1941 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 39 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 69

Howell Taylor Sennett S. Taylor David J. Thornas B.S.(Bus.); Moscow High School; B.S.(Bus.); Mullan High School; B.S.(Bus.); W allace High School; Pasadena Junior College; Delta W il.is Sweet Hall; Bench and Bar; Sigma Nu; Intercollegiate Knight Chi. Independent Council 1-2; Chair· Junior K nigh~ Pershing Rifles; man Junior W eek 3; C hairman Scabbard a nd Blade. Dad's Day.

Wayne Thornu Glen Thorne Isabel Tigert B .S. (A<;~r.); Paul High School: U.l. B.S.(Agr.): Rockland Hiqh School; B.S.(H.Ee.): Soda Springs High S.B .: Idaho Club; High Honors 3: L.D.S. House; Lambda Delta Sig· School; Forney Hall; Spur; Home Lambda Delta Sigma; Ag C lub ma, President 3; Ag Club: Per· Ec Club 1-2-3-4; Westminster 2-3-4. shing Rilles. Guild 1-2; A.W.S. Council 2-3.

Julia Titua

B.S.(Zool.): Pocatello High School: U.l.S.B.: Alpha Chi Omega; W . A.A.; University Singers 3; A.W . S. Council 4.

Farrel Jamoa Tovey

B.S.(Bus.); Malad High School: Campus Club: Pep Band Show: Junior Week Chairman of Mixer; Vandale!tes 2 .

Robert Tucker B.S.(Geol.); Orofino High School; Campus Club; Associated Miners.

Harlan N . Tulley Pershing E. Vance Sylvia Vanderford B.S.(For.); Moscow High School: B.S.(For.); Mountam Home High B.S.(Comrn.Ed.): Aberdeen High Tau Kappo Epsilon; Idaho For· School; Tau Kappa Epsilon; Idaho School; U.l.S.B.; Pi Beta Phi. esters. Foresters 3-4; Foresters Ball Chair· mtJn 4.

Everett J . VanSlyke Jack Verran H arry A. Vogt B.S.(Agr.): Caldwell High School; B.S.; Idaho Falls High School; B.S.(For.); Eagle High School; College of Idaho; Lindley Hall; Northwestern University; Ph1 Tau Kappa Epsilon; Idaho Fo r· Highest Honors 2-3; Delta SigmaGamma Delta. este rs; Managers' Club; Minor Rho; Debate 2; Interchurch Count "!" Club; Argonaut 3. cil4.

T ed Wadaley B. S . (Chem.E.); Kellogg High School; Kappa Sigma; Associated Engineers; A. I.Ch.E.; Idaho Engi · neer 1·2-3, Editor 4.

Harry Wakefield J ack Walton B.S.(Agr.); Moscow High School. B.S.(Bus.); Moscow High School.

Jack Ward Margaret Ann Ward B .S . (Chem.E .); Moscow High B.S.(Mus.Ed.); Boise High School; School; Phi Delta Theta. Boise Junior College; Alpha Chi Omega; Sigma Alpha Iota; Van· daleers_2-3·4.


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