1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 19

H a r low Campbell Educational Field Service

R . S . Oibba Director of Information

L ee F . Z immerman Llbrorl<m

J a m es L . Lyle, Jr. Alumni Secretary

University purchasing is centralized for efficiency, and the man in charge is the purchasing agent, L. C. Warner. He has purchased new equipment for the Student Union and has worked out specifications and done research for the cafe, auditorium, bowling alleys, and the kitchen. Director of physical education and athletics, George Greene, has the big job of coordinating the many fields of physical education. Warner H. Cornish, family housing director, fills a position which is comparatively new on the Idaho campus. Married students are aided by Mr. Cornish in finding housing on or near the campus. Idaho's emphasis on a worthwhile research program of value to industry and business uncovers useful information that is handled by L. C. Cady, executive secretary of the research council. The problem of housing university students is that of director of dormitories, James Bowlby. The assigning of rooms in all men's and women's dormitories is done through this office. Over 800 freshmen took six tests this year. In charge of this was Clair L. Woodward, psychometrist. He also had a big job of getting grades to advisors by the time of enrollment. University Field Agent Guy Wicks makes trips throughout the state as a representative of the university, contacting annually thousands of high school students .

D . D. D uSault Registrar

L. C. Warner

G eorge W . G reene

Purchasing Agent

Director of Physical Education

Warn er H. Corn ish Family Housing Director

L . C . C ady F.xeculivo Secretary

J ames Bowlby Direclor a( Dorrnitorien

Cla ir L . Woodward Psychomelrist

Ouy W icks Field Age nt


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