324 Witt, Donald Ray ........................ 121 , 241, 314 \'<foelfel, Lorna Louise .................. I l l , 236, 324 Wohletz, Barbara Joan ................ 105 , 268,314 Wolschlegcl, Robert Odell .......................... 117 Wolf, Wendell Corry .•................ 156, 208,314 Wolfley, Sally Gene .............................•.•...... 3 5 Wolford, David Geer ··--············-····- 137, 324 Wommack , James Elmer .............• 121 , 246, 302 Wonser, Gail Pauline -······························· 150 Wood, Catherine Ann .......................... 152, 380 Wood, Clifford Harlow ................................ 121 Wood, Cora Jean ..•..••.••.........••.......•..•........•. 150 Wood, John Madsen ...................• 127, 244, 314 Wood, Lola Jeannine .................. 109, 236, 324 Wood, Stillman Wayne ........................ 160, 314


Wood, Marie Louise .................... I OJ, 248, 324 Woodall, Parker Glenn ........ 173 , 208,220, 324 Woodbury, George Wallis ............................ 302 Woodbury, Laurence Orlo .......................... 25 3 Woods, Mary Margaret ........................... .. 113 Woods, Nancy Ann .........................••.. 99, 303 Woodward , Donald Ellis .............. 121,244, 303 Woody, Bruce Glenn .................................... 119 Woolverton, Gary Franklin .......... 139,231,235,242,324 Worley, William Judd ........................ 115,314 Wright, Bruce Robert ............. 162, 249, 303 Wright, Dianne Maureen ........................... 97 Wright, Gary Earl .............................. 144, 314 Wright, Gary Lee ........................................ 141 Wright, Jay .................................................. 249 Wright, James Reuben ................ 137, 268, 314 Wright, Sandra Lee ........................ 61, 152, 303 Wubker, Warren William .................... 119, 324 Wyatt, David Richard ................ 117,244, 314 Wyatt, Frank Leopold ................ 119, 211,314 Wyckoff, Martha Halla •............................... I 07 Wylie, Marilyn Aldene ........................ 113, 3 24


Yarrell, Sheila Ann ··········-·······- 101,247,324 York, Marie Alice ........................................ 154 Yost, Donald Albert ............................ 137, 314 Young, Laurence Dean ·················-····· 121,303 Young, Linda Ann --··-··········-···-······ 103,324 Young, Robert Reese ····-·········-···-··· 137,241 Young, Virgcl ············-·················-····· 160, 3 0 3 Youngstrom, Mary Elizabeth -···--··-- I 11, 3 24 Yount, Barbara Eleanor Barry ·····-····· 109,303

z Zabel, Edwina Leigh ··-········ Ill, 240,248,252 Zajanc, Marlene Gay ............................ 15 4, 3 0 3 Zenier, Kathryn Berry 70,89 , 99,225,227,238,303 Zimmermann, Jack Frederick ...•..•..••• 164, 324 Zinn , Emmett Lee ........................................ 121 Zitlav, Yvonne .•.......................................... I 52 Zuberbuhler, Rudolph ............................... 129 Zwitter, Ronald Paul ······-···· 12,195,208, 324

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