1955 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 53 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 105

Flying (Jub The Flying Club is for men who want to learn how to fly. Many of the members are alrc:ldy pilots, but all arc interested In learning more about aViation. Pic''''N kf. '" ri&h' ar.-Jim B~r...... Funk TwcNy. Corky V'''sh., P~1f McConndl. Ikn Zimmtrly, Norm '«'iloon. Ricky Jonn.

Ski (Jub The rolling Palouse Hills provide wonderful ski areas for members of the Ski Club. Members discuss mutual ski pbns and plan trips together. Row O<>-J....... Tin.o, WSyM Y.... nl. Bryln, Sather, IUM Coulur, ElilloGr JOhAto<>, Shirley Byrne. Ouyl lku., 1"'11.... In.n., JIM' 1010>1'" Ihrbon Hlmk•• Pu Webb. PI' Nanct. Row Two-Mel B,Yln., Ray ~by, Ellio. Lilh" Edw.rd K•.,.,.. John L..... Their. Cook.

5...... Robuuon, John Connrll, HoI,e G',Dum, D..rd A,m$non,. K,,;,h Sp<nc<r, eh.. l., TOle. Row Th,nTed Pc,crKlIl, Ed JOholOo, Kcn Trucwdl, Bob l"lillyu, Ernie Ego". M..1in Jon~ •. Bill Cooh, Will"d Child., Bob Col •. I'.,~ Os'.. nd.r. D.... in~ Griffith. Ri.h.rd CI.mmon•.

Attic (Jub Attic Club, thc art and architecturc club has once a month mcetings. It is famous for its card parties and the auctions of art. Ro.. One--Ron T.n. M.l ..in Mui •• B,II O<tr.nd~ •• 8ud Duffy. Bob 8"'sl•• , judy Flomor, K.. h.rin~ Push. K.y lemon•• Sh'r1~y Bo1inSb.ok., Gil.... Ro.. Two-l.rRoy And.roo". I"'.ul 81.",on. Jim Nol.n. Porry 1.«. j.ck Kidd. 8.. b,.. And ....". Cnhy Fing• .,ld. EIl.n H"lin. Loi. judd, "",I;gi" K..u,•. lIi1ly Jon .., Loy.r H,lI, !.ind. le.... Ro... Thrrr-L.)·n. H.hn. Bill Kim, D....in Quo. Du.n. Shinn. P.pptr 'l),7hi'rnbu.s, D.... P.n. Mr. Dorq;hIY. Dun!.p. John '«'.n.m.k.r. Ro.. FOIlr-O.... J);ck Phd .... B...... CaI"iI!. Ca ••011 Arw,krwn, j.rry Schnd.nun, Rich..d G .....ford. Bill I.vino, IXnnr Ambr...... ""leolm F,,,$!. j ..k T ...... R.lph AlI~y, FI'ftI ShopI'. J...y R.n.ink. kOS',. Spihr.




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