1941 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 39 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 173

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DELTA DELTA DELTA Delta Delta Delta pledges are still digging on their swimming pool. Hard workers. Rapid risers in the sorority world, they're destined to go places.

Aylor Burford Gouyd Knoles Schneider

Ayres S. Clorl< Hollmon Kountz Simo

Bidne V. Clark Havens

Morrell A. Thompoon

eriQQI Dlll!nqham Heath Mullin N. Thompoon

Brunger Er!ckeon Hiller Mulroney Tucker


Hillman Norris White

M ..bel Ay.-.o

Hoolr.tns S..ad Woodworth

SENIORS Eda Hillman Orela Hook!ns

Cathertne Brunger

Alice Gaskill Eltyne Hallmon Foy Hiller

Mabel Ayers

Olive Bidne Lucy Adele DIIUnoham

Elizabeth Brlqqs Morllyn Burford Shirley Clerk

Virginia Clark Dorothy Erickson Nellah Mae Howe

Paulino Bulkley Merle Havens

Ruth Merle Knolea Margaret Ann Kountz Manne Mulroney

V!rqlnle Aylor

Elizabeth Morrell S..rbara S..bln

JUNIORS June Gouyd Merlan Heath

Key Schneider

SOPHOMORES Alta Mae Mullin Carolyn Norris Charlotte Saad

Norma Thompeon Ioyce Tucker VIrginia Young

FRESHMEN Helen Sims Anne Thompson


Nancy White Kathleen Woodworth

President Howe S..bln Young

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