1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 282

Th. Hom. Eo 9ir1ll ch.mpLon.d the c ...... of Be.n So"p .hloo ,.ar b, pop"lal"la_ Ln\l It _Lth at..., n._ .....1"'".

Art and A"",h.i • ..,.u... faculty mambo... AWltin Kilian. CI.,ton P _ . Robo" O ...l.nd, Mary Kirlo-ood. Theoodo Priche.rd, Arnold Weet.l"Iund. and ",ohn N ...in 'IT out .n. department'a na_ fumitu Po.....,. c t - vi_ ••udente of tn. m_hlne_end·mlnd _ a chan... to c....t. artlat1c proclucte ..Jth thalr ...... da.


Orivinal dMlg.... lor all typM of co .....ruction .... dra_n ..Jth tacit· nical aceul'M:Y 10, a.udant ....,.h.itaetll _ho -orlo lor beautJ' .nd practi_ calItJ' ••• Norm TiIlJ' .. plal .....n. _orll of h1a ....... In d" plannln\l to o.har ....,.h.it..,tu... atudante _ho -orload on tltla cl_ Pl"Oj.ct.

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