1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 281

E. J O HI)AN ll.S.(Ed.); Uo nrttro ~'trr> ll i~h School: l d<tho C lub; P ertchinf( ll i Ot" 1-2: ~1i nor u l " Club 2-34; l'tm Cluh 3-4; T r nn i• 1-2-3-1; lla•k<th all l.


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B.S. ( Ed .): \l o"""" lli'h School: lli' h H .,.. on 3; .. . ,. C lu h: \1 innr .. , .. Club.

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Sc•h o<JI; A lplcn

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U.A. (,\ r t ); C l.-tlond. Ohio; "T ' Club: \l inor '"r" C lu h : 8 o1inf( 1-2·3·'· P ac-ifir Coa~t Champion 3. '\ a tional Cull~1iate Cham· pion ' ·


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ll.S. ( M u•.Ecl .): lloise High Sch ool; College o r Ida h o; Al1>h a Ph;: Hi ~ h Uo n ors 1-2-3; K apva D eh a P i 4 : West min&t e r Guild; r n . tf'rnational ltela 1ions; T reble C le f.

J o u' K A ' TJAS O.S. ( llu•.) : P o tla tch lli« b School; Id ah o Cl u b; \lt,hA K appa P&i? Pre~i dent.

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O.S.(A Rr.); Cn•t·nM 7.<:t u; AK C luh.


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O.S.( Ed.) ; Suint M nrir• lliRh Sdu>ol; Alphn Pili ; K n pfll' D eltu Pi 2; C u r t n iu . Vi<'e Presid ent 4: 2: T np f' nud T crJ)I'; Ort:he~lru I ; Uu ivc rAil y S iuK<"rf': J tutio r Atl"itct u nt O irC'rtor ; ustn f;f' Ont)rn: "Sh e S tt)t) f)"' 10 CHuqucr."

R o n HRT F:tf~f: ~n~ Kf~ ' '' " H~

O.S. ( \I trh.E. ): Jloi~ lli,h Srhool: Willi•

S ,. ttt ll a ll: lliR I ~<•t ll ono-. 1-2·3-1: Pbi Eto

Si,ma: Si-ma Tau: \ A~ialt"tl En. inf'tn: \ .S. \1 .J._: .• St"f'rttar) -T rtallurtr ': II all TreaJl· urtr ' · Prf',.idf'nl l.

J o u' S. Kut.::u-a ll.S. ( llu•. Ecl .) ; Sai nt M nrie• ll i~h Sdutol; S ig run Chi; Phi Mu t\l ph u; Vu nda leerA 1 -2·:~ .. 4; Juni or Cln~~ S.-rrn,.tle C h oir uueu .

li'. K A I'I•:K II .S.( Uu•.) : North CenLral High Sch ool, S J>O· k a nt'. Wa~ hing t o n ; T au Ka1)pa Epsilo n; U a nc..l 1·2-3: l Jnl,•ers it y S inger8 2·3.

s, .. t et.. x H . P ll " ' U.i\.: Uoi<e HiRb Sch ool; K ap pa Si~ma; \ lph a T he ta Delta: PershinR Ri fles; l n ter<"OIIe,::iate K nisbts. Junior Kni&h t; Blue K e); l n ter(ra l trn it ) Council; Ben ch an d Bar: AI. pfta Phi Chi. Secretar) -Treasurer 3; G em 2. 3: B a~ball \l a na~e r l; Prosr a m Co mmiu te Choeirman. J u n ior Week: Uo u &e Pre11iden t 4.


Jl.S.( Iluo.) ; Durley Hi Rh Sch ool; Willi• S weet II a ll.

J oH-:K E. K s , \\ORT u Y B.A.: \l o..-o" Jl i'h School; K appa K appa Gamma. ll ou&e President 4: SpurS: Xe"" ma n Cl ub: Women'a ""I ' ' Cl ub; O r ch u t ra 1: C ern l : \r1onaut 1: Bl ue B ucket 2: Pa n hellenic Counril :l-1; W. ,\.t\. J-2-3-4: W.A.A., Secr~ t ar> 3.

Tuo R 11. K.Ju•.SCAARD Jl.S.( Geol.) ; Inko m High School: Campuo CluJ.; AK80<'hlled J\1iners, Preside nt ; lndepcntl e nt Cau c u 11.


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