1959 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 57 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 257

The Roger Williams Club is made up of the Baptist students on campus. Besides their regular study meetings, they hold coffee hours at the Campus Christian Center. Row onr: B. Rowe, Marilyn !iustier, Mrs. Roger Ka11c, Diane Kane, Colene Peirsol, Andrew Robinson. Row two: Roger Kane, R. I I. Moorzan, Stan Johnson, Willard Wilson, Jerry Cowder.

Canterbury I louse, the Episcopal Student Center on campus is always open for study, worship, and recreation. Mid-week services of Holy Co m m u n i o n every Wednesday arc followed by a breakfast, and Sunday suppers with discussion groups are held throughout the year. Cant<rbury welcomes all Episcopol students and their friends. Membership: Robin Merrell, Bill Cady, Margaret Cady, Bob Stevenson, Nancy Lamb, Carol Davison, Gary Man,路ille, Diane Rudolph. Mrs. Imogene Walcott, Pat Moore, Ray Moore, Lorry Woodbury, Nels Moller, Rev. Flcchearty, Art Lindcmcr, Dave Rose.


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